in the fucking morning?/ braeden l.

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warnings: slightly intense make out🥴😉
"hey cole, i actually have to tell you something" you told your best friend of 20 years gaining his attention, "yea, what's wrong?" he asked concerned by your facial expression changing into something serious. "i-i really really like you" you blurted covering your mouth after making him blush but yet confused "i like you too" he said smiling but then went back on his phone. "y-you do?" you found yourself excited, like you wanted to shower him with kisses and let the whole world that cole preston is yours only, "yea, you're such a good friend and amazing at everything" he said explaining making you feel sad. wow you just got friend zoned by your own crush, "friend? friend. huh, im gonna go, i uh kinda got bored" you said getting off his roof while he just nodded still staring at his phone, you sighed and left. no hug, no handshake, not even a glance, just uncomfortable silence. you left texting braeden asking if he knew why cole was so interested in his phone, but he said he'd rather call you than text you for that especially since he knew how you felt about braeden. "hello? hey brae so what's it about cause we didn't do anything new we just saw the stars and we didn't even talk and im like confused becau-" "he's talking to someone" he said cutting you off, you felt like there was a million knifes being stabbed to your heart. "y/n you okay?" he asked but you were fighting the tears that were begging to fall down and hit anywhere, "uh, no. im walking by myself just to go home but yet the person im in love with is texting some other girl, like will he text me when he's bored or what?" you let all the tears fall out "youre what! what the fuck cole would always take you home, stay where you're at, im gonna pick you up first than dylan to talk some sense into him, dont get me wrong im happy he's happy but letting you go home by yourself, especially wait what time is it. hold on what the fuck cole at fucking 1:45 in the fucking morning fuck no im coming right now and head straight to cole's" you felt yourself smile at the thought of someone caring for you.
a few minutes passed by like 5 or 7 and braeden was ther was there. "hey..." you said as he looked at what you were wearing but noticing that your makeup was running down and your eyes were puffy. you were also wearing shorts with a tank top. at fucking 1:52 am. so he got out the car and hugged you as you broke into tears "im really gonna fuck him up. hold on stay here" he said breaking the hug, heading towards the back, "you know we dont have to go and tell cole anything, i havent ate so lets get some food?" you asked as took a sweater out and hands it to you. "why?" you asked confused you werent that cold, "because i want you to stay warm" he whispered blushing. it was cute, how bright the moon shined and reflected every feature on his face, showing the tint of blush. "you're cute" you blurted but immediately got red making him smile and blush, "i am so sorry i didn't mean for it too come out. i was just thin-" you were cut off by soft lips being smushed against you. you liked it actually no you loved it, the kiss started turning into a make out, making braeden grab you by the waist and push you softly against the car as you wrapped you arms around his neck. he started kissing your jaw then your neck leaving small purple-reddish marks making you want to moan, "braeden"
you whispered in his ear kissing his neck as well. "mhm" he said looking for your sweet spot until you gripped on his hair once he kissed it, makimg him suck it leaving a hickey. you guys pulled away, lips plumed and red, panting for air, just looking at each other's eyes filled with lust but was ruined from you laughing. "im sorry, its aha just so funny how i complained about cole than made out with you" making him blush at everything that had happened but laughed cause it's true, "how about you put the sweater on, we go get some food, and finish what we started." he said smiling as you nodded your head and kissed him one more time. "wait what time is it?" you asked "2:45" he said surprised "IN THE FUCKING MORNING" you somewhat shouted making braeden laugh.
idk what to say but 1k READES HOLY GAZEBOS🤡 thanks for reading all these crappy one shots🥺 i might be making more one shots but with instead of it being one shots ✨thanks for reading tho🤍
stay safe

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