༻bubble gum༺

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cole preston (3.8k words)
warnings: hickies
a/n: in this story for the sake of it lol clairo hadn't wrote bubble gum or her verse in ayby, i love her and her music tho! so credits go all to her for making bubble gum and her verse in ayby and all of her other songs :) also i made a tumblr @crazydolns (i'll be posting drafts that dont make it to the story or even stories published :)
(vote if you want:))
"here we have the band wallows" said the interviewer as you guys waved to the camera, "im braeden lemasters" dylan said making you guys laugh, "i'm dylan minette" braeden said, "im cole preston" you said "and im the fabulous y/n y/l/n" cole said making you all laugh. "okay so we're here cause of your most viral song uhm- 'are you bored yet?' what is the song about?" asked the interviewer, "well ask y/n, she came up with all of the lyrics" dylan said as the boys nodded, "well not really-" you said but got cut off "what do you mean 'not really'? y/n you literally came into the recording room late at night and called us to hear the demo" braeden said as you laughed turning a light shade of red "well braeden, we kinda all did cause you guys literally helped re-phrase the whole lyrics" you said as the interviewer laughed. "well y/n, dont be shy tell her what the song is about" cole said making you look at him shocked. "um well the song of are you bored yet? is about being in a relationship with someone for a really long time and you fear you or the other person is getting bored of the relationship...lyrically" you said as the interviewer smiled, "well y/n were you in a relationship like that?" she asked as you and the boys chuckled. "uh no, ive never been in a relationship, so its kinda ironic how i wrote a song about being bored in the relationship when i never expirenced one before. not even a first kissed" you said shyly as the lady nodded "wait you've never had your first kiss?, whys that?"  the interviewer asked "im not sure why, everytime i had the chance i would want to take it, the boy even said when it was the perfect moment but i always hesitated then after a good fun day i was about to leave his house and it couldve been my first kiss there but i told him goodnight until he ignored me for about two months?" you said as the lady felt bad "oh no, im so sorry" the lady said as you smiled shaking your head,"no dont be, maybe it was for the best, either way i wrote a song but thats all i could say but anyways the demo for are you bored yet was also partcially from cole, one of his friends spilled wine all over his computer" you said as the boys and lady laughed.

"so y/n" the lady said getting you nervous, "thats me" you said as everyone chuckled. "we heard or figured out you had a crush on a little someone" she said as you looked at her nervously, dylan and braeden looked at eachother as cole looked at you shocked, "oh psh what are we? in first grade?" you tried playing it off, "yea supposedly its one of your bandmates" she said more as you felt a little angry for not getting the hint. "WHAT?" cole semi shouted making you and the boys laugh, "lucky you we dont know who" said the lady as you felt alittle relieved but that got washed away as cole was the single one in the band. "i guess so" you said as you looked at cole who has been staring at you, "uh yea well he must be lucky cause i mean look at you!" she said as you blushed seeing on their wall pictures and videos of you playing. "oh wow" you mumbled seeing how much youve changed, then you got a message on your phone. "can we take a break really quick i need to use the restroom" you said as they all agreed and took a quick break. you went immedietly to the womens room.

cole: you like me?

y/n: no big deal.

cole: kinda is '-'

y/n: well not really cause we did things, turns out we couldnt handle it

cole: explain

y/n:  nevermind, theyre just feelings?

cole: yea jUsT fEeLiNgS i dont believe you.

y/n: whatever.

cole: hurry we're closing the interview by singing the song live!

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