⚠️1995/ pt 2⚠️

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warnings: nasty nasty 😉 maybe a bit choking lol😅😉😉
songs listened to while writing this: none🥲 nvm i listened to positions by ariana grande, woman by harry styles, wonder by shawn mendes, drag me down by 1 d :(, do i wanna know by arctic monkeys, no control by 1d, carolina by harry styles, fluorescent adolescent by arctic monkeys
"luuuke not here" you said as he kissed your neck, "why not? no one could see us" he said as he pouted and you chuckled "how about we go to that one spot?" you asked and he smiled widely grabbing your hand and poofed out of there, appearing at the garage. "follow me" you told luke as he nodded biting his lips and followed you, holding your hand. "lay down" he whispers in your ear and you did "take off your shirt" he whispered again, pulling the hem of your shirt then proceeds to run his fingers up and down your chest then stomach. "we have to be quiet" you whispered to him since especially the garage isnt your guys anymore but julies. "YOU have to be quiet not me" he smirked at you getting on top of you and taking of his shirt, you ran your fingers through his abs then place you hands on his chest as he kissed your lips. "are you okay with this?" he asked as you nodded "wait if you-nevermind are you fine with this?" you looked into his eyes and he blushed "y-yea" he said and kissed your neck, grabbing your waist pulling you closer, and started kissing your lips, rougher proceeding to give it a slight bite. he softly placed you down and stopped kissing you, he started unbuttoning your pants while staring into your eyes, he started slowly pulling them down, "luuuke hurry" you complained as he smiled in victory. he kissed your neck, giving it a small mark on a visible place, he then started going down, you started closing your eyes enjoying the feeling he was giving you. then he got to your panties, "sadly we have to rip these off" he said then ripped them off "luke what the fu-" you got cut off by him licking your folds, you grabbed some of his hair as he started licking you faster. "fuck luke" you moaned but then covered your mouth, rolling your eyes. while licking you he entered two fingers inside of you, "fuck me luke please" you begged as he started eating you out and pumping the fingers in and out of you "not yet babe" he said then went back into eating you out. "fuck y/n youre so wet" he said as he stopped eating you but only left his fingers inside going in and out. "y/n? are you here?" said julie you looked at luke who only had a devilish smirk on his face, making his fingers go in a slow pace "uhm yea i-im here" you said trying hard not to sound like youre getting finger fucked by the boy she happened to have this huge ass crush on, "o-oh uhm where?" she asked looking around so you got up quickly forgetting your shirt "up here haha im just looking for a shirt" you told her grabbing the nearest one "isnt that lukes?" she asked as luke went faster "shi- um probably when we were alive, i would always steal the boys shirts to get my parents mad" you said which was true, they would get mad at first but then  soon realized you did that to mess with them so they laughed it off. "okay- are you okay? youre like blushing...a lot" she mentioned "mmhhmmm im fine, just trying to get changed quickly before the boys come uhm, because one time i was changing and i forgot to lock the door and they walked in on me uh shirtless and reggie wouldnt shut up about it" you laughed as she chuckled as well "well i just came to say sorry for everything ive made horrible for you" she said messing with her fingers, talking about fingers, you didnt feel luke inside of you anymore. you looked behind you and saw luke unbuckling his belts "n-no its okay, we could talk about it later, i really need to change before you see a horny side of reggie" you said feeling a pair of hands touch your ass "i-is there someone behind you y/n?" julie whispered and you smiled slightly "get it girl" she laughed leaving the garage, "that was close" you turned around and he grabbed you by the neck and kissed you. boy what he did turned you on to the maaax, you cupped his cheek kissing him roughly "no, only i could touch you right now" he said, his voice got a bit deeper making you go weak, so you removed your hands. "lay down again" he said letting go of your neck and touching your thighs, "you sure youre okay with this? i-i mean i dont mind if you say no-" he rambled "after you entering your fingers inside of me youre asking if im fine with this?" you looked at him smiling with one eyebrow raised as he blushed "yes luke im fine with this as long as you fine then i am too" you told him as he excitedly grabbed your hips and pulled him close to his waist. he lined himself up with you and slowly went inside of you and moaned "fuck y/n youre so ugh" he said giving it a slight thrust as you arched your back in pleasure moaning as well. he then put his hands first on your hips, possibly soon going to leave marks, he started thrusting in and out slowly then going a bit fast making you moan each time.  "fuck luke" you moaned out as he moaned and threw his head back "oh god y/n" he said then moved his hands up to your neck, thrusting faster and harder, "mmmm luke oh fu-luke " you moaned as you felt a knot in your stomach "im gonna finish y/n" he moaned as his thursts were gettting sloppier and slower as his breathing started increasing. "me too" you moaned as you cummed, as for luke he thrusted in you for a couple more times cumming inside of you. "fuuck y/n" he said collapsing on top of you as you both were panting, you guys stayed like that for a while until he got up looking into your eyes "that was amazing" he said as you nodded smiling pulling him into a kiss, "yea what about these" you asked him touching his neck filled with the marks you left him and he shrugged "ill hide it with me hoodie" he smiled kissing you on more time "and you?" he looked at your neck smiling widely "i dunno, maybe just wear whatever i have that could cover this" you told him as he chuckled "well so they dont know yet ill go somewhere appear wherever the boys are at and you go with julie or stay here. your choice babe" he said grabbing a shirt and hoodie of his then grabbing another for you "wear it, youll look pretty in it" he smiled softly "so my clothes make me ugly? ruuude patterson thats ruude" you messed with him as he playfully pouted "noooo i didnt mean it like that" he hugged you kissing your head "okay i have to go with the boys, see you later for practice?" he asked putting on his shirt and you nodded "definitely" grabbed his shirt and put it on along with a pair of somewhat ripped jeans but not really really ripped. "so youre gonna leave without kissing me?" he said as you were leaving the top "um yes" you looked at him who was smiling "just kidding, come over here" you told him as he got closer, you grabbed him by the collar and kissed him then bit his lip "mkay i gotta go, bye babe" you smiled poofing outside sneaking in the window seeing luke smiling, blushing, and putting his hand on his heart saying some words. he poofed away to the boys as you went back in playing the piano.


"jesus y/n dude you okay?" reggie asked as you looked at him confused, putting the box away "what do you mean?" you looked at him confused "you have like the bruises on your hips" he said putting his hands on his hips "yea almost like hand prints" alex said raising his eyebrows "whos the lucky guy?" alex said as luke tried his best trying not to smile but act jealous. "um nunya" you said as he raised an eyebrow "whos nunya?" reggie asked and alex nodded "none ya business" you laughed as luke smiled "w-will we meet this dude?" luke asked as you felt nervous "um i dont know haha" you awkwardly laughed as they felt the awkward tension between you and luke, well "awkward" tension. "what the-" reggie came up to you and moved your hair "y/n did he choke you?!" he asked a bit mad "if he did i swear i will hau-" you laughed "gosh no, if someone choked me purposely out of hate, ill bobby them" you said trying to avoid it "you look like a leopard" julie said as you laughed "at least i made him look like a leopard" you smiled at luke as he blushed a bit. "no way" alex said "its luke!" he said as julie looked shocked "uhm whaaat noo" luke said standing next to me "yeaaa why would i ever fuck him?" you said as they gave you that look "ugh fine yea it was luke" he smiled nervously as it stayed silent "ba-da" he mumbled "eh its not like i havent seen you guys done it" reggie said and alex nodded "what do you guys mean?" julie asked weirdly "yea one time i walked in on y/n sucking his lolipop and tell me tell you, y/n has one hell of a body" he said as luke got protective and took of his sweater putting it on you. "nooo stoooop reggie, dont get me wrong i saw her only with her bra on but i dont want to imagine them being naked!" julie said as you blushed "no no reggies got a point, you have a nice figure y/n/n" alex said as you felt awkward "well say the deets" reggie said waiting for luke to say what happened "uh no" luke said pulling you into his arms "well anyways then y/n was luke huge or? ill put 20 bucks that its huge" reggie said as alex you luke and julie looked at him weirdly. "yea um i will not answer that" you said laughing as everyone shook their head at reggie. after practice you were left alone with alex cause luke went to go talk to reggie about boundries with topics. "so was he big?" alex asked as you looked at him then around "y-yea he was" you whispered but little do you know luke was hearing you "how was it?" alex asked "it was really...hot, um and magical for sure" you looked at alex as he laughed "so i can tell he rough" he said pointing at your neck and you blushed. "mkay alex me and my girlfriend would like to say goodnight" he said as alex winked and poofed away. "i love you" luke said as you smiled "i love you more" you kissed him and fell asleep in his arms.


no notes this time lolol so many words and im like tired lolol

stay safe:)

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