༻do you like him?༺

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louis partridge/ 2k words
warnings: a bit of a ✨touchy✨ louis
a/n: IM IN SPRING BREEAAAKKK FINALLY, IM WAS DONE WITH SCHOOL...even though its just one week :( all i have to say about this story is: jealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouisjealouslouis (jealous louis)
being bestfriends with louis could be fustrating. one not only they assume youre dating but that youre using for fame, when you've known eachother for years practically from diapers. "i have an interview today" said louis who sat across from you looking at his phone then to you, "okay and in the most kindest way ever why should i care? plus I knew" you said as he chuckled. "well in this interview we have to take someone close to us, practically bestfriend or sibiling" he said as you nodded "ask your sister millie?" you said as he got up, "nope i want you to come" he said as you felt butterflies around your stomach. "i see well let me just change and ill be-" you got cut off by louis, "youre fine the way you are, stunning" he said as you looked at him shocked, "what cant bestfriends compliment eachother?" he asked as you laughed it off "yea no sorry its just im nervous" you said as he tried pulling you off from the couch. "well its easy just pretend as if were a conversation with me millie and noah" he said smiling at the end, thats when you sat up, "noah's going?" you asked as he raised an eyebrow, you honestly forgot that he was going "yea why? do you like him?" he asked sounding a bit bitter at the end but covered it up with a cough, "uh no its just something i need to talk about with him" you said getting up bad timing cause he pulled youre arm hard but not that hard but hard enough for you two to fall on eachother. "woah-" "holy shi-" you both cursed and started laughing. "that was like straight out of movies." you laughed. you looked to see louis staring at you, "stop staring creep" you said as he shook his head laugh, you didnt notice how long you guys stood like that. his hands were on your waist while yours were griping on to his shirt. "well if you weren't on top of me, i wouldnt be staring at you." he said as you turn away for him not to see the tint of cheeks turning soft red. "shut up" you said as he laughed, "you weirdo" he said sitting up still holding your waist as you were kneeling down on the floor, "youre the weirdo" you mumbled while louis ruffled his hair. "come one im being serious, we got to go now" he said smiling softly at you as you nodded, "mkay, lets go" you said getting up with a little help from louis.
both of you were on your way to the place the interview is being held, "im so nervous lou" you said, its true you never been interviewed. "youll be alright" he said resting his hand on your knee, it was normal, but for some reason this didnt feel normal. it felt like it should be cherish, frozen in time just to admire the moment, "you okay there y/n?" he asked doing random shapes on your knee. you just couldnt handle the excitement so you just let your body react to it which was you grabbing his hand, you stood there shooked. with your hand holding on to his wrist "i-um...uh" you said looking into his eyes, "you okay, if you want me to stop ill stop" he said. how can he be so calm about something, "uh no its fine its just...i got a cramp" you faked smile, he didnt believe you but didnt bother asking it. "you know, youre very cute when you get caught in a situation" he said as you looked at him, what is he saying, is he going sane? "what?" you asked him as he looked at you, he said nothing but put his hand over you shoulder and held you close. you were listening to the way his heart was beating, each time you moved in another position his heart would start racing, "youre heart is beating fast lou, you okay?" you as him as he smiled, "more then alright" he mumbled kissing your head.

why is all of this feeling so special, not that the other times werent but every since today everything has felt so special and memorable. "we're here kiddos" your aunt said, "welp lets go thank you maaaam" you said quickly leaving out of louis's arms and out the door, "hey!" he said as you closed the door, then stopped remembering you have no idea where you are or where to go. louis thanked your aunt and said bye to her as well closing the door and waving as the car drove away "y/n. whats going on?" louis shouted. he walked closer to standing infront of you, you never noticed how tall he was compared to you. "n-nothing" you stuttered as he looked around "y/n/n you really im going to believe that, after being bestfriends for 17 years? i know you y/n/n is something going on that youre not telling me about? is this because youre scared to meet noah? do you like him?" he asked as you looked at him confused, "what?! no its not that-". "then what is it? cause i cant stand that what we do normally is now weird and all that" he said running his fingers through his hair, "its not weird louis everything is good its just something me and noah know about" you admitted as he felt a sharp pain on his chest. "you and noah have been talking?-nevermind...lets just go theyre waiting" he said walking away into the enterance of the place.

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