i see u/ timothée c.

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warnings: none
you and timothée were in good terms but were broken up. it wasnt that long ago, maybe like 2 months, and from that you guys never spoke to each. he left some of his belongings and you did too but it wasnt helping you get over it, as a matter of fact you still weren't over him. "okay so i'll get you some ice cream, whipped cream, strawberries, everything a girl needs to get over a boy. you want to stay or go with me?" you best friend asked, they were always there for you ever since you met them, "ill just stay here but leave the keys, i want to listen to music" they nodded and went to the store to grab all needs for the broken hearted girl.
you kept messing with the window, pressing the button to make it go up and down. you looked in the mirror seeing a car that seemed to familiar, you tried getting a close look to the driver but no luck you weren't able to see who it was. so like you were trying to do, you tried forgetting about it, but you couldn't the car seemed to damn familiar. what made it worse for you was that there was an empty spot and the familiar car was headed there. you didnt know what to do once the car was next to yours, you looked and saw the one and only timothée. "holy shit...fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" you stayed still as he turned and saw you. he waved but you stayed still not knowing what to do you finally came back to reality and pulled the lever from the seat and went all the way back.
after what felt like 210473 million years (not really it was like 6 seconds) there was tapping on your window. at this point there was literally no point of hiding anymore so you got up and didn't face the window but slowly turned as if you were caught by the police. it sucked seeing him but like he said it was for good, right? he asked to lower the window and so you did, "hi." he said "hi" you awkwardly said. "funny seeing you here...how've you been?" he smiled, gosh that smiled that could kill a whole world "um im hanging there, you know just...hanging?" you definitely made a fool of yourself while he wanted to laugh so badly but tried his best not to and you noticed "this is not funny timothée. this a situation i am stuck in with being awkward" you laughed at the end cause overall it was funny "ya, i know it's adorable" he said than covered his mouth while your eyes were wide as hell. "i-im sorry it slipped" he scratched the back of his head nervously "no it's fine, it felt nice timmy....lil timmy tim" "oh god no, y/n no dont start this" he started getting red "statistics statistics statistics statistics, MS LAWTON MS LAWTON MS LAWTON MS LAWTON" you started preparing yourself for the intro while he begged for you to stop. "here we go lil timmy tim, you're not ready" you said pretending to crack your neck and do badass things like those badass people in movies "no im not" he said "LOOK AT ME. ITS TIMMY T BOUTA HIT THEM WITH A ZTST! LETS DO A PROBLEM, LETS US SEE! THE PROBABILITY OF YOU SEEING ME ON TV: ONE ZERO ZERO ZERO TRILLION PERCENT...hey you werent wrong about that. look at you, a rising actor" you smiled at him while his was covered "why y/n? actually no the real question is how did you memorize the lyrics?! thats pretty impressive" he gave a small applaud making you bow "statistics tim, statistics" he rolled his eyes and stared at you. "do you wanna go for a quick walk? its totally fine if you dont want too" he asked you felt a weird but good feeling in your stomach. "will you be taking her home chalamet?" your friend interrupted while he looked and smiled, it made you feel happy that he got along with your friend "only if you let me" "not me only if she does, just dont hurt her. i will end you timothée chalamet" she warmed him as he put his hands up in defense. "yea ill go...do not eat them. i mean it." you told your best friend pointing at the bags with all stuff you were going to devour. they promised and let you guys leave.
"y/n im really sorry" he said disrupting the silence between you guys after who knows how long, you knew what he was talking about but why not act dumb. "for what tim?" you asked while he offered you a muffin and you accepted, "everything, i never meant to leave you-" "timothée we both agreed for this to happened." you said giving him a sad smile but he was already tearing up. "i know but it's my fault, im the one that brought it up, those two months were horrifying. waking up to you was something i always looked up too but the day after everything, i woke up to nothing but coldness. im sorr" you held his face gently, caressing it carefully as if it was fragile. "timmy, we're okay. we could always try again. okay?" you pressed a soft and gentle kiss on his lips pulling back, seeing him shook making you laugh a little "you're adorable chalamet, you dont even understand how you make me feel" he smiled "cmon lets go home now, we have a date tomorrow" he sniffled and grabbed your hand "oooo a date with lil timmy tim?" "no y/n/n not again" he stopped while you were preparing you voice until you felt yourself being pulled back and being carried. turns out timothée is carrying you but you're on his shoulder, "timothée what the fuck. you know damn well this wont stop me LOOK AT ME ITS TIMMY TIM. BOUTA HIT THEM WITH A ZTST" "y/n stooooop"
"you know what if we get married ill mention how you tried to hide from me by lowering your seat"
"you will not"
"will doo"
"how was your reaction though?"
"i was laughing, you left so quick i thought you were gonna go back so i could say "i see you" but you never did"
"it is what it is timmy t"
"oh god why do i love you"
"heyyy thats rude"
"sorry baby, you want a kiss?"
yaaaaaay an update:)) so sorry for the lack of update, school got me fuuuucked up. my grades are like horrible but im bringing them up👍 anyways ALMOST 6K WTF yooo thats awesome🥺🥺 but theres like a whole bunch of more stories coming soooo yeaa😊🥰
wear a mask😷
stay home 🏠
stay safe✨

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