⚠️y/n bossa nova⚠️

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timothee chalamet
warings: timothee receiving head 💅
song: billie bossa nova by billie eilish
it's funny how everyone thinks timothée is the one to take control in bed. literally. each smut stories about him is always about him being in control. but in reality he's not. he's the one being controlled.

me and him aren't dating or anything, we're just hooking up. I don't know what food he likes, dreams he had, or even how his day went. we just talk about what we're going to do the next time we see each other. but recently hes been acting uninterested. he leaves me on delivered or on seen. which doesnt bother me but kinda does cause i dont receive the attention i want from him. lucky for us or me we have an interview to shoot in a couple hours.


y/n: yo

tchalamet: seen.

i stared at my screen blankly, surprised yet not as much. "this bitch." i mumbled to myself as i get in my car. "hey z, is timothee texting you by any chance?" i called her as she looked into the camera, "yea he was just asking what drink you liked.." she simply said as I nodded. "why is your dick appointment not answering you?" she joked as I stood quiet, "oh...well anyways he's probably just teasing you? I'm not sure, I don't know how your guys relationship is like so I can't say much" she added as you began to laugh. "so out of all the stuff I told you, you still don't know how me and him are?" I asked as she looked at the camera and smiled. "well he's never been so distance which is why I can't say much" she said as I nodded "ugh I'm gonna punch his face when i see him" I joked as she nodded and praised me.

"anyways I gotta go, tom is calling me" she winked as I pretended to gag "uh ms girl don't act like you tell me all that detail with you and timothee, like that one time at the movie premiere-" "OK OK I GET IT STOP" I smiled as she began laughing her ass off, "looove youuu" she said and I flipped her off but ended it with a kiss.

"alright we're all set, good luck yln" the makeup artist told you as you looked in the mirror.

you were left speechless how quickly he did it (you choose your own fit💅)

"oh my goodness, hooly shit...-you did that. you fucking did that!" you said happy with the results, praising the makeup artist. "everything's all set lets just put the mic connected and we'll be done" the person in charge of the mics said as I nodded.

after everything was done, I headed towards the snack table and timothee was there. it didn't bother me that he left me on seen but it bothered me. it doesnt make any sense. it sometimes makes me want to punch his face. he posts on his close friends but doesnt respond to my text.

payback time chalamet.

i confidently walked towards the table and grabbed a water bottle. one of the managers who control the lighting were trying to start a convo but of course, im so worried how i might appear to timothee I was just nodding and giving "mhm's" glancing over at tim.

me and him had a couple of eye to eye interaction but I would look away to show I didn't care. but I genuinely did. I say I don't like him but when I'm all by myself I ask myself if I do or don't. sometimes I don't and sometimes I do. it's nothing confirmed that I do like him.

"y/n, you ok?" timothee came up to me as I realized looking around that the snack table the guy has just left. I looked at him and smiled "yep. I'm ok, all good, no worries.. are you?" I looked at him as his eyes softened. I focused on his eyes and saw green with a mixture of brown maybe like a honey color around his pupils?

"it's ok to feel nervous about the interview, especially since it's your first movie debut and it went off the charts. you'll be ok, if you feel to nervous or anxious you could...uh I don't know hold my hand or something?" he scratched his neck nervously. he laughed and so did I.

"that was so elementary type of shit bro, but sure" I joked as his smiled slowly faded a little to a tight lipped one. "sure bro" he mumbled as I nodded, the tension got awkward.

"are you busy this weekend?" he asked me as I thought about it. am I busy this weekend? no. "no, not really why?" I asked as he nodded "wanna go to the movies?" he asked me as I looked at him weirdly. "you know just to do it, I've been stress and seeing you like this, showing youre available to everyone is killing me" he whispered into my ear.

I stood there shocked. but I don't care. "what a pity, you say all of this but leave me on read? mr chalamet-" little piece of shit.
"oh my god, y/n im so sorry. lets go dry you up quickly!" timothée said as everyone look at saw my clothes that is now all wet.

"timothée its-" "hurry y/n. we need to do the interview. lets go change you" he said simply.

no one suspected a thing. something he's good at, we're both good at acting like nothings going on.

timothée opened the door allowing me to go in first, and also being a gentlemen.

once I walked in he gave my ass a small squeeze. he walked in and closed the door, i pulled him in and we both started fucking sucking the life out of eachother.

"knees. now." he spat and I obeyed. removing my dress, with a little help of timothees, I get down on my knees.

impatiently waiting, i struggled removing his belt but got the hang of it.

"be a good girl" he mumbled as I started kissing the tip of his dick. he slowly throw his head back, quietly moaning. little pants basically.

praising you for your right movements. feeling the tip of him in your throat, gagging. your eyes start tearing up.
"oh god y/n" he moaned out, grabbing a fistful of your hair. you pulled your head back, causing you to stop sucking him.

"whyd you stop?" he whined giving little pants. "cause why not?" I smiled getting up. "baby please, I wasn't done yet-" "youre done when I say youre done." I looked at him and gave him a quick kiss, before heading towards the door.


I looked back at him. "yes?" I asked softly as he looked down ashamed, "I'll beg" he mumbled, I heard him but not clearly. "say that again, I couldn't hear you love" I looked at him, "I'll beg yn, I'll beg just to finish please" he whined.

I was in awe, how he whined. how his features are complimented by the light in this stupid room. "no I think you're fine struggling for now." I smiled at him as he stood there, wide eyed. "please yn, I want you, please. you always told me to beg if I wanted it badly and I would get it please!" he whined.

"lies, I said maybe. maybe has a probability of being a yes or being a no...today's a no, you wanted to drop your drink on me, then leave me on read? I don't thinks so." I looked at him, the power I have over him. but i have this feeling that I want to give in and let him do whatever he wants.

"find a way to get rid of your thing, and about that movie thing, I don't think I can, I've been...."busy" I quoted when he asked about going to the movies. "plus they have cameras there, wouldn't want everyone else seeing what we do right?" I went up to him and pecked his lips.

I quickly changed into whatever they gave me.

I looked at tim and pouted, "awe you look so vulnerable, it's a turn on, really. but I'm trying to be professional right now." I smiled and walked out the door.

about 10 minutes or so, timothee came out. his hair was more curly than wavy, he looked hot, he came behind me.

"I'll meet you at your place after this." he whispered and walked away.

I stood there not in shock but excited for the time we're going to have afterwards.
sorry for not updating soon, I joined soccer for my school and we're already having a game on Monday 😭 besides that I lost all my drafts i had ready to publish but they got deleted cause I forgot my password for my phone 😩 so I restarted it. also I'm not sure if I should put a second part to this🧍‍♀️ anyways don't forget to vote <3


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