༻wrong number pt 2༺

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harry styles
warnings: a small scene ;) mentions of being naked lol
a/n: vote? if you want :)

previously; harry gets out of your bed and heads towards the kitchen...naked. "well good morning to you as well" you chuckled seeing him naked, much less drunk, "my head hurts" he complained "we should act as a couple" you said randomly as he stood there "what do you mean?" he asked raising his eyebrow "well I was wondering what's it's like to date someone so why not both of us try it, like not be together-" "but act like we are?" he added and you nodded "I don't know" he said grabbing a cup of water "um we just had sex last night, and we're literally in the kitchen naked" you mentioned as he thought of it and shrugged "I guess you're right" he said going to you and hugging you from behind. "what are you doing?"you asked him "acting like your boyfriend" he said with sass as you chuckled "ok ok I'm sorry" you told him turning to face him now, "you look oddly familiar harry, way to familiar" you said as he smiled turning a bit red.

"is that so?" he asked giving you shoulder a kiss as you nodded, "your eyes are really beautiful harry" you added looking into his eyes. might as well say you got lost in them, green, with a little hint of brown, you wonder what it's like if his eyes shined in the sun. would his eyes be a brighter green, the little colors in his eye would definitely shine out. "youre staring darling" he chuckled as you turned red, "I can't stare at my fake boyfriend?" you said as he raised his eyebrow "mmm I don't think so" he teased, "ew we're being those cringey couples, what now? we fight on who says i love you more?" you chuckled going to the fridge, "if thats your thing" he shurgged "well i dont know what is my thing but definitely not that 'i love you...no i love you...no i love you more' like shut the fuck up or ill love you less" you said as he chuckled "youre stuborn" he said as you looked at him, "am not" "are too" "am not" you said getting closer to him, "and i keep disagreeing with you what are you gonna do?" he said looking at you. whats up with this chemistry  a guy you just meet last night, hooked up with is now acting like someone you've known your whole life. "this" you grabbed a hand full of whipped cream from the small bucket and whipped it all over his face, "what the actual-" he got interuppted by you wiping it again on his face. "y/n/n!" he said wiping the cream of his face, you shouted running around so he doesnt get you but his long ass legs caught him up to you. " get over here darling i dont bite" he said pulling you by your waist, "liar!" you said as he sarcastically dropped his jaw, "liar? how so?" he said holding you close, "you bit me last night!" you teased as he chuckled, "those are different kinds of bites love" he winked catching you off guard, then everything went white. he literally just wiped all whipped cream on your face, "HAZ!" you chased him around like a phsyco. "ITS PAY BACK LOVE" he laughed jumping on your couch.  you were going to jump till you slipped, no he didnt catch you, we weren't that kind of main character, "shit y/n/n?!" he said going to you as you didnt shout in pain or anything. he went to you to see you out of air, in tears cause of how much you died from laughing, "oh god-hahahahahaha-icantbreathehaz that was to-funny" you laughed as he shook his head smiling, "youre really different y/n" he said getting on the floor and laying next to you. you calmed down as he laid next to you, you turned to him staring at his face, "im built different haz thats why" you tried making your voice deep as his as he laughed. "you sure are." he said as you looked at him "so not funny" you smiled as he grabbed your hand, "we could make love right now" he said simply. you looked at him confused, how could he be so straight up about this, "we could, but we shouldnt" you said as he turned to look at you.

he grabbed both of your arms and pinned them over your head. "what the-haz" you said as he looked into your eyes, "you want me just as much as i want you right now" you whispered as you raised your eyebrow, "i-i would like two but-" "but what?" he asked, why are we suddenly hesitating? its not like he's your actual boyfriend, or some famous celebrity with a bunch of paparazzi. "fine, i give you my full consent" you said smiling softly, he smiled and licked the side of your cheek. "weirdo" you mumbled, "what? what was that?" he asked obviously knowing, "nothing, nothing" you said as he shook his head. he kissed your neck, then went down, "WOAH WHAT THE FUCK" your friend bashed inside your house, you got up quickly and ran to your friend covering her eyes. "what are you doing here?!" you exclaimed as she laughed, "i came to see how badly hungover you were but appearently not bad, ill just come back later. also for some weird reason i had a dream i met harry styles last night at the club, and i was like shoooocked" she said as you nodded, "you with your crazy dreams, hurry up and get out!" you added as she laughed "god i cant wait to tell micheal" she said closing the door as your ran to the room, "who's micheal?" harry asked sitting on the edge of the bed, still naked, still covered in whipped cream. "my best friend, no one for you to be worrying about" you said sitting next to him, "plus micheal likes y/f/n, not me, nope absolutely not" you said at the thought of you and micheal dating. "shall we continue?" you asked him as he nodded, smiling wide.

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