love me/grayson.d pt1

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people always say the good things about love, but never the bad things. Maybe sometimes the bad things about it aren't meant to be told.
Apparently no one told you that falling in love with your best friend could be so scary. That you'd wanna change yourself for them, or do something you've never dome before. well that's what happened to y/n. And yup she fell for the one and only, Grayson Dolan. Who would've known having feelings for someone can cause a huge change in your life. "Y/n? Are you okay?" grayson asked you "y-yea i'm good...i'm chillin, chillin like a totally normal person" you laughed nervously, you never got like this. You never felt this way towards anyone, and it's funny cause people call this love. But doesn't love need two people, well three or more if they're into that. "okay? anyways there's this really cute girl i wanna ask out but like i'm scared" he said with his eyes all sparkling and crap. Well this is a heartbreaking moment. I didn't know that another girl could make me feel like this...or him talking about her make me feel like this. It feels like i have to compete with her or change myself for- "y/n you sure you good?" this time it wasnt grayson asking. It was ethan. "ha am i good? yea i'm good, just things going in at home" you had to lie, you just had too. but it sucked that it wasn't grayson who asked. "oh um gray how how are you gonna ask this uh girl out" you're trying to sound as happy as possible but ethan on the other hand felt something off about you. "oh so i was thinking we can go to this bonfire they're having at the beach, maybe we can go there and i'll confess" gosh he seemed so happy about it. i wanted to immediately say 'Hey grayson i like you no i love you but i cant because you're my bestfriend and you're obsessed with a girl you just met 6 months ago, but i've known you longer since diapers but that isnt good enough cause you want girls with a big size cup of boobs and a fat ass that takes a whole space in a public bus'. "oh yea that sounds great, good luck...buddy, ill be back im gonna go home and uh change" is what came out. "i'll take you" ethan said and grabbed his sweater and opened the door for you and did the same with the car. you see thats what i love about them, they were taught how to respect women and knew their manners. "okay so what's wrong y/n? you're acting so-" and i said it. "I'm in love with grayson" wow it feels nice that i said it. "you. in love?" "i know it doesn't make sense but i know i do" "well okay then tell me what you love about him" "i adore everything he does. like how he builds stuff and messes around with you and me and everything stops when im with him and when he laughs or pulls me into a hug i get so happy and get feelings in my stomach, it's like something no one could explain cause you just want that love all to yourself...but you can't cause theres someone else in the picture. or maybe there was no picture it was just a huge misunderstanding" you took a deep breathe and looked over at ethan who was ready to make fun of you. "you're in love with grayson you're in love with grayson...hahaha what are the odds" "apparently the odds were good ethan now stop making fun of me and take me home." you and ethan were like siblings, you two fight and argue and do siblings things but you and grayson. you always felt there was more than friends. "wow y/n is actually in love with my're in love with MY twins so that means when you guys do it...IT'S LIKE ME AND YOU DOING IT" "E WHAT TYPE OF IDIOT ARE YOU?! AND NO GRAY DOES NOT SEE ME LIKE THAT!" "SO YOU DO WANT TO HAVE IT WITH HIM! HA COMEDY" jesus you owe me big time. you turned red staying quiet, ethan noticed and laughed some more "OOOH MYYY GOOOD THIS IS TOO HILARIOUS SO YOU DO?" why am i even friends with this idiot. "okay yea i may have fantasized about it BUT IT WAS A DREAM" okay this time you looked like a tomato. "YOU HAD A WET DREAM THATS EVEN MORE AAAAH" at this point he was wheezing, trying to breathe for more air. "e i swear to fuck if you don't shut the fuck up, ill fucking make you" you threaten him cause like you dont wanna spill more than you already said. "okay okay im was it tho" "ETHAN" he started laughing more as you hit him but arrived home safely.
you were finally making s'mores by the bonfire. "whatcha doin alone ms. in love" ethan said "i'm not alone by the way" "okay then whats not making you alone or whatever" "you and my lovely s'mores" you said taking a bite from it enjoying the taste of it's warmness and the crunchiness "ew that noise. okay im leaving now cause you're boring" "back at you" you said sticky out your hand and point at him. he laughed walking away. You were enjoying eating your food until a deep voice interrupted you, "can i have a bite?" grayson. holy shiiit what am i gonna do. "you can have it, it's getting me full" you smiled and handed to him "so what's up?" "i dont think you wanna hear my problems" you looked at him and smiled sadly . "i do, and i'll do anything to help them go away" he smiled grabbing your hand and rubbing small circles, "well there's this boy i like and i'd do anything for him, god i'd figure out ways to bring the moon for him or give him a world but he doesn't see me. actually no i don't like him...i love him. with my whole heart that sometimes it hurts" you ranted to grayson as he seems surprised. "i say go for it, tell him how you feel. any guy would be lucky to have you y/n/n" , "he isnt just any guy gray, he's more than anything, and is worth everything" at this point you looked a the living heart eye emoji. "then tell him, if he's here we can-" "it's you grayson, you are the guy, it's always been you and it sucks to know you love someone else who isnt me and cant be me cause you see me as a friend but its you and will always be-" boom. his lips were on top of yours, you felt butterflies in your stomach, you were getting scared but the funny thing is your lips together felt like puzzle pieces placed correctly, it felt as if they were meant to be. grayson realized what he did and backed away quickly, "im so sorry i shouldn't have done that it was a mistake" oh. just a mistake, if it was a mistake then why would you think of doing that, "grayson it's uh fine, i mean it feels good to let that out but i hope we don't act weird or more weirder than we are" she said chuckling trying to fix the weirdness, he just smiled "me too but why" "because-" you were about to explain why until a girl came, "hey babe, let's go my legs hurt" you can tell grayson regretted this immediately, you guys just looked at eachothers eyes but yours were filled with tears provoking to fall out. "y/n-" "i have to go, it was nice talking to you" and with that you left heartbroken.

there will be a part two dont worry✌️🙂🤳 but there was like a bunch of words soooooooo✌️🤡🤳
-stay safe✅

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