༻enough for you༺

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dylan minette
warnings: insecurities, theres a part where y/n hasnt eaten anything but im not sure what its called again (ive been up the entire night so note some words aren't perfectly spelled)
song ib: enough for you by olivia rodrigo
a/n: would you guys be into like a psycho y/n yk where like shes not obsessed but obsessed or the opposite like the dudes im writing about being obsessed and like they just kill or murder people who get in their way? cause i really would be interested in writing a small series here like that 🤝
i wore make up when we dated, cause i thought you'd like me more

"how does this look babe?" you asked your boyfriend who was on his phone once again, "dylan!" you said as he turned his phone off and smile softly "you look good, you ready to go?" he asked getting up and putting his jacket on. "yea let me just do one more thing" you smiled sadly walking to your shared room. you grabbed the perfume he had gotten you on your 2 year anniversary.
"jesus y/n, who are you trying to impress?" he asked as you entered the car, "is this the perfume i got you for your birthday?" he asked smiling, you felt to bad to say no, "yea, it smells good, i had to wear it on our special day" you smiled as he nodded putting his phone in the cup holder.

"happy 3 year anniversary babe" you smiled getting out a small gift box for dylan. "whats this babe?" he asked smiling "open it" you smiled, fidgeting with the rings you have on, "y/n...you didnt...babe? how'd you get it? they were all sold out?!" he took out the bracelet he always wanted but everytime he checked the website or store, they were out of stock. "secrets" you smiled as he hugged you, "shit-im so sorry y/n"  he said parting away from the hug, "what? what happened?" you asked scared for the way he reacted. "i didnt get you a gift...ill make it up- but we should get going"  he said turning completely the opposite way from the car. "DYLAN WHO THE FUCK IS THIS?" said some girl with a nice lavender hair color, "lydia, i tjought you were out of town?!" "YEA BUT I FLEW BACK TO SEE YOU" she said then looked at you, "dylan?" you asked him, hoping your tears wouldn't fall out, "im so sorry y/n/n" he said before you smiled sadly nodding slowly, you took off your necklace he gave you, "babe, no" he said as you stopped him, "this probably belongs to you more than it does to me, bye dylan" you smiled to both and left. "Y/N! COME OVER HERE! DONT LEAVE ME PLEASE".

before you found someone more excited, the next second you were gone.

"you okay y/n?" braeden asked you as you nodded, "yup I'm fine, I am so fine I think I just ripped this stupid foam cup" you said looking at the coffee all over your hand as braeden helped clean the table, "brae I just wanted to be enough for him, don't you think I loved him too much to be used and discarded?, don't you think I loved him too much to think I deserve nothing?" you started tearing up and braeden hugged you
"youll be okay y/n/n"

2 months
"you have to eat y/n" braeden said as you shook your head, "i literally just said im not hungry" you responded. "yea youve been saying that for the pasts weeks, lets go eat something" he said as you shook your head again, "im not hungry braeden" you sighed as he nodded, "you shouldn't think about him too much" and you looked at him, "im not thinking about him..." you responded and looked away. "y/n i think ive known you long enough to know everything about you" he cracked a small smile in hopes youll smile but you didnt. "he was never satisfied with me, he told me straight up as well braeden. and yet he went to another girl instead of ending it with me! he was the one i wanted to spend every life i ever lived with him. go through hell with him. anything with him braeden, but he wouldn't bother taking a step for me..like am i too fat? too annoying? too loud? too anxious? what am i!! what am i ever going to be braeden?! if im not enough for dylan...who will i ever be enough for?!" you semi shouted as a tear rolled down your cheek, you looked at braeden, who was fighting tears. "im sorry braeden i didnt mean to reveal too much-" he didnt say anything besides hug you, something you needed, you thought you needed something to hear. someone to say "dylan will come back to you, no need to worry" but you just needed someone who knew what you needed when you didnt. braeden was the someone who knew what you needed when you didnt.

1 year later

"so youre dating braeden now?" dylan came up to you during his break on his tour as you nodded, "yup 3 months so far" you smiled as he nodded, "im sorry for how things ended y/n, maybe we could go-" you scoffed. "are you going to ask if we could go for a cup of coffee? cause if so I really can't go, I need to walk my fish" you smiled and went to braeden and he laughed, "walk your fish? so smart" he said kissing the top of your head, "I know right, I'm literally the smartest out of all of you" you said as he laughed more, "sure sure" he said. it's funny he was always so awkward and weird when you both first met but then soon become friends, close friends, best friends, to lovers. it felt good, being with him felt good, braeden lemasters is good enough for you, as for youre good enough for him.
PLOT TWIST HA jk we all know eventually we would go for the bestfriend 😎🤚 jkjk but seriously im out of school but living an anxious week cause i failed 3 classes. partially my fault and words cant express how bad i want to cry or anything. 🙂
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