im here/cole p

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warnings: heartbreak again</3
you were sitting on your couch until you heard the door opened and then slammed. "hey baby, you okay?" you asked your boyfriend of 2 years, cole. he didn't say anything he just went to your bedroom. so you followed him and sat to him "babe what's wrong?" you asked him again but he just looked at you and looked away, you tried hugging him but he moved. You were confused on why he was acting like this, "babe?" you went into his arms and finally he allowed that. you guys stayed like that for awhile so you tried kissing him but he moved his head away, letting you go. "baby whats wrong" you kept asking but no answer, but of course you wouldn't give up, but you left him alone for a little thinking it would be fine hours later. Hours past by he only came out the room to use the restroom or get water completely ignoring you even when you asked him questions. at this point you weren't sure whether you did something or said something wrong so you started crying quietly worried the he might hear you. That day you ate dinner by yourself leaving his plate aside, "cole, i left you a plate of todays dinner on the side, im just gonna get my stuff to take a shower" you said before entering the room only for him to still be laying down not saying a word. "cole what's wrong" you asked this time a bit sternly which wasnt much like you since you're always happy and positive, he looked at you with his face scrunched up, "nothings wrong" and he faked a smile so you went up to him and tried kissing him again for the last time but only for him to move his head away making you sad and get your stuff and take a shower. you texted dylan and braeden if something happened but they said he was happy when they saw him, leaving you wondering maybe it was you that ruined his mood, maybe he didn't love you. At this pint again you were balling your eyes, you even slept in the living room by yourself crying. So many thoughts were going through your head maybe cole was going to end everything between you guy cause maybe he had found someone better.
you woke up to no cole in front of you leaving yoh sad again. you got up and brushed your teeth doing your usual morning routine. You went inside the room and saw that he was asleep. your tears were at the verge of falling, you couldn't stop thinking about yesterday, about how he had only said two words to you yesterday. so you left the room and made breakfast, hours past by it was like 12 pm usually you guy would be making plans and all but now you're just crying in the living room thinking maybe you arent good enough. you heard footsteps approaching so you quickly wiped your tears away not looking or saying nothing at him. you just drank you water fighting the tears that were practically begging to fall, "thank you for yesterday's dinner and breakfast" he said with his morning. you just nodded and headed towards your bedroom balling your eyes out texting the gc you have with braeden and dylan. obviously cole knew, he's the one that made that when his phone died but got a song idea in mind. you told them everything that was going on until you heard a knock on your door. you wiped your tears "it's open" you said trying hard to not make it sound like you were crying, "why are you crying?" he went up to you and tried to hug you only for you to move away. "because yesterday you kept pushing me away" "no i wasnt" "yes you were, you probably still are" you went up and tried kissing him only for him to move away leaving you confused on how he just tried hugging you. "stop pushing me away" you started crying making cole feel hurt. "i kissed someone else" he blurted then covered his mouth, "w-what?" "i kissed another girl" you were left speechless with tears running down your cheek. you never felt so angry, you blood was boiling that if someone touched you they'll immediately will melt. "how could you, how fucking could you! do you know how much i was waiting for you so i could give you kisses only to be told the next day you kissed another girl what the fuck cole"
"y/n" "y/n" "y/n" you woke up. sweating with tears falling seeing cole in front of you, holding you and kissing the top of your nose. "im here baby don't worry, im still here" he said while you were crying. You got up and headed to the restroom and cole followed you. "another nightmare?" he asked you while you were splashing your face with cold water. you nodded and dried your face going to him and hugging him. "you told me you kissed another girl after ignoring me and i slept by myself without you and i was crying myself to sleep and even ate dinner without you" your eyes were getting watery. he hugged you tight but not too much and kissed the top of your head, "y/n, nothing in this world would ever make me change my decision of loving you, not even the most beautiful places, cause they will never be beautiful without you there" he said and you chuckled "that was cheesy" you looked up at him making him laugh "i know but i said what had to be said" and kissed you.
this was horrible but oh well🙃 btw for some stories i used harry styles songs a looot but im just inlove with his fine line album like literally harry styles is a king 👑 all his songs are amaazziiinngg👏 and i might use some more for some stories but it is what it is🙃🙃 vote if you want🥴
stay safe✨

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