just dont leave me/ joshua b

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warning: heartbreak:( mentions of assaults and abuse
okay just before you start reading joshua would never do such a thing or lay hands on anyone:) this is just a story:) alrighty then go and read this story :/ prepare for some sadness
"we have to stop this" you heard coming from the living room, "i cant keep hurting her!" he shouted making you scared for what he did to ruin your relationship. you quietly got up and sneaked to the corner where he cant see you. "olivia. i cant keep hurting her....i know but she wont know about it. cause it's over. olivia it's over please stop." he said as reality hit you, joshua fucking bassett had cheated. "so after three months your just gonna forget you even had a thing with me?!" you heard olivia said as you teared up wanting to leave but your feet stayed glued to the ground, "yea thats what im exactly gonna do. goodbye olivia. ill see you in set as workers." he said sternly making you quickly go back to the bedroom and pretend that you're asleep. he sat next to you just admiring you, he noticed the wet stains but he didnt bother to think about it. "you dont deserve me y/n. you don't deserve a cheater. why would i even think of doing that to you, after three months and i realize how much of an asshole lying cheater i am that doesn't deserve your love." he was crying at this point you just wanted to hug him and shower him with kisses but you realized also it was with the olivia rodrigo. you felt worse. you fell asleep with your back faced to him while he wrapped his arms around you like it was the last time you'll see him but little did he know.

next morning

you woke up with no joshua next to you. then it came back, the feeling of being used, not being loved. you started crying as you looked to your desk next to you filled with pictures of joshua and you with friends and family. "i wished i was enough for you" you whispered taking down the pictures and putting them in a box. you went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth doing the usual. you headed to the kitchen to see joshua making breakfast. looking around and seeing everything that happened yesterday felt worse than being stabbed.

"good morning sleepyhead, how'd you sleep?" he asked all happy but you, you didn't answer. you wanted to shout and scream to the whole world amd curse everythign thag came to your way. "baby...you okay?" he asked turning the stove off and handing you your plate but you just looked at the food them at him. "ooh i see what youre doing here, where's the camera? ha ha you got me." he said sarcastically but then noticed you were being serious, "baby you okay?" "give me your phone" you simply said with no emotion, "it's dead. my charger wasnt working" "give me your phone bassett" you said sternly this time. he gave in and hesitated to give you his phone, you tried unlocking it with the date of your guys relationship date but it said it was wrong. you looked at him while he turned red "you changed the password?" you even noticed he changed his background "and the background?" he didnt know what to say, he didnt think you noticed such littlest things. "put the password" you held the phone to him while he tried making excuses "I SAID GIVE ME THE DAMB PASSWORD JOSHUA BASSETT" you raised your voice at him. you just raise your voice at him.

"y-you raised your-" "i wont say it again joshua put the fucking password" and he did. you went through his messages with olivia and you were correct. it was with his co star. "why am i not surprised." you said as you kept looking to see they even exchanged pictures, you looked at him and he was already in tears, "you know what i went through bassett. You know the things that have happened to me joshua. YOU KNOW I WAS FUCKING ASSAULTED, ALMOST BEATEN TO DEATH AND CHEATED ON! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME JOSHUA! YOU WERE MY BEST FRIEND AND SAW WHAT I WENT THROUGH ONLY FOR ME TO BE PUT THROUGH IT AGAIN ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" you slammed his phone on to the counter. "WELL YOU BECAME SO DISTANT AND ALWAYS WENT TO WORK! I NEVER FELT SO LONELY IN MY LIFE ESPECIALLY WITH OUT YOU HERE" he shouted back raising his hand as you flinched and immediately fell to the floor feeling a sting your cheek until he realized what he did "y-y-you w- j-just i i" you were left speechless, you felt as if you were back in the past struggling to get out of a relationship that became so toxic, "i am so sorry y/n please let m-" you flinched as he tried helping you but noticed how pale you looked. you got back uo and pushed him while shouting "THE REASON I WAS SO DISTANT WAS TO PAY FOR OUR HOUSE! TO PAY FOR YOUR GIFT THATS HIDING IN THE ROOM TO PAY FOR OUR TRIP IN TWO DAYS ALL THE WAY TO LONDON TO PAY FOR EVERYTHING WE NEED I DID THAT JUST FOR YOU" you kept pushimg him and hitting him in the chest "i wanted to be good enough for you and spoil you, i wamted you to tell our baby how much of a great wife i was and how i supported you and when we fought we would make up and apologize to each other. i figured i wanted that when i found out i was pregnant with YOUR baby, the one we planned for. the one you said you were going to give them franklin. but now i cant even look at you" you said not wanting to stress yourself out for the little creature growing inside of you. "w-we're having a baby? im gonna be a dad?" he said wanting hug you and kiss you but he couldn't to that he couldnt even look at you either cause of what he did, he would see his mark across your face "yes joshua you're gonna be a dad but until you fix yourself up i wont be holding on to this. cause this, this wont work out for a baby" you said going up to him snd making him looking at you.

you just wanted to escape the same place with him and do everything but you couldn't hurt the person you love. not even if your life depended on it. "w-what are you doing?" he asked following you to see that you had got him a puppy and named him franklin along with your pregnancy test, "im gonna move my stuff to the other room. im still gonna be here but i wont be in the same room with you" he just stared at you until he went up to you and hugged you. you tried escaping from his embrace but he was strong to let you go "joshy let me go. i cant be with you right now" "just dont leave me. i cant have you out of my life" he said holding you longer as you gave up and hugged him. "i cant leave you joshua no matter how bad i want too. but it's gonna be a break. i need a break from here." you said resting your head on him "fuck i love you joshua taylor bassett but the shit you did, i cant process the shit you just did." you said looking into his eyes while the puppy just sat there.

"im sorry baby. im so fucking sorry" he broke down while he fell to the floor and cried in your arms. "im so fucking sorry for failing you" he said while you ran your fingers through his hair. "i know thus is stupid and you dimt deserve it but im lettimg this go josh. but you do this stupid shit one more time you could say goodbye to me and your kid" and you guys just stood there while josh kept begging for forgiveness
you couldn't leave him. not even if you were given money to leave him. not anything could change the way you felt for him.
boom sadness
also for those who been through or know someone whos going through something related to abuse or assault please talk to someone or call some hotlines for it. you matter and so do they ❤️ i find this story i think for now the deepest out of all but thanks for reading:) also im out of state so ill try to update soon
stay safe❤️

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