drunk kisses

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harry styles
warnings: none. just fluff
song ib: idk, but I had a dream like this lol
a/n: in the end
"y/n give me a kiss please" harry pleaded as you laughed, "no im driving" you told him as he got up quickly "so you would give me a kiss?" he asked excitedly, so you stood quiet. hes so excited cause you alway leave him in the friendzone🧍‍♀️, "youre not saying no" he added smiling proudly, "im not saying yes either haz" you added as he rolled his eyes "oh god- y/n/n...." you looked at him scared "im gonna throw up" he added as you shook your head. "nope. absolutely not harry Edward styles. not in my car." you said pulling over to the nearest park, helping him get out. "i feel dizzy y/n/n" he fell on you as you held onto him, "harry look at me" you told him to see if he was good, cause god know what they put in his drinks.
"im looking at you now y/n/n" he smiled and you smiled back, then he pushed you away and ran a little farther and threw up.

"don't look at me ynn, im-" he proceeds to get cut off but throwing up some more. "im a mess" he whined like baby, "hazza, everyone's a mess you cant expect to be.....unmessy?" you asked in hope this made sense to this drunk tim.

"stay here im gonna get some napkin." you told him patting his back and quickly heading towards the car, grabbing a couple of napkins, water bottle and packet of gum. you grabbed the key for the car and locked it heading back towards harry-who is not here! where he was at.

"haz? haazzaa?!" I looked around in the spot we were at and found him laying on top of a picnic table.

"here, clean yourself." I gave him the stuff as he chuckled. "can you clean me ynn?, I'm a little bit of a mess." he said starring at the sky.

"no, you threw up and I don't want any of that on me, come on tim, you know I'm a big germaphobe." you chuckled as he nodded grabbing the napkins and water from you.



"why do you always friend zone me? like do you do it so you could play hard to get oorr?" he asked as you stood there not knowing how to answer, "i- friendzone?" you asked hoping he would explain what it is and move on, but he knew you were smarter than that.

"if you don't like me, just tell me...i won't be hurt or anything- actually maybe just a little. but there's days where you give me those eyes like you could see a whole future with me but then the next you look like you want to throw me in the trash or something?" he asked and you started chuckling.

"i do like you harry, I just sometimes think maybe it's better for us to wait so we don't become right person wrong time type of shit. I want us to work out, and last a very good while, if not our whole life time." you confessed as you looked. "what?" you asked as he jumped off the table, and look at you again.

"you like me?" he asked holding in his smile as you nodded slowly holding in your laugh.

"i won in life! suck that mike! this is my girl!!!" he shouted as you let out your laugh. "harry sit your ass down" you semi whispered and shouted.

"we can try now, I think right now is good. I've waited long enough to hear that." he said coming up to you as you backed him up, "let's go home haz, it's cold" you told him as he nodded.

"you never mentioned why you would constantly friendzone me ynn..." harry interrupted the silence as you chuckled. "cause you would constantly talk about others to the point I was just accepting i probably didn't have any chances." you admitted as he laughed.


"youre telling me you never took any hints I would give you?" he asked as you shook your head.

"so when I tried asking you out on a date, like when I told you, 'you want to go eat' you didn't get anything from that?" he asked as you shooked your head slowly.

"you know you responded with 'no thanks I already ate.' everyone literally wanted to strangle you right there." he said as you both laughed in sync.

"that's cause I had already ate, and I was gonna feel bad if you got me something I wouldn't even eat!" you added as he laughed, "youre really clueless darling" he joked as you felt butterflies.

you drove both of you guys back home. well specifically his. "goodnight hazza, I'll be here tomorrow morning yea?" you asked him as he shocked his head

"stay, it's to late and I don't want you getting in any accident" he mumbled "im very careful harry, I'll be ok" you smiled softly as he looked at you.

"I'll be back, don't leave yet please" he quickly said running up the stairs.

you looked and walked around, looking at all the pictures, some of you and him, his former band, 1 direction, mostly his family.

he even has pictures of himself as a baby
framed. you smiled as you heard footsteps down the stairs.

"so ynn, love, about the kiss, you never said no..." he smiled sticking out his hand. "I never said yes either" you added reaching out for his hand.

"well what's your answer?" he asked as you both were a couple inches apart. "maybe" you teased wrapping your arms around his shoulder, "maybe? I remember there only being yes and no" he joked as you rolled your eyes, "yes harry, I would be honored to kiss you." you held in your smiled as he smiled so brightly, his dimples looked like they would permanently be there even without a smile.

you both closed the gap between you guys. both feeling the same thing, typical romance movies stuff. the world spins, you guys are the only ones alive.

maybe harry was right, you both were right for eachother and so was the timing.

you both parted ways, and rested on the couch. "did you brush your teeth?" you started to laugh and he just smiled. "oh my god you really brushed your teeth" you laughed as he rolled his eyes.

"it was either I kiss you with the taste of throw up, or you get mint" he smiled as you rolled your eyes.

"youre very likeable love, you make me feel alive."

"I want to have kids with you."

"harry sometimes I forget that you're drunk right now"

"whatever, let's make babies!"


"just kidding, but I'm actually pretty sober"

"let's make babies though ynn, what do you think?"

"too quick harry, to quick for a family"

next thing you know the day after you woke up with morning sickness leading to you being pregnant.
guys i lost the boy I loved✋🥲, he literally got back with the girl he was with and she's so toxic. but oh whale, there's one of my brothers friends💅😩 (no but seriously I'm in (s)pain lololol) anyways vote besties<3


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