༻stupid card༺

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timothee chalamet
warnings: cursing
song ib: it was more a story but to describe how timothee feels its talk like that by wallows
a/n: this ones short, and based on a true story but without timothee :(
"stupid dumb card isnt working" you complained to your boyfriend, timothee chalamet, yes fucking timothee hal chalamet. "and my mention in this is because?" he asked looking away at his phone to you, "because why not? but i need help...help me?" you asked and he nodded, sitting next to you. " it should be working, it says it's working.....see, you probably didn't put your card." he laughed as you smiled, you were ordering some stuff on amazon & etsy....specifically chalamet related. Pillows, blankets, candles, earrings, a whole fucking cardboard cutout of him, you name it. "wrong. it says card declined, or payment declined" you pointed out, "does my card not fucking work anymore?" you mumbled as he laughed, "chill babe, maybe you're putting the number wrong...or it doesnt work at all" he said grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him, "what are you buying anyways?" he asked grabbing the card, "somethings you know for the rooms and all, nothing much" you simply said as he nodded slowly. "what. you want me to tell you everything alright i got a couple plants, some socks, a blanket-" "alright alright, no need to say everything" he laughed and you laughed along, "waken up in the morning, thinking about so many things-" "Y/N! NO" he interrupted you, "i just wish things will get better" you said louder, "yup nope. get over here" he smiled pulling you by your waist and closer to him, kissing you all over your face. "tim dont stop!" you shouted but he stopped "you were supposed to say stop" he said keeping his straight face "no i liked getting kissed by your boi timmy tim" you joked and he rolled his eyes, "really y/n?" he raised an eyebrow as you nodded, "but look my stupid card doesnt work" you complained as he tried fixing it, "its not working" he said after a whole ass hour trying to fix it.

"does it work now?" you asked looking away from the tv to timothee, "nope not even close" he kept trying every ten minutes fixing the card just to make it work, "stupid useless card doesnt even work, 100 dollars down the drain." you said grabbing the card and checking it around, you grabbed the thing that the card came in, you checked the back of it and laughed. "what happened babe?" he asked going to the kitchen, you followed behind him. "intructions: to activate your card go to the following link to make online purchases, if card doesnt work, call or visit the same link" you read off the back, "okay...and?" he looked at you confused than bursted in tears "YOU DIDNT ACTIVATE YOUR CARD?! " he laughed as you nodded laughing as well "stupid card wasnt working cause i havent activated it" you laughed out as he laughed along even more. "finally you can buy whatever you want" he said as you nodded, you didnt like him spemdimg ,oney on you, and if he did, you'd get him something as well. "well let me go back to shopping" you said jumping on the couch
*days later*

"babe why is there so many big and small boxes here?" he said entering the house "its the stuff i ordered, youre gonna like them" you shouted from the room looking for scissors, he entered the room hugging you from behind, "hey baby, how was work?" you asked him as he sighed, "tiring, i have an interview tomorrow, but show me what you got yea?" he smiled and gave your cheek a quick kiss. "just so you know none of them are anything sexy, im on my period" you mentioned as he nodded "its fine, want me to get you some things? heating pad? pads? any food?" he asked you as you shook your head, how could someone be so beautiful? "no its okay tim, let me show you what i got yea?" you asked holding his hand and taking him to the living room. "all these boxes for 100?" he asked as you nodded, "all from etsy and small busnisses, theyre super awesome" you smile widely. "wanna help?" you asked him as he nodded "what is this?" he said taking out a candle from the small box, the candle said 'this smells like timothee chalamet' he looked at you, "really babe?" he said as you laughed "theres more stuff, look" you stood up and built the cardboard cut out of timothee as he laughed more, "look its even the same height as you" you smiled widely admiring the cardboard with your boyfriends face, "youre so beautiful tim, im not sure how i got lucky" you said still admiring the cardboard, "you talking to me or the cardboard?" he joked as you laughed looking at him, "you obviously" you smiled and sat back on the floor opening more of the stuff. "a blanket?" he said standing up and extending the blanket with his face on it, "yes you look hot in that picture" you pointed at it as he laughed, "look i got a call my by your name poster" you exclaimed jumping around, "ITS SO BEAUTIFUL" you said jumping around as he recorded you, "igotmycallmebyyournameposter" you said quickly before falling. "babe?! you okay?" he asked putting his phone down but still recording, "no....the poster is so beautiful i want to cry" you said laying on the floor, "what the- what is this?" he said taking something out of the box, "its a mystery box but timothee chalmet version type of thing" you said grabbing it and say an underwear with timothee's face, "yea, i wont be wearing that" you said as he laughed. you both opened the rest of the boxes only to be filled with laughter and fun.
"so timothee we heard you had someone special in your life?" jimmy asked him as timothee smiled, "uh yea, y/n, is my girlfriend, she's really fun to be around. i could have the worst day, and just hearing her or the thought of her i become the happiest man alive." tim explained as jimmy smiled, "sounds like youre in love" he said as timothee nodded "oh yea, absolutely, y/n is so loveable and adorable, like 2 weeks ago we had this situation where the gift card she got wasnt working, me and her spent hours trying to fix it, she check the intructions and saw she had to activate her card" he laughed as jimmy smiled, "and she didnt activate the card?" jimmy asked cracking a smiled as timothee laughed (gif above), "yea it was so funny, then days later i come home to a bunch of boxes all over,a dnopened all of them, they were all merchandise of me" he smiled and took his phone out, "i got a video when she got the poster she loves " timothee showed the video to jimmy as jimmy laughed

'igotmycallmebyyournameposter' *big loud thud* "babe?! you okay?" *that one noise when you put your phone down in a video "no....the poster is so beautiful i want to cry'

jimmy started to cry of laughter as well as timothee, "she's here but i dont know if she wants to come here, let me text her quickly" timothee said texting and you saif you didnt want to interupe his interview but he somehow managed to convince you. "he she comes" timothee said excitedly getting up and walked fast and hugged you, and kissed you on the lips as the crowed cheered. "hi y/n im jimmy" he stood up and shook your hand, "i know im a big fan" you said excitedly as the crowed laughed. "so timmy here tellls me you two are together, "uh yea, almost 7 years" you said as timothee nodded "ooo so timmy you putting the ring on the finger?" jimmy asked making you laugh and blush, as timothee laughed "soon" was all he said.

1 month later timothee purposed and you said yes.
my card wasnt working and i got so mad i wrote this lol but people, THE AMOUNT OF TEA I HAVE! literally screenshots, but yall tell me is calling someone hot and trying to tell them that you love them count as cheating cause if so i caught someone in 4k📸
stay home stay safe

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