our age/ timothee c.

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warnings: age difference, some nasty nasty ;)
no music listened to while reading this🥲 nvm currently for the beach scene way down we go by KALEO
"i-im sorry i have to go" you said as you wiped your tears, you were about to leave till timothée pulled you in. he grabbed you by the waist and kissed you filled with passion, you smiled and cupped his cheeks deepening the kiss. "AND CUT" the director said as you and timmothee pulled apart, "good job guys, take 15" you smiled as timothée side hugged you and walked away leaving you turning red. 'did i like the kiss? yea, did it felt amazing? yea but it was wrong though you, of course id fallen for him, hes so beautiful and so so out of my league im 19 hes 24!' thought to yourself walking to your small trailer looking down. you bumped into someone causing them to drop coffee all over your shirt, which so happened to be white, "fuck y/n, im so sorry" you looked it and it was timothee, the coffee was buring your fucking chest, so you looked at him and thought 'how the fuck did he get coffee so quickly' then the pain kicked in and you ran to your trailer immediately taking off the shirt and putting some cold water on your chest. "fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck" you started patting it with cold water, which helped a little, you heard your door open thinking it was manager but nope it was tim "y/n im so- fuck! im so sorry" he said turning around "jesus fuck tim, calm down, its just a sports bra, its not like im naked or something" you told him rolling your eyes, he turned back "yea but its like seeing my little sister naked and it's disgusting" he said looking at you and saw your reaction to what he said. 'disgusting? he thinks im disgusting, he thinks if me as a little sister? who the fuck am i to even think he mightve thought of me maybe more as that' you nodded feeling so much pain in your heart "im gonna start um leaving" you told him and passed by him hitting his shoulder with yours "y/n please- i didnt mean it like that" he whispered the last part as you went to go get a sweater.
"wheres y/n?! she needs to be here!" said the director as timothée felt worried for you "i-i dont know she went to go get a new shirt then i didnt see her after that" timothée said looking down as the director smiled slightly "did you say something to her delicate heart?" and tim nodded "i told her that she was like a little sister to me and from that things escalated but h-how am i going too say 'hi im timothée, im 24 and youre 19 and i think you're really beautiful and id like to take you on a date and it's totally fine if you say no' how am i supposed to say that without sounding so creepy?" timothee looked up and the director was chuckling "son theres other actors dating men or women 10 or 20 years older than them and youre worrying about about 5 years apart? go for her, you should know where her comfort place is" the director said as he got up and told everyone that they can go home and take the day off.


while timothee was going to the one place you always go too. it was 6:42pm so you probably werent there because you dont being there at night. "come on y/n/n pick up" he felt like panicking since you would answer quickly to his calls, he admired that, how she could be in any postion, she could be busy, asleep, working out, and she'll immediately stop in her tracks to answer, one time timothee called you and looked through the blinds to see how you would react and when he say that bright smile, he felt like he was falling inlove with here. "y/n? Y/N! YES THANK GOD I FOUND YOU" he ran towards you as he hugged you "um whos y/n?" he pulled away from the hug and looked at the peron he hugged "oh god i am so sorry" he laughed and walked away looking for you.


the beach scene i was talking about lol

he looked at the time "fuck its already 7?!" he remembered this specific spot you like so he went running to it and saw you there. taking off the white thin dress for the beach, as you stood there in a two piece army green bathing suit. his jaw dropped, he felt himself blushing and looking away, then back at you. he didnt know how to react to what his eyes are seeing, you felt as if someone was looking at you and you looked around seeing timothee, you stood there trying to see his face. he started walking closer and you stood there, as he got closer. he took off his shirt and placed it on the towel she had set on the floor and pulled you in for a rough kiss. you didnt kiss back quickly because you were shocked but then proceed to kiss back just as roughly, you wrapped your legs around his waist as he laid you on the towel, he stared kissing your neck then down to your chest, you stopped him quickly, panting "whats wrong?" he asked you as you looked into his eyes "our age" you told him "its just five years y/n/n, theres others dating someone else 10, 20, 30 maybe even 40 years older than them" he said and you raised your eyebrow "true" then you proceed to pull him back into a kiss. his hand started roaming through your entire body as he would bite into your skin after leaving a love mark, "dont leave to much timmy, we have our last scene tomorrow" you said running your fingers through his hair as he kept going down, "you can put make up on to cover it" he said kissing your inner thigh as you slightly arched your back, covering your mouth letting out a muffled moan, "wont you get sand if you do what youre going to do?" you asked him and he chuckled "no baby, i wont" he said as you blushed to the name he gave you. he started kissing you vag through the undergarements, you slightly moaned. he moved the undergarements to the side and started licking your fold as you arched your back "f-fuck timothee" you rolled your eyes as he started licking you more and more and then he proceed to add 1 then 2 fingers inside of you "oh fuck timothee" you moaned/whispered, as he went faster, pumping his fingers in and out of you. "mm you taste so good baby" he moaned out as you bite your lip "fuck timothee im gonna cum" and he smirked making his fingers go faster, you rolled your eyes as you saw stars "fuuuck tim" you said out of breathe as he smiled cleaning you up.


"i dont see you as a friend y/n or sister, i see you as someone i want to spend my life with" he said looking at you "haha yea you made that visible" you blushed saying that as he nodded smiling. "i genuiely mean it, i really want to be with you" and you smiled kissing him "then how about a date on sunday?" you told him and he nodded hooking his arm around you. next day the director came and looked at you both "you did it son" he chuckled and patt timmy's back walking away as you stood there blushing and tim smiling.


yall im scared i might be gone again, school has FUCKED me up badly, and my parents dont understand how it feels to be in this position me and my brother🥲. they call it and excuse but i try to tell them its not without sounding rude :| but anyways if i am ill probably update during school days and the days im off :) annnndd lastly THANK YOU FOR 12K READS!!!🥰🥰🤯🥳 I NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY KNOWING PEOPLE ENJOY MY FANTISIES W MY CELEB CRUSHES!! LIKE I SAID THANK YOOOUUU🥳🥳🤯

stay safe <3

stay home!

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