i loved you first/Peter.p

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warnings: heartbreak😕
play: Not knowing by satya
You felt hurt. after years and years trying to find the right moment to tell him, your chances of telling him gone. Just like that, i mean being the daughter of tony stark has a lot of pro's and con's. Pro your dad is iron man and the most inspirational guy in the planet. Con people use you to talk to him or get close to him, so basically your only friends were the avengers and Peter parker. Peter Parker, the boy who makes you feel all happy and safe. The first boy for you to ever love. You thought something had been going on, because one time you guys kissed as if it was scripted for the next big romance movie. You know there was rain, music, the world stopped when he said your name or when he would look at you. Then the next day he avoided you, one day becoming two, then becoming weeks, then months, then a year to this exact day.A fucking year.but you still loved that boy, but the only friend you had close to your age had left, just for some stupid kiss. "god, why does love have to exist, i hate it so much. it hurts. i thought he felt something too, i thought he felt sparks like i did, i thought maybe he would say the same thing that the world stopped when i looked at him or when i smiled. I want to mean something to him like he means something to me. He's the first i loved and the last one too" at this point you're crying. "hey kiddo how are- what happened?" tony came in your room. He knew everything and was overprotective about it, even threatened peter if he broke my heart. He sat down on next to you on your bed, and pulled you into a hug, "i thought he liked me too dad, that kiss, it felt so amazing, something i would want to do again, but i cant because im tony's daughter and they'll use me for that and im tired of it. Peter was the only friend i had at my age and i ruined it because of MY feelings" you just kept crying and crying while he tried comforting you. You looked up at your dad, who was now in tears. Hurt by the way his own daughter had been hurt, not physically but emotionally. "i'm sorry baby, im sorry you have to go through this, if there's anything i can do, tell me. i'll give it to you-" tony was interrupted, "Mr. Stark im here, hey friday, where's Mr. Stark?" peter walked in to see you and tony in tears. "uh peter, i'll meet you in a few minutes." tony looked at him as Peter looked at you sad, "actually dad can i talk to peter alone?" tony nodded and kissed the top of your forehead walking out of your room death staring peter, closing the door once he was out but of course listening to your conversation with peter. "h-hey y/n...a-are you okay?" he asked not wanting to look at you, "am i okay? am i okay. that's it?" you tried your best not trying to release more tears. "look it was wrong of me kissing you, im dating mj and it's wrong if i do that. It's wrong because i love her" he literally just ripped your delicate heart and left it on a shelf to fall when it gets hit. "really peter? because you love her? I LOVED YOU FIRST, i tried getting over you but i can't because i fucking love you, and when that moment you, YOU, pulled me in and asked to kiss me, i allowed it because i loved you, but then you ignored me and avoided everything we did together. EVERYTHING, and i hate you so much for it." you walked up to him and staryed hitting his chest but of course he's been through worse so this was nothing. "i hate you i hate you i hate you I HATE YOU" you kept hitting him in the chest until tony came and took you. "Peter, it's best if you leave right now." tony didnt bother to look at peter cause he was to worried about jis daughter going through more than a heartbreak. "but Mr. Stark-" "goddammit peter, please go, we'll have the meeting tomorrow. happy will send you a text about it but for now leave." tony hugged you as tears were coming down from his face. "i loved you first peter but i hate you, even after a year of this, i hate but love you" you felt more tears streaming down your face, at this point peter was hit with realization, the girl who loved him for everything was hurt by him because he was in love with some else. "but if you're happy, don't let me stop you, if you really love her go to her right now and tell her that before it's to late" you said as those were the last words that Peter would ever hear from you again. Peter was heading towards you but stopped by tony. "leave." and with that you and tony spent the rest of the night crying and eating ice-cream cause when you were little and got hurt he would get ice-cream to make you happy. but now you know that the person you always loved never liked you the way you wanted too.
i was sad writing this but im good now, but ngl i teared up a bit:/ but i hoped you like it❤️
stay safe💞

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