all i want/ricky .b

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warnings: none
play all i want by olivia rodrigo🥺
dont play song until it says too:)
"nini i love you, not y/n" he said to nini. Your boyfriend of 9 months confessed he loved nini instead if you. you walked in clapping, "what an amazing performance ricky, i suppose you used me to get over her or you were never over her and thought i would help you to get over her. i wasted 9 months to prove i was good enough not just for you but for myself, you know how i felt about you and nini" you said trying to stay together instead of breaking down, " -we-it didn't mean anything y/n" he said not knowing how to explain or even find an excuse. "you know what ricky, fuck you, i was ready to say 'i love you', but now you're dead to me" and with that ricky was left heartbroken, tears streaming down his face while realizing what he actually had and took it for granted, and nini, shes scared and filled with regret, while you? you were all over the place, first he dates nini ends it, she gets with ej during the summer you and ej were to talking for who knows how long but he ended it. you never could get what you want, there's always something in between you and that person, and it's nini. she has everything the boys want, the looks, the personality. while you felt useless and you had no idea you were able to feel so low comparing yourself to the girl who had everything.
*play song btw*
you walked all the way to the music room and started playing a song on the piano you had in mind while roaming through the halls
i found a guy told me i was a star, he held the door, held my hand in the dark.
And he's perfect on paper but he's lying to my face, does he think that i'm the kinda of girl who needs to be saved?
And there's one more boy he's from my past. we fell in love but it didn't last, cause the second i figured it out he pushes me away and i won't fight for love if you wont meet me half way
And i say that i'm through but this song still for you
All i want is love that last, is all i want to much to ask? is it something wrong with me?
All i want is a good guy, are my expectations far to high? try my best but what can i say all i have is myself at the end of the day. but shouldn't that be enough for me
rickys pov
i broke her. the person who stood there through everything, my parents, nini, even for my first time riding my bike. the person who felt most insecure but helped people feel secure scattered into pieces that can't be fixed cause i broke her and everything, thats when i heard her voice.
now happy ever after, it dont come so easily
All i want is love that last
wow i really did hurt her, i didnt even realize that i was walking to the music room, i made sure i was quiet, but eventually i sniffled but not loud enough for her to hear, not yet
all i want is a good guy, are my expectations far to high? try my best but what can i say all i have is myself at the end of the day, and all i want is for that to be okay

i felt tears streaming down my face, and i made noise again. "ricky?" she asked with her voiced filled with worried, see that's what i love about her, not matter what you do she still cares, wait a minute i just said i love her, wow and i wasnt able to say it back to nini so quick. "ricky are you okay? actually no its not my business" she quickly changed her attitude. "y/n/n im sorry, i had no idea what i was saying, but it was a moment that didnt matter to me cause i..i-um" oh crap im starting to stutter. so i got closer to her "you what ricky, hate me cause im not nini, cause im not into musicals but still sings for no fucking reason wha-" i kissed her, and holy shit did it feel amazing, fireworks here, fireworks there, fireworks everywhere. *aha that rhymed*

"its cause i love you" i said softly and i know damn well my face turned all types of soft and it okay cause i accepted that i loved her. "then why'd you say you loved nini?" she asked or more like a whisper, and again she's tearing up. "because i wasnt ready to accept the fact that i moved on from nini, i wasnt ready for someone like you, but you showed me how feeling accepted, loved, everything is and i dont know if i could ever love someone more than i love you" i said holding on to her like it was the last day i'll ever see her. "i love you too ricky, even after all this shit, my worst pain would be letting you go, but this is your second and last chance, you fuck it up, you lose me" she said laughing before pulling me in for another kiss filled with passion, and fireworks.
now that i realized it all i want is her.
sorry this came out so horrible but im trying and this is what i could do lol, i hope you guys are safe and okay during this pandemic, if you need anything from someone to talk to or just need someone there i got you🤍
stay safe🥰

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