im sorry/ joshua b

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warnings: tads make out lol

also songs i was listening to while writing this: rosyln by st vincent and bon iver. line w/o a hook by rick montgomery. sweat by zayn. lie lie lie by joshua bassett. wonder by Shawn Mendes


it was another day on set, olivia was currently out because for season two nini decided to leave for the school. while your character emily was playing the growing love interest for ricky who is played by joshua bassett. "so theres a scene where ricky and emily will throw the basket ball at eachother and you make sarcastic compliments because they hate eachother with their own gut?" you asked joshua and he nodded "you dont hate me right?" he looked at you and you shook your head "unless you do something bassett" and he smiled as you chuckled "im kidding by the way, i could never hate you"  you looked at him, smiled getting up and messed around with his hair walking away as he sat there blushing. "alright emily and ricky scene, action" tim yelled 
you guys stood there and big red said "okay so why dont we try something? we take this ball and throw it back to eachother saying nice words" and ricky nodded, grabbing the basket ball and dribbling it throwing it to you "sometimes your honesty is totally helpful for people" and you caught it throwing it back "well atleast i can be funny" emily said and threw it back "cool, at least i could put a smile on my face" he threw it harder and you laughed "smile? at least i dont do a whole as song for my lover"myou threw it back to ricky "at least i have a lover" ricky said and threw it back roughly and it hits you, on your face.  joshua looked scared to death, while larry covered his mouth, that was probably his actual reaction, same for joshua. he got closer to you before they were able to call cut "dont bother getting closer bowen." you told him looking at joshua dead in the eye and walked past him bumping your shoulder on his, then you stop while his shoulder touched yours, you felt butterflies with his touch, not wanting it to end. you started tearing up cause of the pain you were feeling "had, you had a lover. but at least my lover didnt leave off to some camp or whatever",  you waled out of the room and tim yelled out cut as you went into the restroom.
"joshua go follow her! dont wait for her to come back" larry said "b-but she probably hates me now. now how am i going to take her out if i literally just hit her in the face?!" joshua said and left to his rv. you came back on set with a tissue in your nose looking for joshua to say your joke but he wasnt there. "where'd he go?" you looked at larry and he shrugged "probably to his rv" and he walked away and tim and come other producers came up to you and asked if you were fine "y/n? are you okay?" tim asked and you smiled "im brilliant, its just a small nose bleed" you smiled and walked away. "joshua?" you waited outside his rv, then sabrina came out as you looked at her then down then back at her with a smile "rina! omg what are you doing here?!" you told her as she smiled widely pulling you into a hug, you looked at the door and saw joshua standing there in shock, you looked away. "um joshy needed me for something so i came as quick as i can" she smiled pulling away from the hug "joshy?" you looked at her as you felt a sharp knife being stabbed into your heart. "yea hes planning to-" she got cut off by josh "baabe hurry up i need some ice" he said as sabrina looked at him confused and played along "o-oh yea, alrighty then see ya y/n, it was nice seeing you. bye babe" she hugged him and left while you stood there. you couldnt believe that just happened, was he just messing with your feelings? was he just leading you on? "y-y/n?" joshua said as you looked at him, tears started to form "ill see you on the next scene" you said tunring around as he grabbed your hand a bit agressively but he didnt intentionally mean to causing you to turn and slap him "dont fucking touch me like that" you looked at him as tears fell.


 "yes liv, they called each other babe and i think they kissed! infront of me!" you told her as olivia hugged you "its okay y/n maybe this is a sign that maybe you guys arent meant to date now...but later?" she said rubbing your back "he grabbed me literally like yeeted me" you told her looking at the floor while she choked on her water "he-WHAT?!" you looked at her and gave her a small sad smile "yea but he didnt mean too" and she nodded.  "lets go get more ice cream?" you told her and she nodded "yea i'll drive" and you smiled.

"liv, maybe i should just be done with acting" you told her starring into the ice cream section "w-what? why?" she asked you "well one they dont like emily, and second they ship you and nini with joshua/ ricky, where does that put me?" you opened the door and looked for cookie dough ice cream "just cause of that? y/nn, youre incrediable, beautiful, amazing. with out you we probably wouldnt know all the games you showed us" you looked at her then behind her. "fuck" you said "h-hey what do you mean-what are you looking at? ooh" it was joshua with sabrina laughing. "thats fucking amazing" you told her and grabbed two tubs of cookie dough, "y/n! hi" sabrina said going up to you guys as josh followed her from behind  "uhm hey sabrina, joshua" you said looking into joshua's eyes "w-what are you guys doing here?" josh asked as he kept his eyes on yours "well appearently the boy i was talking to called it off cause he found someone prettier soo yea" you made up that excused but made sure it was understandable to joshua. "and you?" "trying to find something for someone special" he said and you nodded. "im gonna go check the candies, ill be back" she said as you looked at her begging not to but she smiled. "why have you been ignoring me?!" josh asked and you scoffed "me? you were the one who hit me on the nose and didnt bother coming over or following  me to check if i was okay!" you held the tub on your sides "i was hoping you would follow me so i could finally confess the amount of love i had for you, and the way how you made me feel! so I should be asking you why have you been ignoring me?" you looked at him as he tried his best not to smile "what?" you asked him feeling your cheeks heating up "you look adorable when you're rambling "haha so funny bassett" you rolled your eyes. he gets closer to you while you look into his eyes "I was ignoring you because I was scared, I was scared that you might tell me that you hated me or something because I hit you in the face with a basket ball, and im sorry" he said cupping your cheeks. "I'm the special someone aren't i?" you smiled as he nodded pulling you into a kiss, you held him close as he started going into a more hungry kiss, you slid your tongue in his as his hands started going down your waist. you backed away and laughed "what?" he asked smiling nervously, "Goodluck telling your fans about us" you said as he blushed "oh well, now come over here" he said pulling you into another kiss.
I'm just posting some drafts that needed some finishing lolol also I go to the docs today and I'm kinda scared =○ ngl I'm kinda excited for valentines day....literally I don't have to see any couples make out lolol but
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