heather/ timothee.c

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warnings: heartbreak
play heather by conan gray
dec 1
we kissed. we made out. but the next day wasn't the same he seemed all awkward about it and I ask whats wrong but he didn't say anything not even a word he just looked at me like if there was a ghost on me and then ignores me for no absolute reason and im just so confused

dec 25
i still remember the third of december. me in your sweater you said it looked better on me than it did on you. only if you knew how much i liked you but i watched your eyes as she walks by

"timmy? ...tim?" you waved your hand around his face to see him practically drooling over the new girl, heather. "uh yea? I'm listening" "liar...um are we going- oh okay just leave me" you said looking up to see Tim walk towards Heather's direction.

dec 31
why would you ever kiss me im not even half as pretty you gave her your sweater its just polyester but you like her better
I wish I were heather.

January 1
I was gonna ask you if you wanted to go to our spot but clearly it isn't ours anymore but yours and hers god I wish she wasn't like this but how could I hate her she such an angel but then again kinda wish she were dead

Jan 10

please stop ignoring me. I can't take it. talk to me or at least look at me and say I hate you or something or tell her off. I saw her kiss someone who wasn't you but she's got you memorized while i die.

Feb 14
why would you ever kiss me im not even half as pretty but I can't stop thinking about it. how our lips touched perfectly but you? for you is heather I wish I were heather


"timothée what the fuck are you doing?!" you shouted walking into your room snatching your journal from him "you felt like this when I was with her?" "no I was fucking simping over a boy who definitely wasn't dating heather, yes I felt like that but why would you get this!" you threw the book at him "all the secrets kept in here are exposed to the boy who i never wanted to discover this. I fucking feel for you timothée, and getting over you was the worst. I tried so hard to accept you never liked me even after that kiss. but you sent the wrong signs and I should've seen it but I was so blind because I fucking loved you." "did anyone knew?" "no, just me but please leave. I cant stand seeing you hear after reading this. actually first of all what the fuck are you doing going into my underwear drawers and second of all how'd you find the key?" you asked now looking at you drawers as the top one had underwear hanging off the corners. you head over it and started picking them up and he went over to help. "i can't really explain the first one but the second one...the key was on it but you should've told me how you felt we could've been like together or something!" he said picking up the last pair of underwear which were from vs so he blushed REAL haaard. "i was going to but you left and walked towards her direction and from that you left but once she did the same to you, you came back. and I couldve ignored you but i still love you. but honestly it's not the same as before" you said sitting on your bed while he stood there shook. he wanted to hug you, kiss you, love you. but his heart belonged to heather, not you.
yes, sadness but it is what it is also im goimg to try to update more here these days cause I'm going out of state to Mexico:)) and over there has no service but that means ill be getting more ideas and stuff so yea also THANK YOU FOR 2K READERS or whatever it's called lmaaaooo🥰
but definitely could relate to having a boy bestfriend ditching me and leaving me on read and calling me names when I helped him through all his shit with his girlfriend 😕😳🤳
stay safe💞

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