⚠️ our secret/ ricky b. ⚠️

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idk if they would want to be tagged or not but yea here it is;)

warnings: obviously the nasty nasty😌 sooo dont read it if you dont like it anywho enjoy😉 

songs i listened typing this: as the world caves in/ matt maltese and 505/atlantic monkeys                it doesnt really give summer vibes or anything but maybe listen to like harry styles golden or watermelon sugar? idk or any song lol 
it was the last day of summer, nini was coming back, your parents were finalizing the divorce, your dog passed away, and now yours and rickys magic will be gone until next summer. "hey ricky? im coming over...yea everythings fine, alrighty then, see you soon" you ended the call and headed towards rickys house. before you got there, maybe like a couple houses away, a good 3 or 2 houses away, you saw some blonde headed girl leave, her hair was all messed up, letting her back of her hair show, it was half blue and half blonde, but her lipstick was smeared, shirt all wrinkled. did it piss you off? yea it did. were you feeling a bit horny? hell yea but why not make it hard for him. but you felt a bit heartbreak, of course you were falling for him! who wouldnt? he's everything a girl wants. you decided to play hard with him for maybe a while so you decided to suck it up and go knock.
"hey y/n, come in" ricky said hugging you, obviously you hugged back but not like you always would. he gave a strange look but brushed it off, "lets watch a movie, yea?" you asked him and turned to see him trying to take his shirt off, "o-oh um yea, choose which ever you want" he responded back blushing, "why is your shirt off bowen?" you asked him acting clueless, "oh uhm i-i got a bit hot...ya know since its summer...and the sun is hot...during the sum-" you cut him off "yea i know what summer is bowen, that's why im wearing what im wearing." you told him giving him a spin to show your outfit with was shorts with a t shirt cause you weren't a big fan of tank tops but luckily you had one under. so you decided to mess with him, "you know what youre right...it is hot, do you mind if i take my shirt off?" you asked him smiling innocently, his mouth opened a little, you took off your t shirt leaving you in you and ricky without a shirt. "come on, i wanna watch a movie" you told him and headed towards his bedroom, he obviously felt excited thinking you guys are going to do what you always do, he felt himself getting hard, he goes to his room to find you laying on his bed actually looking for a movie, "oh so we're actually going to watcha uh movie?" he said taking up the spot next to you. "haha yea what'd you think we were gonna do rick?"  you said nervously as he placed his hand on your thigh, you felt his ring on your thigh, somehow his rings felt cold, but just a little "obviosly watch a movie y/n/n, how about a comedy? comedy romance?" he mentioned drawing random shapes on your thight as it was leavinga tingling feeling all over you, but you werent giving in so easily. "how about 50 shades of grey, i heard that ones good" scooted closer to him, you the looked at him smiling as he started blushing. "youre beautiful y/n, i really mean it" he saidas he grabbed your chin softly and turned it for you to face him, "i dont think anyone could make me feel the way that you do" he was leaning in for a kiss, "did you also tell this to the blonde haired girl who left before i came in?" you looked away and pressed play, he frooze "n-no, y/n, you got it all wrong, big red was here, and he wanted to you know do the things with her but he didnt want to do it at his house so i let him do it here, let me tell you, i really regret that decision" he laughed nervously, he felt confident so he grabbed your hips and placed you on top of his laps. "i would never do that to you y/n/n, ever since we met, then you know do the things we're doing now, that would be the last thing to ever come to mind" he said as his forehead was touching yours, "i really fucking like you ricky...fuck it im giving in" you kissed him roughly, but he loved it, he loves the way how its filled with passion, love, everything you both wanted is happening now, and nothing could stop it. "take this off now love" he said pulling the bottom of your tank top, you lifted your arms and he took it off, leaving kisses all over chest, probably leaving some love marks. "fuck ricky, i need you now." you told him running your fingers through his soft now messy brown curls, "lay down" he whispered in your ear, and you nodded doing what he told you to do. he untied your shorts and took them off, "i see youre wearing my favorite pair" he said rubbing your thighs as you giggled, "just for you bowen" he opened your legs and you felt a bit exposed but its not like he hasnt seen down there before.  "i see youre wet for me already" he said as you looked down at him, the soft ricky isnt there, its the ricky you would want to piss off to get a good fuck to only wake up in the morning really sore. "are you sure you want to do this? i-i mean its fine if you dont want too i could take care of myself and we ca-" you grabbed his hand and placed it on your panties making it go in a circular motion "you never stop talking bowen just fuck me please ill beg until you do" you told him as you felt yourself getting more wet. "fuck y/n so wet and we're barely starting" he said moving the panties you had on and entered his middle and ring fingers inside of you, he started going in and out off you causing you to moan like crazy and loud. the neighbors probably heard you both, "ricky im gonna cum" you moaned out and suddenly whimpered when you felt nothing inside of you, "wait why?" you looked at him "we dont want the fun to end now do we?" he said standing up now and licking his fingers "mmm taste so good" he said taking out his fingers out of his mouth and putting it in yours, lets just say he wasnt wrong. after that happened he started taking out his 9 inch infront of you, "but i atleast deserves some fun right baby?" he said getting your hair up and putting it into a ponytail. you took his dick and put it inside going back and fourth causing ricky to moan which was definitly turning you on even more "fuck baby youre so good" he tightend his grip to your hair and started moving his hip back and fourth as well. you started to feel his dick twitching meaning he was going to cum and then you felt a warm sweet yet salty liquid shoot inside your mouth and you heard ricky moan endlessly, "you dont have to swallow it babe" he said with his eyes still closed he said that all late cause you already did "oh but i want too" you told him now pushing him on the bed "its my turn now". usually you would be the one who isnt in control but if he can cum so can you, so you got a rubber packet and opened it placing it on his dick causing him to throw his head back and groan a little, you got on top of him and lined his dick up in your pussy causing you to maon really loud and him also. "fuuuck ricky" you moaned out loud "fuck y/n your pussy is so fucking tight" he said gripping on your hips possibly soon there will be bruises on there. soon yhe only thing you both hear are both of your guys moans and skins slapping together, "fuck youre so beatiful y/n, so.fucking.beautiful" he said in each thrust what took you by surprise was that he slapped your ass, and you werent gonna lie but it was hot as fuck "fuck bowen im gonna cum-im gonna cum" you moaned out as he said many profanities. you felt warm liquid again inside of you and both of you guys were out of breathe staying in the positions you guys were on.


he looked at you and you looked at him, he started laughing and so did you "that was the most awkward eye contact ive ever been through" you told him finally getting off of him and laying down next to him as he took the rubber off, "it wasnt that awkward if you think about it" he said extending his arm for you to go and cuddle with him, "ricky you literally made it awkward like that" you went in and put your leg over his. after that small giggle/laughing part it remained silent. "ricky?" you looked up at him and took up the only time you had left with him before summer was gone, "hmm?" he looked at you and moved the hair strand infront of your face, "are we still gonna do this...like after summer ends?" you looked away from him and he smiled, "i mean i would love for us to do this everyday but thatll be our little secret. but i was thinking instead of this being a summer fling maybe we can go like on a date?" he grabbed your chin and faced it towards his faceyou started blushing for how close you guys were, "i would love to go on a date with you bowen" you gave him a kiss until there was a knock on rickys bedroom door. "hey ricky its um nini, i let myself in with the extra key you gave me when we were  dating...i just wanted to return it back and um let you know that im also back, sooo yea...see you at school" nini said sliding the key through the door "uhm yea thanks...welcome back by the way" he responded back and giggled a little at then end causing you to laugh silently, "do you mind if i come in ricky? i really need to talk to you" nini said trying to open the locked door, "i-how about tomorrow? yea im just super busy" he said nervously while you were laughing at him "o-oh okay, also have you seen y/n? i went to her house but she wasnt there" nini asked still not leaving. "um no? wait who's y/n again?" he looked at you and stuck his tounge out while you got a pillow amd started hitting him, "my bestfriend? a-are you okay in there?" she asked "y-yea i-im fine...ill see you tomorrow...at school...dont wait for me if i dont make it on time!" he shouted with muffled giggles coming from you both "oh okay bye ricky" nini said and finally left. "youre dead y/l/n" he said grabbing another pillow and attacking you with it as you laugh but instead of running you tackled him and layed down with him giving him loads of kisses, "isnt it weird how we're both naked right now?" ricky asked looking at you "youre always going to make thigns awkward arent you?" you asked him as he started chuckling "maybe but for now this is our secret, for the sake of yours and nini's friendship" he said getting  a shirt for you and some undergarements you left at his house once. "for now" you told him and winked making him laugh and ended up with you guys both enjoying the last day of summer.


HOLY CRAP ALMOST 10K READS?! TYSM GUYS🥺🥺 but as requested Ricky bowen;) more updates coming soon😚 as said also requests are open for any of them and however you want it<3 vote if u want too 😌

stay home 🏡  and safe!

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