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recently you and harry have been hanging out. you weren't sure what it was but you found yourself catching feelings for him, just everything his voice, his kindness, ooo his looks are just a bonus. you guy released a song a couple days ago toping of to number 2 in just 24 hours after releasing it. "are you scared?" he asked with that sweet smoothing accent he has that could melt you quicker than anything could, he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder giving you a quick peck on the cheek. you swore friends dont just kiss each other's cheek unless "uh-a little, just this is my first time being interviewed" you turned to him only for you guys face to be inches apart but was cut off by the stylists calling you over to get you dressed

 you swore friends dont just kiss each other's cheek unless "uh-a little, just this is my first time being interviewed" you turned to him only for you guys face to be inches apart but was cut off by the stylists calling you over to get you dressed...

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once you got out of the dressing room harry was on his phone until he looked up admiring you. "you look gorgeous" he said not taking his eyes off making you blush, "you dont look bad yourself" you looked at him up and down now making him blush. "hey actually harry i have a question" you asked him playing with your fingers "sure what is it?" at this point you were gettinf nervous. not only was this your first interview but you were going to ask him what you guys were, you guys kiss, hug, hold hands, even go out on some dates, but you think its only him being nice to you. "w-what are we?" you were avoiding eye contact, "what do you mean?" he was definitely confused, how out of the blue you asked a question that still wasn't answered. "like what are we cause im confused, one day we kissed the next we hug then go on dates and im confused cause i never really had such an amazing experience with love or whatever we call what are we?" harry wasnt sure, he wanted to say they were a couple, he wanted to tell her how much she had an affect on him, how she made his day 10x better. he just wanted to say that he loves her but they were cut off when they were told to head on stage.
"Now coming on stage, Harry styles and Y/n Y/l/n" you were now fully nervous and sometimes when you got nervous harry would comfort but things just got awkward after the question. "hello lovely people" the interviewer said to you and harry with a smile. "im sofia, and im here to ask you guys some questions and you know ask about your new song congratulations by the way for toping off on number two" she said so happily, "thank you sofia, its a pleasure being here" you said as well as harry thanking her. "okay first question: how did you came up with the song or even thought of having a collab
with each other?" she read off the cards which obviously had the questions "well i remember hearing y/n voice for the first time and i was absolutely left speechless, her voice was so angelic i felt myself floating on the clouds. so as i was writing this song i was like you know what i need her in this. so when i texted her she immediately responded agreeing with it and it was just such a relief cause i was afraid she would say no" he explained laughing at the end which made you laugh. "yea i remember i was just watching greys anatomy and i was crying cause of this one episode, ive watched this show so many times but it still somehow always makes me feel so sad" you were saying laughing as sofia was agreeing with you chuckling as harry was too "then i face timed my friend cause she comforts me after being sad till i got the message from harry making me cry more and yelling just jumping around the room. and my friend was like "whats wrong y/n/n whats going on?!" and im like harry styles asked be to be featured in his song and she immediately came over and we celebrated. so harry asked where to meet up and we meet there and just started writing lyrics and went to the studio to record it" you smiled as sofia nodded but looked at harry who was now looking at you smiling at the memory. "about meeting with harry...we have some pictures of you and harry" then popped up in the screen of you and harry kissing "anything about this?" the interview asked as you felt you heart racing and your palms felt like they were going to sweat until harry held your hand. "yea y/n and i have been seeing each other but we would like to keep it private if you dont mind" he said as the crowd whistled and clapped you smiled as he confirmed and answered your question from before, he was still holding your hand but brought it up and kissed it making you blush even more. after the interview was over you went to go and change into something more comfortable, you were about to leave until harry shouted your name. "yes harry?" you looked at him, he changed into something else as well, "i was wondering if you wanted to have an official date as a official couple?" he looked down smiling showing his dimple that made you fall for him ever since. "are you asking me to be your girlfriend styles?" you asked going up to him as he looked into your eyes "yes y/l/n i am. so would you like too? i mean you don't have to say yes or-" he was cut off by you smashing your lips onto his. your lips sync together perfectly as if it was made for each other "you're adorable when you ramble" you smiled at him, "so that's a yes?" "yes harry, absolutely" you said wrapping your arms around him, and pulling him into another kiss that turned into a make out.
THE KING HARRY STYLES IS SHAKING🥴 but yea enjoy and also im not sure about this being good or whatever but it is what it is✌️😗🤳
stay safe🤍

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