⚠️ afterwards ⚠️ (dom reader)

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braeden lemasters
warnings: smut🧍‍♀️
song ib: i wanna be your slave by måneskin
a/n: sorry for not updating, i  have summer school🥲 besides that enjoy! ynn: your nickname
the boys just finished performing scrawny and now are taking their short break. "hey brae" you smiled at the sight of your best friend, "sup ynn" he said smiling pulling you into a hug. "you were amazing, sorry i couldn't come at the very begging" you apologized as he shook his head, "no need too, actually i need something" he said grabbing you hand and taking him into his dressing room.
(smut ahead)
"braeden-" you got cut off by him kissing you. this was nothing new, you guys weren't together, didnt have a relationship with anyone else. he was needy right now, but not like any other. see the thing is you and braeden had a heated argument about harry styles, really bad. OVER HARRY STYLES! from that you both decided to wait for the other to make a move, you guys would hang out but not have sex.

"youre one needy one right now arent you?" you said teasingly going down on him as he nodded, throwing his head back enjoying your lips on his skin. "words brae" you said looking up at him, "yes.." he said running his fingers through his somewhat wet hair, which makes him more hot. "beg." "not now yn, we go back in a couple minutes." "beg braeden." you said kissing his crotch through his pants, "fuck yn. i need you. now. i want to feel you. i want to feel your lips all over me." "what a good boy" you smiled unzipping his pants.

you palmed him through his boxers as he groaned alittle "yn please." he begged as you smiled at him, "we could have you a little late...no?" you faked pouted at him, as you started jerking his crotch. he let out little small needy whimpers, which turned you on to the max. you felt bad but liked it. you enjoyed the power you have over him. "i dont mind you being loud braeden. scream my name out, let the whole world know, who makes you feel this good." you said before taking in his crotch.

"YN! OH GOD!" he moaned out loud but not to loud, while you were licking the tip of his crotch. "yn please, more. please!" he said gripping on to the table he was leaning on. you kissed his crotch and then took the whole thing. you bobbed your head back and forth, making sloppy noises. you felt him twitching in your mouth, debating whether to let him finish or not, he had already released his warm liquid. he moaned out your name, breathing heavily. "you owe me." you told him giving him a kiss before leaving his dressing room.
"hey yn have you seen braeden?" dylan asked you as you shook your head, "no why?-" "im here" he said panting coming out of his dressing room. "jesus fuck what were you doing? working out?" you joked as he stared at you serious. "for real dude, what'd you do?" dylan asked, "ynn should know, dont you?" he smiled at you as you looked at him serious this time. "are you guys still arguing about harry styles? cause if so you guys need to get over it dudes, besides that hurry we're about to go back." he said walking away.

"afraid to tell you bros that we're fucking?" you smiled getting a water bottle. "maybe. maybe not. maybe they know." he said grabbing a water bottle and giving you a quick kiss before going onto stage, leaving you shocked. "little shit." you smiled to yourself taking a seat. "so you and braeden...?" lydia asked nudging your shoulder jokingly as you laughed, "what do you mean lyd?" you asked. "i saw you guys...then when you guys got out the room. looks like you did him good" she winked as you laughed "fine, nothings going on with us besides that."

you admitted as she looked at you confused "so no feelings involved but intimate contact?" she asked as you nodded. "yea basically that." you looked at her as she smiled. "but sometimes i wonder whether i do have feelings for him you know?" you looked at her as she nodded, "it feels like we're in highschool" you both started to laugh until a purpled hair girl approached you both. "hi im jenessa" she smiled sticking her hand out to greet you guys. "girl what are we? old old people?" you smiled pulling her into a hug as she gladly accepted. "im yn" you smiled parting away from the hug, "im lydia, nice to meet you." she smiled.

"wait, how'd you get to the backstage?" you asked genuinely curious. "oh braeden invited me, me and him been talking for a while. im pretty shre he'll ask me to be his soon. he always talks about hiw he sees a future with me and stuff so yea im just waiting." she smiled "oh shit...thats amazing, hes a really good person." you smiled as she nodded. lydia tapped your shoulder as you shook your head. "well i feel the water kicking in, i need to quickly use the restroom" you smiled getting up and went to the farthest restroom.

"holy little shit braeden im going to kill you." you said wanting to tear up but theres no reason since theres no feelings involved. he knows how much you hate people cheating, or even getting cheated on. "how can i be so stupid?" you said frustrated pulling on your hair a little. your phone started ringing, you checked and it was lydia. "hello?" you answered your phone, "im fine lyd, dead serious. shes pretty." you replied "you have to talk with him or something!" "lydia, me and him aren't anything i dont have much right to stop him." you admitted.

"yea but you said that you have feelings for him!" she said "no i said sometimes i think i do" you laughed softly "oh well, as long as hes happy" you smiled. it hurts to see him doing this, why with you though? why would he do that?
"sorry for the long break, turn out i ended getting my period" you laughed as you joined the girls. "you need a pad i got one" jenessa said as you shook your head, "its okay i got one" you smiled as she nodded. the boys performance is almost done. they took one last break before ending the show. "yn- jenessa?" he looked shocked as you nodded. "hey babe, i was able to make some time in my schedule soo here i am" she said smiling widely opening her arms as braeden went into the hug but stayed looking at you.

"hey ynn, i heard cole is single, aint that right cole?" lydia said as cole looked at her confused and nodded. "yea? why? i swear if you invite me to your date in the most nicest way. im not going." he says drinking some water, "why not go with yn, i heard you had a little crush on her" she said winking as you stood there shocked, maybe blushing a little. "yn don't believe her. FALSE. maybe not, lydia-" "cole lets go on a date yea?" you asked him as he looked at you confused and happy. "y-yea sure. just text me whenever" "after the show?" you smiled as he nodded.

"hold on ill be back" braeden said to jenessa as she nodded talking with the boys. "yn." he looked at you as you were looking at the snacks, "which one should i crave?" you said "yn!" "lays? doritos? ooo these look good-" "yn!!" he said grabbing onto your arm. "what braeden." you looked at him as he looked away. "thats sad, cant even look at me, without even telling me about her" you said still looking at him. "look, the least you couldve done was telling me about her. 'hey yn, sorry not sorry to tell you this but i meet a girl, so we have to stop fucking' that couldve been simple and easy. but no you take months with her while me and you still do it! so what the fuck" you said not grabbing his face harshly but enough to make him look at you.

"who knows. maybe cole will see more then this? maybe ill let him" you said pecking his lips. "yn dont. not with cole" he said "well thats to sad, ill text you the deets yea? maybe ill get into detail, maybe ask you to send a video of what you do?" you tell him as he looks away and back to you, "you wouldn't" "no i would, see ya later?" you told him before grabbing a bag of chips, sending him a wink and going to cole to  talk with him.
theres a part two to this btw its also smut lol brb gonna post the second one btw!
stay safe!

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