༻fine line༺

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harry styles
warnings: sad sex basically
song ib: fine line by harry styles
a/n: if you can vote :)

once again, your boyfriend didnt show up, he stood you up. everyones eyes around you filled with pity as you sat there for one more hour. "honey hes not comming, ive got here the same time as you and you havent left" some old lady said as you looked at her, "i know, just hoping someone wouldve came up to me and tell me to play along, but thats only in fairy tales or movie screens." you said giving her a sad smile as she returned one back, "well time to move on right?" you told her getting up and grabbing your stuff, "better now than later" she said as you let out a small chuckle and thanked her then said goodbye. you called tylers phone, and it sent you right to voice mail "hey its tyler, leave a message" it said "hey tyler, um we're over. you said last time you wouldnt forget our date...yet here we are. youre probably fucking some other bitch. goodbye tyler, dont bother contacting me on anything." you slightly shouted at the end and clicked the thingy to send the voice mail. you blocked him on all socials, then called your bestfriend, harry. its been a while that youve talked to him, he stopped talking to you after his new girlfriend, sarah meaningbelle, got with him. he said it was for the best, so she would break up with him. "hello?" he said, his voice was deep, it sounded like he'd just woken up, "harry? hey its y/n" you said looking at the floor messing with the snow "h-hey y/n/n, are you okay?" he said sounding more woken up "um yea, i didnt wake you up right? if i did i could just call one of my-" you were rambling, something you always did when youve felt like you did something wrong. "y/n its okay, where are you, ill pick you up" he said as you let the tears fall "im by the burger place we would get our shakes from" you said and hanging up. "Y/N! Y/N IM- here...is it late?" tyler came up to you as you looked at him mad, "yes its late, im tired of this tyler! youre always late to everything, youre probably fucking some blonde girl you last time said was just a friend" you said feeling more tears growing "i-im sorry" he said looking down, "i choose you when no one else would, i was there when the bullies would talk you down and you pay me like this. ive never asked for anything, not even for you to stop talking to your bestfriends like you told me to with harry" you looked at him "are you drunk?" he asked and you stood quiet then saw another car pull up "hey y/n-" harry saw what was happening and stood quiet "so you still wont listen to me after i told you not to talk to him?! " tyler said shouting a bit "ATLEAST HE'S THERE FOR ME WHEN I NEED HIM" you shouted walking to the car "Y/N WERE NOT DONE!" he shouted "KISS MY ASS ASSHOLE" you flipped him off as harry drove away quickly. 


"harry have i told you, when you woke up and your voice is deep, its hot as fuck" you said looking away from the window to him as he chuckled "are you drunk?" he asked as you laughed nodding "very much mate..just kidding im a little tipsy" you told him as he chuckled. "its been a while." you told him looking out "yea, it has" he said as the car got awkward "why? why did you listen to her?" "i was scared of losing her" "but what about me? i was there for you through everything. from falling down the bike to x factor then one direction including the split of you guys till now. why would you do that to someone whos been there for you from the very start rather then the one who claimed to love you" "because i thought i loved her" he whispered as he stopped infront of your drive way. "and i thought i loved you" you looked at him as he looked a bit shocked "what do you mean?" he asked "i thought i loved you until all of this happened. if it wasnt for that i probably wouldve told you the way i felt" you told him as tears grew, next thing you know his lips is on yours. both of your tonuges fighting for dominance, you felt his hands go to you cheek. "lets go inside" you whispered as he nodded, he got out immediately opening the door for you as you thanked him. you both were looking at eachother looking for signs, but the only thing you both found was sadness in both eyes. 


once you opened the door harry took off his shirt then yours, he pins you to the door kissing you softly all over your neck and chest. you both take your clothes off heading towards your room. he sat on the edge of your bed watching you as you locked the door and walked back to him. you stood there watching him as he did the same, you then sat on his laps ass you cupped his face which was showing sadness, as for you, you were tearing up. you kissed him as he wrapped his arms around your waist, you slid your tounge in his mouth as he did the same back. his hands going up and down your body while yours were touching his body, trying to memorize the feeling if this never happens again. "youre still dating her arent you" you asked pulling away from the make out as he nodded going back in, he picked you up and laid you on the bed. "are you fine with this darling?" he asked with that sweet accent of his "i am, are you?" you asked him as he nodded slightly smiling, it wasnt a happy smiling but a trying to convince that youre happy type of smile. "do you have any condoms?" harry asked as you nodded, opening your drawer to get one. he takes of his undergarements, ripping the package open, "let me put it on" you said softly taking the rubber from him and putting it on for him as he groaned, throwing his head back. you looked into his eyes as he lined himself to your enterance, you slightly moaned. he entered inside of you as his breathing started going uneasy "fuck" he whispered as you held on his shoulders, your eyes became watery, everything was blurry. you let the tears fall as harry thrusted into you slowly, "are you okay babe?" he whispered and you nodded, you held him close, knowing that this could possibly ruin your friendship. you wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he kept his head on the crook of your neck, "oh haz" you whispered and moaned into his ear, he kissed your neck as you felt him breathing heavily. he wasnt done yet, he was enjoying the moment as well, savoring every moment, remembering your touch, kisses, the way your voice sounds when you moaned his name. every little thing being savored.

"harry please go a bit faster" you said as he nodded, looking into your eyes, he saw the tears but knew they werent from what was happening, is was from what happened. he felt himself being in tears, he started going faster as you slowly started moaning a bit louder as well as harry. "oh baby, y/n" he moaned going in a bit harder and faster, losing himself at the thoughts of losing you, not having you when he needs lines or when getting tattoos together, or even just having sleep overs. "harry!" you moaned arching your back, you felt your shoulder wet, you grabbed his face and saw tears which made you more sad, you pulled him into a kiss but not the hungry kind. the ones that say well be fine, were ok, this isnt a goodbye, yet it felt like a goodbye. "y/n! oh god" he moaned as his thrusts were becoming slower and sloppier. "harry-im going to" you moaned as you reached your climate, as for harry he thrusted a bit more and cummed. you and harry cried together holding onto eachother as harry was still inside of you. everything was quiet, just you and harry panting and sniffles were heard. "i dont want this to end haz" you cried as he kissed your head, tears falling as well. "i will never end babe" harry said letting his tears fall.

"we'll be a fine line."

"we'll be alright."

|end of flash back|
"harry mate, you have to put the flower" mitch said as harry stood there looking at you, lifeless yet you showed life. "no, no, i dont believe it, i dont believe this! i cant!" he cried looking at you "baby please wake up" he begged as mitch teared up "y/n/n please baby respond to me! move your finger or show me our tattoos, please y/n!" cried and cried more in hopes you'll wake up but his hopes never happened. he fell to the floor, covering his face "please y/n, baby. love. darling. please wake up once last time." he whispered as his lips shivered.

"we'll be a fine line."

and with that harry got up with the help of louis, zayn, niall, and liam. he placed his rose, took his ring off, the one you'd always say you'd want, and placed it on your finger. "please wake up darling" he whispered, letting his final tears fall out


i really want to cry rn idky but i cant cry at all. nvm im crying now. i wrote the last part and cried worse
stay home
stay safe

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