i love you/ tom h

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warnings: none 🙂
look how cute he looooooks🥺🥺❤️
you and tom have been dating for almost a year. of course no one knew besides your family and friends, but you were ready to go public while tom on the other hand is worried about what his fans will say. "darling, come here" he shouted from your guys hotel room, "yes, darling" you mocked his accent getting a pout from him once you stood in front of him "dont mock me" he whined doing his pouty face. gosh you would do anything for him to be happy "im sorry you big baby" you said as you happily went on the bed to cuddle with him "I'm ready" he simply said making you confused "ready for what tommy?" you got up and tried reading his facial expression. "im ready to tell the whole world that y/n y/l/n is mine" he said pulling you into a hug, "wait really?" you asked excitedly as he nodded "yes love, I mean it" you immediately showered him with kisses. "as much as im excited, we have to get ready for the interview" you said getting up only to be pulled back to tom "can't it wait?" he complained giving you kisses all over your neck pulling you on top of his laps, still trying to look for you sweet spot, you ran you finger through his hair enjoying the moment but it had to come to an end "we can finish this later tommy, we really need to go. plus I don't think I want to be going looking like a cheetah" you told him making him whine as you giggled. "fine, but you owe me later darling" he winked at you, making you blush hiding your face as he laughed "we've been dating for almost a year and your still nervous around me love?" he teased as you nodded "well sorry Mr holland, but I fell pretty hard for you so yes I obviously still am nervous around you" you guys laughed, grabbed the things you needed. you and tom headed out to the car and headed towards the location where the interview will be held at.
while getting dressed zendaya came in "so tell me, what's going on with you and spider boy" she sat next to you as you started laughing, "he's amazing daya. I know we haven't said it but i love him" you sighed in relief, it felt good saying you love tom. "wait it's been how long and you haven't said 'I love you'?!" she asked in surprise, especially since tom always texted her saying he was gonna do it but never did, "11 months daya and im scared he'll freeze up and our relationship will go from up here to down here" you explained to her "though I did mention I fell for him pretty hard today but we laughed it off" you smiled at the memory that just happened to be created today. "awwe my favorite couple being shy, stop. just tell him you love him, he'll obviously say it back" you were always scared of how he could react, sure you guys have sex anywhere and make love but the words never slipped out "ill tell him after im done zipping this skirt, please help" you turned for her to help zip your plaid skirt with a black shirt. "atta girl, now go tell your mans that you love him" she said cheering you on as you excited the dressing room. you looked for tom until you found him, "hey love, you look beautiful" he said going to you and giving you a kiss, "you don't look bad yourself" you said honestly he looked hot, at any moment you could just rip his clothes off but yoh remained calm, "hey tom I actually i have to tell you something" you said serious as he got worried on what it could be "are you okay darling? you're not breaking up with me right?" he rambled as you shook your head. "no, never. I just um actually let's go somewhere private" you said taking his hand and leading you to the dressing room, "you sure you aren't breaking up with me cause it feels like that?" he asked looking so worried that the love of his life is maybe ending everything, "gosh no tom, i- um I love you" you said closing your eyes not wanting to see his reaction, but eventually you did only to see tom left speechless "oh um" "you don't have to say it back um im sorry I made this awkward...I'll just leave" you said turning hoping he would pull you by the waist and say he loves you too but he didn't making you sad. "how'd it goo with you two love birds?" zendaya asked happily until she saw your reaction "oh hell no, he didn't say it back?! that little-" she got cut off by the camera man sayimg it was time to start
during the interview it was really awkward between you and tom but you tried your best not to let it get to you. "so tom, will there ever be a moment where we see you drink coffee?" the girl who was the interviewee asked tom "I drink tea darling." he said as you looked at him shook, you felt like a knife had been stabbed into your chest, he looked at you but you looked away not wanting to look at him. through the whole interview you looked distracted yet focused "so y/n, we have some pictures" the girl said taking them out and showing them to you, showing you with a male, who was obviously tom but no one knew cause his back was facing towards the camera "oh wow, you guys have some real good stalkers" yoh joked making them laugh "could you maybe spill the beans about this male?" she asked leaving you confused, don't these people have boundaries. "um apparently it's a guy im dating as you can see me um kissing him" you said turning red "wow you must really love him since you're turning red huh?" she asked as zendaya laughed and tom stood serious but chuckled so it wasn't so obvious, "uh yea no well yes I love him but um why'd you put me in the spot" you joked around so you could get out of this situation, "well looks like tom didn't have a chance" the lady said making you and zendaya giggle while he turned red "oh wow. um thats nice" he said not knowing what to say. what finally felt like hours the interview was over, and you were exhausted, and pissed since tom only calls you those sweet names.
"y/n the least you could do is talk to me" tom said while you looked out the window, "so you want me to talk to you after you called someone else darling?! that's mine and now it doesn't even feel special anymore, I dont even know how to feel because I told you I love you and then you call some other women darling, might as well go call her love and everything else you call me" you said tears wanting to slip out making tom feel horrible. "love, im sorry it slipped out." he said looking at you them back at the road "dont cry love, I love you more than anything" he said as you continued crying but stopped once he said that. "you what?" you asked him making sure it wasn't just your imagination "I love you y/n" and with that once you guys got to the hotel, you guys had a night filled with passion and love. the next day you guys went official telling the whole world, there was little hate but none of it could destroy the love you have for tom fucking holland
stay safe✨

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