anyone else/joshua b

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warnings: none✨
play anyone else by him🥺
you currently were in a on and off toxic relationship with your boyfriend jack. one day you were happy the next you guys take a break, so you go to joshua, your best friend, when you're feeling sad or insecure cause jack would say "thats your problem" or "not my fault other girls are hotter than you" so obviously you didnt go to him. "joshy i think im gonna break up with him..." you said laying down on his bed while he was strumming his guitar, when josh heard that he felt his energy go up cause he's been wanting to be with you for a looooong time. he tried with olivia but he couldn't get his mind off of you. "actually i dont know i dont want to get hurt" you said putting your phone down stressing on what to do, and with that josh's hopes went down but he got lyrics down for what he feels. "y/n, as a person i would lie and say you guys are so cute together dont break up but im you' friend, and i think you should break up with him, cause he cant even love you right or treat you like a princess like i could. and it makes me so sad you see yourself how he tell you too, like you're perfect the way you are, and no one should ever compare you to other girls who makes you feel so low about yourself" he said getting up and sitting next to you as you laid there shook cause he literally just confessed that he could treat me like a princess. "like i cant help but only think of you besides anyone else. so yea you should break up with him" he said and sat up while you did the same, he couldn't handle himself so he made you face him and looked into your eyes asking for permission to kiss you, and you nodded, leaning in as he did as well. the feeling of his lips on yours was like two puzzle pieces fitting with each other perfectly. you guys pulled apart but you pulled him back in to turn into a small make out. he cupped your face placing his forehead on yours "i am done pretending i want anyone else" he said looking into your eyes but you pushed him away, you grabbed your phone and dialed jacks number. "hey, come pick me up please" you said knowing it hurts him worse but it wasnt how you thought it was, joshua just looked down, tears falling while you just looked at him one more time. you just wanted to hug him and give him a shit load of kisses but you already called jack for the wrong reason, "goodbye joshy" you said holding back tears and heading out his room closing the door and put your ear on the door to hear him "great fucking job joshua, you fucked up everything over a kiss. FUCK" and you heard things being tossed on the floor "franklin, no, oh no where are your glasses. wait you might not have a mommy anymore franklin, and its all my fault! FUCKING SHIT!" he lastly said as you heard honks coming from outside, you went outside and entered jacks care looking at joshua as he stood there in tears, shaking his head and closing the blinds. "take me home" you simoly said and the ride was an awkward silence. no music, no joshua singing, no laughter. just pure silence. once you got there jack held your hand "y/n, we should break up. our relationship is so toxic, there's no love there" he explained but before you left you leaned on the window "you were the toxic one jack,
not me. you" you simply said walking into your home.
*weeks later*
you heard his song on the radio, anyone else. you knew it was about you. you wanted to text him but your new boyfriend was there watching every little move you make. "his song sucks ass. honestly he should just stop trying at this point. simping over a girl. fucking dumbass" he said inhaling his cigarette "don't talk about him like that, this song is beautiful. and has a meaning behind it. at least his so called dumbass could treat his girl like how she supposed to be treated. I thought maybe you were better but nope I was wrong. so this...this isn't gonna work out. goodbye nick" you said quickly grabbing your bag and heading out the car while he screamed your name. tears were falling down your cheek. until you bumped into someone "oof sorry- y/n? a-are you okay?" that boys voice asked "joshy" you immediately hugged him while he wrapped his arms around your waist "God i missed you" you said wanting to tear up. you wanted to tell him everything, how you found yourself but got lost. how you tried looking for anyone who was able to treat you the same as joshua did but there wasn't anyone like him cause there's only one joshua you knew and its the one you love. "I've missed you too y/n, and im sorry for putting you on the spot with the song it's just i-" you cut him off by kissing him. "i love you joshua. and im sure about it now. I was scared of ruining our friendship or maybe you would ignore me and stop talking to me like all these romance stories. but I want you not anyone else" he smiled at the reference of his song. he grabbed you by your waist and pulled you into another kiss filled with many emotions. "i love you too" he said hugging you.
so I made this when he released this song but I didn't know how to end it soo yea but HOW IN THE WORLD IS THERE 4K READS OR WHATEVER THEY'RE CALLED ON THIS STORY THANK YOUU🥺🥺 also for all the past stories and all theres some misspelled words cause im always half asleep writing them but im kinda lazy to fix them 👁👄👁 but yea vote if you want i take request or whoever you want:)) any type like the nasty nasty😉 or sad however soo yea:))

stay safe💞 and wear masks when leaving your home💞

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