༻wrong number༺

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harry styles/long chapter
3k words

warnings: slight make out

songs ib: dancing with a stranger by sam smith, normani

a/n sorry i havent updated, ive been busy with SCHOOL, and i finshed some assignments, and im still behind a little (maybe a lot) but im catching up sooo yea, im trying to update asa much as i can but then im also making a new  story for the one and only harry styles <3 anyways enjoy and vote if you want :))


unkown: are you almost here?

unknown: for what?

unknown: for what? what do you mean for what? did you forget?

unknown: our date? the day before yesterday you gave me your number at the bar

unknown: sorry to break it to you but i think she or he gave you the wrong number

unknown: what? ouch...well may i ask for your name?

unknown: no.

umkown: why not?!

unknown: cause you could be some murderer or a psychopath!

unknown: well then my name is harry im 26

unknown: im y/n and im 25 turning 26 next week

harry: well look at that, happy early birthday

y/n: haha thank you but need to say it, i dont really enjoy birthdays

harry: why not? :(

y/n: cause its not that important, youre just celebrating days before you get old

y/n: or get hit by a bus or something

harry: way to ruin the way i think of my birthday y/n. 

y/n: no no no im sorry lol, im just not a huge fan of birthday cakes and all that party things

harry: then what'd you prefer for your birthday to be about?

y/n: staying home, strumming my guitar, write a litte

harry: you write music?

y/n: yup, i adore writing music, its like if i dont write at least a verse, my whole day gets ruin

harry's pov


adore you. does she know? has she somehow figured out im harry styles? will she show my number to millions of people? should i notify someone about this? should i block her number? WHY AM I OVERTHINKING?! okay okay, calm down mate, just as normal maybe she wont know. she doesnt....yea she doesnt.

harry: look at that, we have something in common, we both like writing music

y/n: wooow you write music too?

harry: for years at least

y/n: no way?! ive been writing songs since i was at least 6, just ryhming rainbows and sunshines with anything coming into my head.

harry: hahaha well thats amazing, well actually im pretty sure everyone would ryhme when they were small

y/n: way to ruin the mood harry, wait is harry a short name or like something like harry styles or?

harry: hahaha what?! harry styles? me? ha 

y/n: so you dislike harry styles?

harry: no certainly, i think his music is amazing, just he makes me feel....bleh

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