Step 49: Have a Weird Backstory

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Eclipsed Electric was the worst name that Ember thought even possible and that's why she only ever called it the Secretum... or maybe it's because Oriana had only ever called it that. It was the most well-known book through the entire Rowle bloodline. Passed down for generations. Of course, when Ember had first been told of this book she only ever thought of it as a legend. A myth. Clearly this was not the case and she wondered why it was hidden in her father's bookcase in his room.

Secretum was filled with dark magic, just touching the book without any Rowle blood flowing through your veins would kill you straight away. No one had seen the inside of the book, no one except for Oriana Rowle — and she didn't even have Rowle blood. Maybe that's why the entire book had been such a mystery to everyone.

It took a long time for Ember to break away from her state of shock from seeing the book. It was old, tattered and dusty, as if it hadn't been touched in years. If Austin was really using this book to create some sort of weapon then there was no reason it should've looked rusty. Ember brushed over the cover — admiring the little runes on the edge of it. She contemplated opening it, surely it wouldn't hurt her if she was a true Rowle.

The book was scary, one of the scariest things that Ember had come into possession with. It was so small and yet so life-changing that she felt her fingers lingering over the edge and giving up all common sense, she tore the book open. A bright green light filled Ember's eyes and the book fell on the floor, straight out of her hands as the pages began to blow as though caught in a high wind, stopping halfway through the month of June.

As if a portal to another world had opened up, the scriptures that Ember had seen in the book disappeared and the dirty yellow colour of the parchment was like a window and before she knew what she was doing, Ember bent forward and grabbed the book. Carefully, she lifted her left hand slowly and when it was supposed to touch the pages it fell straight through, her fingertips had disappeared into this strange gateway.

"What the f — "

She didn't even get to finish her sentence as the noise of a snake hissing filled her ears and her body unwillingly launched itself into the book. Into the portal.

It was dark in the room that Ember was now standing in. The lights around them were simply torches, but it was the Rowle Manor. Ember would recognise that room anywhere. It was the corridor just near the East Wing, instead of being lined with portraits of the Rowle heirs, leading all the way to the door that led to the secret room it just held six portraits of men — no women in sight.

"Ten points to Slytherin," a boy said in a joking manner as he danced around someone, his friend no doubt.

The friend did not laugh, he simply looked at the other boy with a bored expression, "Don't joke around, Amadeus."

"You're such a bore, Nicholas." the boy, Amadeus, said, though he stopped flouncing about and stood up straight.

"I thought Father told you to stop dreaming." Nicholas sighed, his lips forming a frown across his face. "You can't go around to everyone saying things like that. Slytherin is only for those of the Rowle bloodline."

"And I thought Father told you to stop worrying. You're lying to me, Nicholas. Abraxas is a Slytherin and I plan to be one as well. I will meet great wizards, just like you've done. I am of the Rowle bloodline."

"Barely, you're a sorry excuse for one," muttered Nicholas, glaring at his brother.

Without warning, the two boys disappeared in a whirl of dust — as if they'd never been there in the first place. The scene of the two boys was replaced with one of a man and a wife beaming at a little boy who was riding around the corridor on a toy broomstick, he couldn't be older than one. It was the same corridor, the scenery hadn't changed.

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