Thank you!

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p.s. if u want to support me and shit plz go look at the link in my bio (not me sounding like an influencer 😭) but srsly it has my instagram which u should look at

Ok so I'm gonna keep this short because y'all don't want to hear me talk about myself. 😃✋

I'm so upset that this is over. This story has been a roller coaster ride of emotions. I've loved writing every single bit of it and I hope that you all loved reading it.

The story of Ember Rowle started quite a long time ago if I'm honest with you. I started it on a small fanfic website called that will always be my home. At first, I wasn't really sure how well this was going to do. I'd never written a story with Harry as the love interest and I'd never written such a large group of friends.

Now that the book is finished I don't really know what to do with myself since I love this story with my whole heart.

Thank you so much for reading and I'm sorry that the end is so sad but I'd been planning it like this since the book started so I didn't want to change anything.

Since we're finished, I'd love to share some fun facts about the book that was originally going to happen but eventually didn't make the cut:

- Draco was going to be the love interest and Harry the enemy.

- The book was originally called 'Coward' and I changed it right before publishing, when I thought of Harry being the love interest.

- Cullen didn't exist originally and Ember's best friend was Pansy.

- Ember was not going to die but she still wasn't going to end up with Harry.

- Georgia was going to be the child of Lucretia and Austin but I decided against it due to her previous relationship with Blaise.

- Cullen was going to die but I fell in love with him.

Thank you all for reading this book and learning about Ember and her time through Hogwarts. I hope you enjoyed the story it would mean the world to me if you shared it around.

Also I have just published a sequel on my page that I hope you can all find the time to look at! <3

- salmon :)

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