Step 31: Let The Secrets Fall

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It was the screaming that woke Ember up the next morning and when she got down to the common room to see what the hell was going on Billie Barker was standing there squealing at the top of her lungs. Several Slytherins were now appearing at the sight, most of them had their hands covering their ears.

"Barker, if I have to tell you to shut up one more time I'm taking back what I just said!" bellowed Urqhart and the whole common room went silent.

Ember stumbled down the steps to Billie who was jumping around, her lips pressed together tightly so that she didn't break out into another yell. She beamed around the room — even at those who were yelling insults at her for waking them up. She looked incredibly happy and Ember wondered what she was so excited about that made her wake up the entire Slytherin house.

"Are you alright?" Ember asked, eyeing Billie carefully.

"Am I alright? I'm way better than alright, Ember! I'm amazing!" Billie said quickly, so quickly that Ember hardly understood what she was saying.

Ember turned to Cullen who was standing on the other side of Billie, looking very disgruntled, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's Gryffindor against Slytherin today," answered Cullen, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Yeah, so?" Ember said, furrowing her eyebrows. "What's wrong with Quidditch?"

"QUIDDITCH!" Billie exclaimed, shaking Ember's shoulders roughly. "I'm playing Chaser!"

Ember gaped at the girl, her eyes wide, "You're what?"

"I'm — Playing — Chaser!" repeated Billie, pronouncing every syllable as if Ember were a toddler.

"Urqhart actually let you? Why? Is someone sick?" Ember said, flying out a whole bunch of questions.

It wasn't just any day that the Slytherins let a girl play for the Quidditch team. Usually, they tried everything to stop it from happening. Something really extreme or last minute must have happened. Ember was really happy for Billie, she'd been dreaming of it since first-year. You would never meet anyone more dedicated to the sport than Billie was, especially for someone who had only ever played it during the summer because it was 'not a girl's sport' in the Slytherin house.

Hamish Urqhart and the rest of the Slytherin Quidditch Team didn't look too happy with the arrangement but Billie was definitely ecstatic.

"So, how'd you convince Urq?" Blaise asked as he, Ember, Cullen, Billie and Georgia all walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

Billie beamed at Blaise, "I didn't convince him — I just asked him if I could play today, like I do every time we have a match, and he actually said yes this time!"

"Why?" Georgia said, raising her eyebrow. "Urqhart would never give in and let a girl on the team, not even his girlfriend."

"Vaisey's out and so is Draco —"

"What?" Ember and Cullen said at the same time, stopping in their tracks to stare at the girl in shock. "What do you mean Draco's not playing? He'd never miss a game of Quidditch and definitely not against Gryffindor," added Ember sharply.

Billie shrugged, "You ask him that, I don't know. Back to Vay though —"

"Who?" snickered Georgia, looking at Billie as if she had just grown two heads.

"Vay — It's my new nickname for Vaisey!" replied Billie happily. "He's sick today — I think he did it purposefully so that I could play, isn't that just so romantic!"

"Don't you want to play with him, Bee?" Blaise said, confused, just like everyone else was. Billie's behaviour was always strange though, so it wasn't out of the ordinary.

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