Step 23: Be Part of a Club

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Ember had successfully dodged her father for the entire holidays, not seeing him once and now she wouldn't have to even try to dodge him at Hogwarts. Draco and Ember got to the station by Apparating with Narcissa. They were later than Ember would've like, Draco took forever to get ready, making sure the mark on his arm was covered and also checking his hair like one thousand times.

The platform was as familiar as ever, the noise of chatting circling the air. No one was alone this time, not even the first-years. Everyone seemed anxious to let their children leave them, especially during this time.

Ember barely listened to Narcissa as spoke but she made out the important parts, "Stay safe. Don't get into trouble. Help each other. I love you."

With that, Ember grabbed Draco's arm — making sure that it was his right and dragged him off to the compartments at the back of the train, where they usually stayed. Blaise, Georgia and Billie were all sitting in a compartment already so Draco and Ember slid the door open and greeted the three of them. Cullen joined them five minutes later, complaining that his dad wouldn't let him go and his mum was fussing over his robes.

"You're the most independent person I know, Cullen," commented Blaise sarcastically.

Cullen puffed out his chest defensively, "I'm going to pretend that wasn't sarcastic and take it as a compliment."

"Aren't you two supposed to be doing prefect duty?" Georgia asked, narrowing her eyebrows at Draco and Ember.

"Shit," exclaimed Ember standing up quickly.

Draco rolled his eyes, "I'm not doing shit, the fifth-years can take care of it. I shouldn't even be a bloody prefect."

"You got that right," muttered Billie causing Cullen and Blaise to snort loudly.

Ember frowned, "You're seriously going to make me go to the meeting... alone? Merlin, you're evil."

"Maybe you'll see your husband there. I heard Potter's been having a hard time after Sirius Black died... You should go and comfort him, Em." snickered Blaise, earning a glare from Draco and a slap on the shoulder from Ember.

"Just because you said that I'm not going," Ember said sighing and returning to her seat.

"Oh, come on. Don't be such a bitch, Ember, we all know you're going to get married and have cute little babies. Aw, you can name them after Weasley and Granger!" Blaise teased.

"If Ember doesn't murder you, I will," snapped Draco.

Blaise raised his hands in defence, "I have no idea what's got your wand in a knot but you're no fun, I was just joking."

I'd be surprised if Ember could even speak a sentence to them without insulting or hexing." Georgia said with an amused expression covering her face.

"I'm sure she could," Billie said smiling slightly. "Actually, I take that back."

Just then, the compartment door slid open slowly revealing a small third-year who look absolutely terrified to be there. She was holding two envelopes in her hands.

"What do you want?" demanded Draco impatiently as she just stood there.

"Er — I'm s-supposed to deliver t-these to B-Blaise Zabini and Ember R-Rowle." she stammered quickly.

Georgia stood up out of Blaise's lap and grabbed the two envelopes out of the girl's hands, "Thank you and don't worry about the blond prat — it's nothing personal."

The girl nodded and then scurried away quickly, leaving Georgia to close the compartment door again and hand the matters out to their respective owners. Ember examined the letter, it said her name in a neat script that she didn't recognise. Flipping it over, she tore it open and read the words carefully;

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