Step 29: Get Caught in the Moment

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"Potter thinks it was you who gave that necklace to Katie Bell," Ember whispered to Draco, several hours after the incident in Hogsmeade.

The entire school had heard about it now. The necklace had been safely locked away by Professor Snape and Katie Bell had been moved to St Mungo's to heal from the damages the necklace did. Ember was terrified — If the school started to find out that the necklace had previously belonged to her father then she would be the number one suspect.

Draco didn't reply to Ember, he just stared at her. He didn't want Ember to be a part of the subject, he didn't want to put her in any danger but there was no point in even trying. No matter what the two of them would always be in some kind of trouble.

"You did do it, didn't you?" Ember asked quietly. "You gave her the necklace... Draco, you could've killed her. That necklace is so dangerous..."

Draco looked down at his feet guiltily, "She's a Gryffindor —"

"A Gryffindor?" Ember whisper-yelled."You think that you can almost kill someone just because they're in a different house? I understand why you hate Gryffindors so much, but to almost kill someone? That's way out of line, and you know it. I don't give a shit about your stupid reputation right now. I know the real you. I know what you're really like with people you care about. I've seen it with Georgia, Blaise, Cullen, Billie and I —"

"I don't care about anyone but myself and my family." insisted Draco arrogantly.

"You're lying. You're lying and you know it. Have you really changed so much that you'll risk killing an innocent person?" Ember asked. "I didn't think even you could stoop so low."

"You're not helping, are you?" Draco replied angrily. "You've done absolutely nothing to help me in this. I've done everything by myself so far while you've been getting all cosy to Potter!"

Ember glared at him, "You need to actually tell me what's going on! Fill me in and let me help you! I can't do anything if you're just going to decide to do everything alone. I feel like I have to tell you this a billion times, Draco, but I'm here for you. Always and forever. Do you think I'd rather hang out with Potter than you?"

"It sort of looks like it," murmured Draco. "Cullen saw the two of you holding hands in Hogsmeade."

Ember desperately tried to fight the heat that was rising in her cheeks. It would not help anyone if she blushed, and she had no reason to! It was completely and utterly a friendly platonic move, right?

"That was nothing, I promise. I was freaking out because of the necklace and Bell. He was just being... nice, I guess. I'm not really sure. It's probably just a stupid heroic Potter thing to do. Plus... you didn't hear her screams, Draco." answered Ember, trying to calm her heart that was pounding in her chest.

Draco's face hardened slightly at the mention of Potter, but other than that he seemed to believe what Ember was telling him. "I forgot to ask, did you manage to get Pansy's ring?"

"Pansy's ring?" Ember asked confused.

"The Scavenger Hunt?" Draco answered, raising his eyebrow. "I assume that's a no, then. Dammit, we can't do anything right, can we?"

"Right you are. Now, where's Cullen? I want to ask him who won the round." Ember asked, stepping out of her dormitory and into the stairwell.

"Hear ye! Hear ye!" a loud voice called from inside the common room, bouncing off the walls of the entire Slytherin complex.

Draco groaned, "Found him."

The two of them shared a look and headed down the stairs to the common room reluctantly. If anyone could get an entire crowd to look his way it was Cullen O'Connell... or maybe Hamish Urqhart, both for two very different reasons. Many of the younger years moaned at the sight of Cullen, all realising that they were about to get forced out of the common room. It wasn't really fair, but no one seemed to care. They were Slytherin's after all.

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