Step 7: Have Slytherin Friends

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All student organisations, societies, teams, groups and clubs are henceforth disbanded. An organisation, society, team, group or club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students. Permission to re-form may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge).

No student organisation, society, team, group or club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor. Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an organisation, society, team, group or club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled.

The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-four. Signed: Dolores Jane Umbridge, High Inquisitor.

"I still don't know who the bloody hell decided to name her High Inquisitor," Ember muttered to Cullen who was standing beside her.

The two of them were staring at the Slytherin notice board, peering over the heads of little first years. Many people were chattering loudly and annoyed.

"You know this includes Quidditch!" wailed Billie as she sat on a couch in the common room, looking over at Ember and Cullen. "How dare she!"

Ember rolled her eyes, "I'm sure Montague will reform it... just for you, Bee," she added.

Billie seemed to perk up at Ember's statement, "You really think he'd do that?" she asked.

Cullen snorted loudly and he earned a pointed glare from Billie, who continued to whine and sulk about.

"Shut up, Barker!" exclaimed a little third-year who Ember instantly recognised as the girl who had been worse than Pansy when it came to clinging onto her best friend.

"Mind your own business, Greengrass," Billie retorted rudely. "This is a national crisis!"

From just beside them on another couch, Theodore Nott was listening in on their conversation, "Bloody hell, Barker! You aren't even on the team!"

"Neither are you!" added Billie angrily. "I think I can easily get onto the team, I have talent unlike most of that team!"

Theo rolled his eyes dramatically, "Yeah, right,"

Billie turned her head sharply, not wanting to give the boy any more of her attention. She believed she was going to get onto the team, no matter what she did.

"Hey," said Georgia walking up to the group, she stretched her arms out widely, Ember would be surprised if the Ravenclaws hadn't heard the obnoxiously loud yawn that followed.

"Where were you last night?" interrogated Ember. "You didn't return to the common room at all."

Georgia's face heated up slowly and she brought her arm up to rub her neck.

"So that's what all that noise was, then!" exclaimed Cullen. "You and Blaise could be quieter about it you know, I need my beauty sleep..."

Billie snorted, "You really do,"

"Shut up, Bee!" the boy replied. "It's fine though, really, Georgia, I'm used to it... Draco's worse." Cullen shuddered as if he were remembering something horrible.

"Worse at what?" questioned Draco as he came to sit with us. "I don't think I could be worse than anyone at anything,"

"You are so arrogant!" exclaimed Georgia with a laugh.

"What does arrogant mean?" Billie whispered into Ember's ear causing her to choke on her own saliva and let out a laugh.

"Y'know we have really shitty classes today," Cullen groaned. "Defence is first and that class has honestly sunk to the bottom of my favourite class list. First is Potions with my favourite Professor who loves me so much,"

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