Step 44: Attempt To Uncover

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Ember dreamt of the time in third-year where she pelted snowballs at Draco who continued to scream about his hair. She wished she could stay in that moment of bliss forever, watching as Cullen laughed his head off and slipped on the soft pillow of snow below them. The second part of her dream wasn't nearly as nice, it was when everything went downhill. The third task of the Triwizard Tournament, the dead body of Cedric Diggory lying there with his eyes wide. The piercing scream that echoed from Billie's mouth as she sobbed about how good he was at Quidditch.

The next morning, Ember walked from the common room in the dungeons to the Great Hall feeling slightly sick. No one spoke this time and everyone knew where they were going so Draco stood by Ember, occasionally having to tap her so that she kept walking and didn't just stop right in the middle of the corridor. Cullen was skipping, trying to lighten the mood as everyone was looking down at the ground. Blaise was whispering at Cullen angrily, telling him to stop skipping. Billie was writing down Quidditch plays on a scrap piece of parchment, using Vaisey's back to lean on.

When the Slytherins joined the other houses in the Entrance Hall everyone was silent. No one was looking forward, not even the Slytherins. They all hung their heads and continued to walk warily into the Great Hall, ready for the torture from the Carrows that would follow with their classes.

There seemed to be no way you could brighten the mood, that was until Draco tapped Ember's shoulders, his mouth agape as his finger shakily pointed to the Entrance Hall wall behind them which had been covered in the in inky black words: DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY, STILL RECRUITING.

Murmurs and whispers spread over the crowd like wildfire as everyone seemed to notice that these words had been graffitied on the wall. Ember knew that Weasley and Longbottom would try to start up their little 'army' that they made during Umbridge's reign over Hogwarts, but she hadn't believed they'd be so obvious about it. It was unlikely that they weren't going to get caught, everyone knew it had to have been a Gryffindor to be brave to do that. Snape tried to quiet everyone down but the muttering continued as everyone took their seats in the Great Hall.

"I can't believe they cancelled Quidditch, I had some really good ideas for the team this year and I know that Snape would let me actually be captain because he's not an asshole," Billie was saying to Vaisey who didn't seem to be listening but he nodded along with what she was saying anyway.

Cullen looked like Billie had just shot him as he scrunched his face up, "Why would you even think for a second that my king, Snape, would be an asshole? He's the only good teacher around here and the fact he's not even teaching this year is stupid. He made sure that Hogwarts was amazing and now that he's Headmaster I just don't see how that's even possible. Headmasters are so boring!"

"Your logic makes absolutely no sense, Cullen," said Blaise, shaking his head at Cullen as he piled his plate with toast that he was unlikely to finish eating. "Headmasters are the people who run the entire school, they make sure that it's 'amazing', as you said."

"Why are we talking about Snape when someone's just written about that stupid army Potter made when Umbitch was around?" Vaisey asked, frowning slightly.

Blaise laughed, "'Umbitch', that's a new one."

"You're telling me that those Gryffindors are going to be that obvious about it?" Draco said to Ember, ignoring Blaise's comment, his eyes darting over to the Gryffindor table and then to the Carrows who were prowling between the tables just as they had done before. "They can't be that stupid. Not even the stupidest person in the world would do that, it's a death wish waiting to happen."

"They think it's going to give people hope. People are worried about the school year and how it's going to be affected by the war, so many people are scare of the Carrows — If the Gryffindors are doing that all the other houses start getting brave and then it will all be chaos," replied Blaise.

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