Step 6: Have an Owl Named Hades

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Ember didn't know what to do with herself this morning, she was the only person who ever seemed to be up early on Sundays, as most of the castle liked to have a big sleep in and a late breakfast.

Ember walked down to the common room and sat at the writing station, where many people wrote letters to their family and friends who weren't at Hogwarts. She got up to grab a piece of parchment and decided to send a letter to her Muggle family. Usually they wouldn't get anything from her when she was at Hogwarts, but she had bought both Sabrina and Romeo a gift from Hogsmeade, so she thought to give them it in a letter.


I hope you're alright. I thought I should write to let you know about my time at Hogwarts so far, even if it has only been a month. Draco and Cullen have been looking after me as always. My prefect duties are excellent when I'm on duty with Draco, otherwise it can get exhausting.

Cullen is making sure the two of us don't get into too much trouble, though he doesn't seem to care much. Professor Snape is giving me top grades in Potions, as he should. The new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is a real bitch.

P.S. Don't let Sabrina or Romeo see this, they'll tell me off for using 'bad words'.

Kind regards,

Ember Rowle.

Ember folded the parchment and placed it in an envelope, sealing it with a Slytherin stamp. She dipped her quill in some more ink and began on another letter.

To my favourite little rascals,

Sabrina and Romeo,

I hope you are well.

Sab, I suspect that you are getting up to lots of trouble and if you aren't then you best believe I will be giving you a good scolding when I see you next. I got you some chocolate frogs that you love so much, make sure to hide them from your mother, I don't want to be in any trouble... though it's not like I care very much.

I wish you were at Hogswarts stirring up all kinds of trouble with me. I'm sure you would love to know that Theodore is well. I will remind you again that he is two years older than you and it'll never happen, but there's always a little hope I guess...

Ember paused, thinking and disapproving of any relationship that her little 'sister' would ever have with Theodore Nott. The first time Sabrina had met Theo was on their way to Platform Nine and Three Quarters in Ember's third-year, ever since then she'd taken a liking into the boy.

Romeo, you're too kind for your own good. Make sure that Sab and I don't corrupt you because I don't want you to ever grow up to be like us, or Draco and Cullen for that matter.

Cullen says hi since you and him always seem to get along when he comes over during summers. I'm sure he'll want to send you a letter soon as well, so be ready when that comes.

I got you a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans that you can share with your friends, make sure that you don't tell them where you got it, or just share them with Sab.

Both of you, make sure you don't get into too much trouble without me. I'm not coming for the Christmas holidays, or Easter. Hogwarts is my home as you know, but I'll see you in the summer.

I miss you,

Ember x

Ember grabbed her letters which were now both sealed in an envelope and she headed out of the common room and straight to the Owlery where she was going to send off the letters.

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