Step 12: Not Hate Them

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"Did you see Potter's interview on the Quibbler?" asked Draco sitting on the edge of Ember's bed.

Draco, Cullen, Blaise, Georgia, Ember and Billie all occupied the girls' dormitory after taking quite a while trying to kick Pansy out. Sometimes Ember felt bad for her because she wasn't included in their 'team chats' but then again she was incredibly annoying ninety per cent of the time.

"No," said Georgia who was sitting in Blaise's lap. "Why would we?"

"He told his version of Diggory's death that night at the tournament," explained Draco. "I only read it because Umbridge banned it and I was interested to know about it,"

Cedric Diggory had died last year during the Triwizard Tournament, Ember new the whole tournament was a bad idea since the Malfoy family had told her about it at the Quidditch World Cup. She did like the sound of 'eternal glory' but when Dumbledore mentioned that in the previous tournament someone had died then she thought it was better to just watch and didn't think of it again unless she was reasoning with Cullen not to be stupid and concoct an age potion.

"Poor Diggory," sighed Billie. "He was an excellent Quidditch player, good-looking too..."

Ember rolled her eyes, "Come on, Bee, does everything have to be about Quidditch?"

"You like Quidditch boys too! You liked Hamish Urqhart!" Billie exclaimed outraged.

"Not anymore, cheating little bastard," muttered Ember angrily.

Ember was still incredibly confused with the whole Hamish cheating on her and Harry freaking Potter comforting her about it. She knew that he wouldn't have said anything if he knew it was her but that didn't stop the feeling in her stomach. Ember had never liked Harry Potter not since when he rejected Draco's handshake in first-year and then continued to be a 'hero'. She hated him for being so 'amazing' when all the rest of the students in Hogwarts were broken in one way or another. Or was there something deeper in Harry Potter? She couldn't shake the feeling that maybe she'd judged him too quickly.

"That's enough," Cullen said. "I would like to hear more about this article,"

"Well it's got to be a load of shit hasn't it?" said Blaise.

"Maybe so, but I'd like to hear it too," Ember said turning to face Draco. "Have you got the actual article? You said Umbridge's banned it?"

"Of course I do," Draco said smirking he grabbed the newspaper from beside him and handed it to Ember who skimmed the text. "Shit," she murmured.

"What?" Georgia asked.

"For one it's written by Rita Skeeter and we all know she's a load of shit," said Ember and Draco grinned. "Yes, yes, we know you fed her information as a beetle, you are very cool," she said sarcastically. "Potter's named each of the Death Eaters he said he saw at the 'graveyard' that night,"

"And?" asked Cullen raising an eyebrow.

"It says, 'Walden Macnair, Peter Pettigrew  — "

"Didn't Sirius Black kill that guy? He got into Azkaban for it?" said Blaise tilting his head.

"According to this that's false," Ember said shrugging.

"Who else was there?" Billie questioned, suddenly more interested even though it wasn't about Quidditch.

"'Steven Crabbe, Graham Goyle, Lysander Nott and Lucius Malfoy — "

"No!" gasped Georgia.

Draco scowled, "The only thing that stopped me from going to rip his throat out was telling you guys about it,"

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