Step 32: Be a Damsel in Distress

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Another day went by where Ember had to fake her smile when Harry Potter walked by. Georgia was now ignoring their group and resorted to hanging around Pansy and Daphne. Blaise was torn, he wasn't sure if he should go apologise to Georgia (even though he hadn't done anything wrong) or just stay with Billie, Cullen, Draco and Ember. Billie was on the edge of her seat too, she missed Georgia like crazy but she was too focussed on Quidditch to even sit with any of them, most of her time was spent blabbering to Urqhart about strategies.

Ember felt horrible for everything. Georgia was right, she was doing horrible things to people and she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do about it. It wasn't like Ember could just drop out of the task and say that she wasn't going to do it. She couldn't do that to Draco, to her pride.

"Who are you taking to Slughorn's?" Blaise asked, sliding into the seat next to Ember at the Slytherin table after Transfiguration that afternoon.

Ember frowned, "I totally forgot that was happening, when is it again?"

"Tonight," Blaise answered, a smirk covering his face. "You haven't got a date, yet?"

"No, I've been distracted," replied Ember, glaring at Blaise.

Blaise raised his eyebrows, "I know... You could take Theo, I heard he wasn't too happy with Astoria —"

"Astoria? Wait, I thought he was snogging Daphne?"

"Nope, Theo's snogging Astoria and Daphne's with Urqhart," said Blaise as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Oh, you can ask Potter, I heard he's not going with anyone — People have lined up, you know? I s'pose you wouldn't have to though since your his best mate now,"

"Don't be stupid, Blaise... Who're you taking?" Ember questioned.

Blaise's smirk faded slightly, "I'm going with Melinda Bobbin — you know, that seventh-year? I tried to ask Georgia but she's been ignoring me ever since the 'incident'. Merlin, girls are weird."

"You're talking to a girl,"

Blaise snorted, "Hardly,"

Ember swatted him, "Blaise, you do realise we could've gone together if you didn't ask Bobbins? As friends, of course."

"Yes, I'm not stupid I did think of that... But, I wanted to go with Bobbins over you, have you seen her? She's a bloody model for Merlin's sake —"

"I'd be quiet right now if I were you," warned Ember, nodding her head towards the entrance of the all where Pansy, Daphne and Georgia were walking in and over to the table. "I better go,"

"Finding Potter?" teased Blaise earning another swat on the arm. "Jeez, violent much? I was kidding... kind of..."

"No, I'm going to find Cullen." Ember said to him, scowling.

Blaise laughed, "You'll have no luck — He purposefully got detention with Snape so that he could talk him into giving him more 'O's on his essay. I'm not sure why he thinks it'll work since Snape hates him, I think he hardly wanted to give Cullen detention because he didn't want any extra time with him, oh well, Cullen's one of a kind,"

"Well then I'll find Draco," Ember said.

"Room of Requirement," answered Blaise seriously. "He's been in there for around three hours today — Maybe you should go and help him, actually."

Ember didn't reply, she just nodded and headed out of the hall. She was sent a cold look from Georgia when passing and frowned to herself. It was unlike Georgia to be rude to anyone, but these were extreme circumstances — Everyone was aware of how much Georgia hated Death Eaters. It was just something that had always been a part of their group. Billie loved Quidditch, Cullen loved Snape, Draco hated Harry Potter, Ember hated her father, Blaise hated Hamish Urqhart and Georgia hated Death Eaters.

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