Step 38: Run Away From Them

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"You can't just ignore me!" called Potter, running after Ember a month after the incident.

Ember did just that, ignored him, the same way she had been doing for four weeks. She wasn't talking to someone who almost murdered her best friend. That's just something she wasn't ready to do. As if the feeling she had for him never existed, they had disappeared and everything on her mind was just the mission. To help Draco in every way possible and Potter had slowed them down a considerable amount.

"Rowle! Please!" he said exasperatedly. "I just need to explain!"

Ember whipped around, sending him an evil look, "Explain that you tried to kill Draco? I don't think there's anything to say, Potter. He lost so much blood that I'm surprised he's still alive. You just don't know when to stop, do you? I'm not stupid — I see those two house-elves of yours trailing after Draco. It's none of your business what he's doing, okay? Leave me and him alone!"

"Please, Ember —"

Ember stopped in her tracks, staring at him with wide-eyes, "Don't call me that."

"It's your name... Everyone calls you that." Potter replied.

Ember shook her head and gulped, "Not you."

"What are you talking about... Who are you?" said Potter, furrowing his eyebrows as he studied her.

"Leave me alone, Potter. Draco's out of the Hospital Wing and I need to do something —"

"Go to the Room of Requirement," Potter suggested.

Ember didn't reply, she continued to walk to the stairs and silently pleaded that Potter wouldn't follow her. She was out of luck, because he power-walked to keep up with her. When she stepped onto the staircases she sighed in relief as they changed so that Potter couldn't get to them. She marched off of them and to the empty space that was where the Room of Requirement was placed.

"Draco?" she called as she pushed the door open and stepped in. "It's Ember."

"I did it," he breathed, his blond hair was dishevelled and falling down onto his eyes, he looked exhausted and terrified. "I fixed it... They're coming tonight."

"Tonight?" repeated Ember.

"Tonight," Draco confirmed.

Ember launched herself onto Draco, hugging him tightly while tears slipped down his face ever-so-slowly, "You did it! You really really did it!"

"He knows," whispered Draco. "He's sending them here. Tonight."

"We have to warn the others." Ember realised. "What are we going to do?"

"You're staying in the common room while I.... while I kill Dumbledore," Draco answered.

"No way," Ember said shaking her head. "I'm coming with you. I'll be there with you."

As much as Draco argued with Ember about it, she was still standing her ground. She had to be there for him in this time — He'd break without her and neither of them could afford it. The only problem that buzzed in Ember's mind was Harry Potter. That's why she found herself waiting for him outside of the Gryffindor Tower — two hours before everything was about to go to hell. Two hours before the Death Eaters stormed into Hogwarts with nothing but murder on their minds.

Ember watched Potter exit the common room through the portrait of the Fat Lady (whom Ember was terrified of) and she quickly dashed out to follow him.

"I thought you didn't want to speak to me," he said quietly, still walking and not looking Ember in the eye.

"I needed to warn you about something."

How To Annoy A Gryffindor ; harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now