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WARNING: i published two parts. you must check out the previous part before reading this.

Six Slytherins met on the same day. September 1st 1991.

Ember Rowle stood on Platform Nine and Three Quarters, looking around at her surroundings. The sound of the great big steam engine filled her ears. She would never admit it, but it was sad to see so many bright and happy faces - thanking their parents for taking them to the train station. She didn't have a family. No one to see her off.

"Ember Rowle," eleven-year-old Draco Malfoy said, grinning at her. "I thought I saw ugly."

"Draco Malfoy, charming as ever," Ember said, raising her eyebrows at the boy.

He winked, "You know it. Come on, mother and father say I should get on the train and I think together we'll be capable to find a seat with someone actually respectable."

"You have high expectations, Draco. I think it will be hours before we find someone you deem respectable. However, we shall see what happens," Ember said, leading the way to the scarlet colour train.

She was right, of course. After many attempts to find someone that Draco was actually happy with sitting with, the two settled for an empty compartment. Only the two of them... until someone slid open the door. He wore a plain white shirt, black Italian shoes and a nasty expression.

"Pure-blooded, I assume," noted Ember, looking him up and down then she turned to Draco, "He has Italian shoes. Blaise Zabini? I heard your mother has a new husband."

He scowled, "That's none of your business. Snappy tone, ugly face and best friends with a blond-headed prat? I assume you're Ember Rowle, then. A disgrace to the pure-blooded wizards if you ask me."

Ember sneered, "You're funny. I wouldn't be saying things like that. My father may be in Azkaban but we Rowle's are still on top of the Sacred Twenty-Nine. Malfoy if next. So I suggest you shut your mouth and sit down, Zabini."

The compartment door opened an hour later, revealing a girl, with bright blue hair that looked almost silver. She grinned at everyone, her legs practically bounding with excitement. Everyone in the compartment stared at her as she took a seat next to Draco, who scooted away from her considerably.

"Hi everyone, I'm Billie Barker and I just wanted to say that you all have resting bitch faces. That means that you're sad and I hate sad people... Do you want to see my Quidditch robes?"

"We can't play Quidditch until second-year," snapped Draco.

The girl laughed in his face, "I like you, you're funny. I don't think some rule is going to stop me from trying out for the team. I'm the best Quidditch player ever!"

Blaise scoffed, "You wish. I'm sure I could beat you in a match."

"You're on," she said, beaming at him.

When the train arrived at Hogwarts, everyone was whispering to one another. Ember and Draco were forced to share a boat with Mr Italian Shoes and Miss Blue Hair. An odd group but they couldn't do anything about it. The little boats took them across to the castle where a Professor met them there, telling them her name was Professor McGonagall.

"What house do you think you'll be in?" whispered Billie to Ember.

"Slytherin," Ember replied dully.

Nothing more was said, except for Draco who decided it would be a fabulous idea to try to befriend Harry Potter... Let's just say that didn't go all too well. His handshake was rejected and this only caused more of a love for the scarred boy. Just because he was famous, didn't make him a hero.

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