Step 28: Practically Stalk Them

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"Is it true?" a voice whispered to the left of Ember after Charms.

Harry Potter stood there, looking at her expectantly — he was slightly out of breath too, having obviously sprinted to catch up with her. His circle glasses were on the bridge of his nose, hanging slightly lopsided and his black hair was messily covering his eyes. He was also panting slightly.

Ember narrowed her eyes at the boy, "Is what true, Potter?"

"You're really pregnant with my baby?" he asked.

Ember choked on her saliva and spun on the spot causing Harry to freeze in his tracks, "As much as I know you'd love to, we've never shagged and if you know the circle of life you should be smart enough to figure out that I'm not bloody pregnant!"

"Oh," Harry said embarrassed, rubbing his neck. "Who's is it then?"

"Holy shit, you're thicker than Crabbe and Goyle! I'm a virgin, Harry Potter — And for the love of Merlin, if this is how stupid you are I hope that you are as well," said Ember, shaking her head at the boy who was still looking as clueless as ever.

Harry blinked, once and then twice, deciding it was best to change the awkward subject he said, "Are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?"

Ember began walking again and Harry stumbled after her.

"Why, are you asking me to go with you?" Ember snorted.

"What?" Potter exclaimed. "No, no, no — that's not what I meant, I was just asking."

Ember raised an eyebrow, "I don't know if I should be offended or relieved." she then noticed his pained expression and added, "Sorry — I dunno, I'll probably go with Cullen."

"Cullen O'Connell?" questioned Harry.

"Who else in their right mind would call their kid Cullen?" Ember answered, her face scrunched up.

Harry nodded, "Fair point. So... What do you even like to do in Hogsmeade? I think I've only seen you there twice, third-year by the Shrieking Shack —"

"What?" Ember asked, tilting her head at Harry. "You weren't even there! That's when we got attacked by some stupid ghost or something... Draco was traumatised for w— It was you under that bloody cloak!" Ember realised, horrified. "Harry Potter, you sneaky little —"

" — and then last year, Valentine's Day —" Harry quickly continued.

"Yeah, I know that one," muttered Ember bitterly.

"You know, I think that's the only reason I'm speaking to you right now," commented Harry.

Ember side-glanced him as they were walking, "Why's that?"

"You weren't rude to me, it was the first time ever that you never snapped at me — I saw you vulnerable and I guess something changed," Harry answered earnestly.

"You've seen me vulnerable once before, Potter," Ember said slowly.

It was Harry's turn to raise an eyebrow questioningly, "When?"

"Exactly a week after the Christmas holidays last year."

"The mass breakout in Azkaban." Harry realised, remembering the day Ember had frozen in the middle of the Great Hall, as if something in her body has just glitched out and paralysed her. "Er — I don't know if I should ask, but, have you spoken to him?"

"No," Ember answered honestly. "I haven't. I might. I have no idea... It's complicated."

"It's fine, you don't have to talk about it — I understand... Hell, I understand completely." Harry said and he reached out to grab her arm comfortingly but she flinched away quickly.

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