Step 27: Be "Pregnant"

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Ember was just about hating life at this point. She managed to successfully convince Snape that she was ill by taking on of the Puking Pastilles from the Skiving Snackbox that she had bought from the Weasley twins shop during the summer. Spending so many days in her room, occasionally slipping another of the sweets into her mouth whenever Madam Pomfrey was forced to check on her. Draco and Cullen hadn't visited her and she hadn't spoken to them either. It was horrible being away from them but she was too stubborn to say anything to them.

"I swear to Merlin if you keep pacing up and down I'm going to slap you," commented Georgia as she watched Ember speed around the room nervously.

Billie laughed, "I'd love to see you try, Georgie Porgie."

"If you call me that one more time it'll be you with the sore face, not Ember." Georgia snapped angrily. "I can't focus when all I can hear is stupid footsteps stomping on the ground!"

"Then, by all means, go down to the common room," replied Ember, raising her eyebrows at Georgia.

Georgia rolled her eyes, "No. I need to be in here to destroy Pansy's hair products."

"You're destroying Pansy's hair products?" Billie asked, suddenly more interested in the conversation. "Can I help?"

Ember groaned and flopped on her bed, her head bounding on the pillow. She watched as Georgia sighed in relief and continued to pour some strange potion in Pansy's conditioner — Billie eyeing it off eagerly.

"Do you think I could drink this?" questioned Billie, holding up the potion that Georgia had prepared which was now turning a burning shade of red.

"Definitely not," Georgia answered, snatching the flask out of Billie's hand. "It's like bleach, it'll kill you."

"Oh, in that case, hand it over," Ember said groggily, reaching her arm out to grab the potion from Georgia who swatted her away, annoyed.

"Just because all of the Slytherins that were in the common room last night think you shagged Harry Potter and Cullen and Draco both hate you, doesn't mean that you should have bloody suicidal thoughts." Georgia scolded.

"Wow, Georgia. Thank you so much for making me feel a lot better." Ember said sarcastically. "You guys are the best friends I've ever had really —"

"What the hell are you doing!" a loud shriek came from the door as Pansy Parkinson rushed in, pushing Georgia to the side —knocking her onto the ground. "Are you trying to poison me?"

Georgia got up angrily, brushing herself off, "You ungrateful bitch! I bought that off Witch Weekly months ago and it finally came today. It's the new 'Shiny Locks' shit that you always buy. I was trying to be nice, Pans, Merlin!" she lied smoothly and Ember had to stifle a giggle as Billie gave Georgia a confused look.

"Oh..." Pansy said shortly. "I'm sorry, thank you — Go back to whatever you were doing... Come on, Theo."

Ember's face crinkled at the sight to the boy, "God, you were coming up here to snog Theodore Nott? I thought your standards were higher than that, Pans, come on!"

"Hey, virgin. How's it going? I know you missed me." Theo said, sending Ember a flirty wink.

"Don't call me 'virgin'!" she exclaimed, throwing whichever pillow was closest to her at his face causing him to moan slightly.

"I'm not the only one calling you 'virgin', apparently Daphne spread the rumour about your little outburst around the whole castle. I'd be surprised if that perfect little Potter you love so much ever speaks to you again because other rumours sprouted and basically everyone thinks that you're pregnant —"

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