Step 19: Break Down

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The year had finally come to an end. After having a psychopath for a teacher, your best friend's father in Azkaban, exams that could change your life and a cheating boyfriend, Ember could finally relax and just take some leisure time during the holidays. She could boss around her muggle siblings and make them get things for her, she could just floo to her friends' houses whenever she wanted to. This was going to be the best holidays ever.

The ride to Platform Nine and Three Quarters back to the Hogwarts Express was quiet. Draco refused to speak to anyone, he would be returning home with only his mother. Billie was trying to coax Cullen into a game of Exploding Snap. Georgia and Blaise were in their own compartment, either snogging the life out of each other or just sitting with Pansy and Theo. Ember was trying to sleep, she had a book covering her face and would yell at Cullen or Billie if they started speaking too loud.

"Em," whispered Draco.

Ember looked at her friend frightened, she immediately lifted the book over her head and leaned closer to him, "What is it? Is something wrong? Are you alright?"

"Stop talking, you're annoying," said Draco, though he said it in the most playful way you could if you're dad had basically just got a death sentence.

"What is it then?" Ember said quietly, frowning at the blond.

Draco's eyes turned sad as he addressed his friend, "Mother sent me an owl this morning."

"So?" Ember asked, furrowing her eyebrows. "What does that have to do with me?"

"She said you need to come to the manor for some of the holidays," he replied in such a low voice that Ember could barely even hear him.

"Awesome," Ember said. "I love going to your place,"

Draco shook his head, "You don't understand, Em."

Ember studied Draco's face, his grey eyes were covered with what was either anger or sadness, perhaps both. He hadn't bothered to brush his hair, and whenever that happened Ember usually worried for him.

"No way," she muttered. "I'm not going, you can't make me."

"Of course I wouldn't let you if you had a choice!" Draco snapped, hoping that Cullen and Billie's game was loud enough so they didn't hear him.

"I'll run away." insisted Ember, though even she knew there was no getting out of it.

Draco gulped, "You don't want to see how that will end up for you."

Ember sighed and breathed in and out, trying to calm down her breathing, "We're really doing this? We're just going to give in that easy? Draco, I don't know if I can do that... As much as I hated living with Amanda, Sabrina and Romeo, I actually don't mind them now. Muggles aren't as annoying at they seem —"

"Turn into a blood-traitor and he'll find a way to kill you," murmured Draco, his face blank and serious.

Ember gasped, "God no, I'd never turn into a bloody Weasley."

The train stopped shortly after their conversation. Ember could hear the scuffling of students grabbing their trunks and heading out to meet their families outside of the Hogwarts Express.

"Draco," Ember said, watching Cullen and Billie leave the compartment. "When do I have to come?"

"Half-way through the holidays but —" his voice wavered slightly, "— could you come earlier?"

Ember launched herself ontop of him, engulfing him in a massive hug, "I'd never — ever — let you go through that alone. I'll be there the second week."

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