Step 35: Kill Someone

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"Er —" Harry said awkwardly, stepping further away from Ember with his hand rubbing the back of his neck. "I should go,"

Ember frowned as she watched him hurtle himself down the stairs and back to the Gryffindor common room. A million thoughts filled her brain. She couldn't believe what had just happened. Yet, the explosion that she felt in her stomach at the contact of his skin was as if the stars and the moon had collided.

"Get your head together, Ember," she muttered to herself in the middle of the deserted corridor. "It was just a one-time thing,"

Over the month and a bit, it was definitely a 'one-time thing', Harry Potter was no longer speaking to her and she didn't want to say anything to him herself. The entire ordeal was awful and even with all of the things on Ember's mind, she couldn't get over the kiss that had occurred many weeks before.

She spent most of the time in Draco's dormitory, plotting on how to stick to their plans and succeed their mission in order to keep in their parents and the Dark Lord's good graces. They had to make as many plan B's as possible with the prospect of never getting the Cabinet fixed in their minds.

"Look at them," muttered Cullen to Ember one afternoon as they walked back up from the Ravenclaw against Hufflepuff Quidditch game.

He was looking at Georgia Donovan talking to Harry Potter causing Ember's heart to drop. She was laughing at something that he had said, pushing his shoulder playfully and he looked at her with a shy smile — The same shy smile that Ember has seen before he leaned into kiss her.

"Breaks up with me so that she can flirt with your husband? The audacity." Blaise said, shaking his head in disappointment as his eyes glued onto the scene. "Two people can play at that game. Ember, you up for a round of 'Jealousy?"

Ember's eyes tore away from the two in front of them and looked at Blaise incredulously, "Another one of your stupid games, Blaise? I don't know what I think about that."

"Don't think, just feel," said Blaise, winking as he latched an arm around Ember's. "Now, you are officially my fake girlfriend until those two learn to sort out their priorities."

"Blaise, that's ridiculous," Cullen exclaimed quietly, looking at Blaise as if he were crazy.

Blaise raised his eyebrow at Cullen, "Mate, you're the one with the 'Harry Potter Hating Fan Club' so I suggest you let Ember and I play 'Jealousy' while you help to try and get that stupid Gryffindor off of my girlfriend!"

Ember frowned as she looked ahead of her and the boys to see Georgia standing way too close to Potter and she couldn't help but ask herself, maybe she was jealous? But of Georgia... that just sounded absurd. As Ember watched them she could've sworn Georgia turned around and winked at Ember, then began to continue with her pursuit for Potter.

"Did you see that or am I going mad?" Blaise asked, boiling with rage. "You saw that right?"

Cullen groaned, "What, Blaise, I swear —"

"No, you're right, I saw it too," answered Ember, her face scrunched in confusion. "Who does she think she is? I can't believe her! No one treats you like that without my permission —"

"What's up, guys?" Billie said, bounding over to the group with Vaisey. "Did you like the game today? I knew Ravenclaw would smash Hufflepuff! Plus, I can't believe Georgia wanted to sit in the Gryffindor stands! She's never done that before —"

"She sat in the Gryffindor stands?" Blaise repeated, his voice so low and dark that even Ember was surprised at how furious he seemed.

"I know right. She's a total traitor, even Ember hasn't done that and she's snogged Harry Potter!" exclaimed Billie, nudging Ember.

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