Step 15: Fight With Your Friends

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Ember wasn't feeling up to it today. The pressure of OWLs was consuming her, studying until past curfew, worrying about her father trying to kill her and more importantly, dying to get a chance to leave the castle.

Ember had no reason not to believe Harry Potter and his story about You-Know-Who being alive and she knew that anyone who thought otherwise was foolish. The clues were right there with all the Azkaban breakouts and the Ministry being so secretive. Lord Voldemort was alive again and no matter how much Ember disliked Harry Potter she had to agree with him just this once.

Severus Snape was livid, he didn't want his goddaughter to get into more trouble than she already had. He didn't want Austin Rowle to bust into Hogwarts and take her and he lost certainly didn't want Ember running out of Hogwarts to find him and quite possible kill him.

Clearing her thoughts what something that Ember did a lot. Exercising was her main thing to help, or just taking a nice long walk on the grounds.

She wondered through the castle so deep in thought she didn't even realise that it was past curfew.

"Shit," she muttered, catching the beady yellow eyes of Filch's cat Mrs Norris.

Ember sprinted off as fast as she could to the dungeons and muttered the password rapidly under her breath, bursting into the room.

Cullen shot up out of his seat, he looked like he had just been in a heated argument with Draco. He put an arm to Ember's neck and pressed her hard against the wall.

"Where the fuck have you been?" he snapped, his face just inches from her.

Ember shoved him off as forcefully as she could, but he hardly budged, "Piss off, Cullen, I'm fine."

"You skipped four classes!" he exclaimed. "You've never skipped potions. Ember, what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Cullen, leave her alone," Draco said. "I'll deal with her."

"Like fuck you will," retorted Cullen. "Get away from her."

"What the hell has gotten into you?" Ember barked, scowling at the two boys. "I don't have time for your stupid boy drama, leave me the hell out of it. Blaise? What's going on?"

A harsh laugh sounded through the common room, Theodore Nott was sitting there grinning like a maniac.

"You're so naive," he said, laughing.

"Fuck off, Nott," said Draco, glaring at the other Slytherin. "Go back to be being a pedophile with your second-year girlfriend."

"You know what?" Ember said, rounding on Draco and Cullen. "Until you work out your stupid problems I refuse to speak to either of you."

"Em —"

Ember narrowed her eyes at the boys, "I said what I said, now piss off and let me talk to Blaise,"

Ember walked over to Blaise who was sitting alone and reading, Billie and Georgia had already done up to their dormitory.

Blaise sighed and put his book down, closing it softly, "Where were you?"

Ember shook her head, "Do you have to ask?"

"Well, yes, if you're going to leave for four classes and then turn up past curfew I have the right to ask where you were," he said, raising his eyebrows.

"I just went for a walk around the grounds, it's not a big deal," replied Ember. "Do you know what's wrong with those dickheads?" she added, nodding her head towards Draco and Cullen who were arguing again.

Blaise shook his head, "They're idiots. I think it's something to do with Harry,"

"Potter?" Ember questioned. "Why are they arguing about him?"

Blaise shot Ember a quizzical look, "You don't know? He was talking about you to Weasley and Granger during potions,"

"I skipped potions, how could I know?"

"You seem to know everything." Blaise answered truthfully.

"What was he saying about me? Putting down my dad I'm guessing," said Ember bitterly.

Blaise gave a gentle laugh, "Quite the opposite actually,"

Ember furrowed her eyebrows in response, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"You should ask him for yourself, Mrs Potter,"

"If you're going to act like a dick I won't speak to you either," snapped Ember.

"I'm not!" said Blaise, raising his hands up in defence. "I'm being perfectly serious, he was saying how much he loves you and how he wants to get married and have cute little babies —" Blaise was cut off by Ember who threw a large cushion at his head with as much force as possible.

"Ember!" Blaise cried out, covering his face as she whacked him repeatedly. "Stop it!"

The next few days had been harder than ever. Not speaking to Draco and Cullen was hell for Ember, but they needed to learn to grow up and stop being such babies. The two boys hadn't been talking either, Draco hung around Crabbe and Goyle while Cullen was actually making an effort to get back into Ember's good graces.

The news of the Weasley twins departure had spread around the entire school and Ember was lucky that when it happened was the day she decided to take a break from her Inquisitorial Squad duties. She could tell that the story wouldn't die out any time soon, the Weasley twins were slowly, but surely becoming Hogwarts legend.

The tale of how they pelted Dungbombs on Umbridge, setting an entire corridor with an indoor swamp before summoning their brooms which she stole from them and leaving Hogwarts. Even though Ember held a slight grudge against the Weasley family she had to admire the twins for what they did. The pink bastard finally got what she deserved.

"If I have to endure another lesson of Snape I might just pull a Weasley," Ember heard a Hufflepuff third-year say when she was walking to the Great Hall one day. She couldn't help but snicker in response, it was funny to hear students say things like that.

Fred and George made sure not to leave instructions on how to remove the giant swamp that now occupied the the corridor on the fifth floor of the east wing.

Many people were inspired by the Weasley's, trying to cause as much havoc as possible to let the mischief maker's legend live on. Someone even managed to sneak a Niffler into Umbridge's office much to her surprise and anger.

"Bloody hell," Ember said to Georgia as they walked out of Potions. "This is the best, I love watching her in pain... I'm actually considering leaving the Inquisitorial Squad but then again it's too amusing to take points away from the midget first-years,"

Georgia shook her head, laughing, "That's exactly what I said to Blaise last night,"

"I can't believe her!" Billie burst out. "She's being such a party pooper with Quidditch. At least Slytherin can win with Potter and the Weasley twins banned, but there's no competition!"

"Of course, it's not about what you know. It's who you know..." Draco was telling Crabbe and Goyle loudly. "Now father's been friendly with the head of the Wizarding Examinations Authority for years — old Griselda Marchbanks — we've had her round for dinner and everything..."

"Draco, love, don't flatter yourself," Ember said, dancing over to the blonde, linking her arm in his. "You won't be saying the same when you fail your OWLs —"

"So you don't talk to me for weeks and that's the first thing you say?" Draco said cooly. "Some friend you are."

"You have friends?" Cullen said, linking his arm in Draco's spare one. "I didn't know. Where are they?"

Just like that, it was all fine again. Their trio was back to normal, helping each other s to fu for OWLs which were coming in just a few days, reading each other constantly and of course the most important; protecting each other from the harm that was about to come.

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