Step 13: Laugh When Someone Gets Sacked

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"Draco you are bloody brilliant," Ember said grinning at her best friend who was standing on top of a bunch of connected tables in the middle of the Slytherin Common Room.

"Gather 'round everyone!" Draco yelled through the common room attracting the attention of many of the Slytherins in the room. Soon the whole common room was standing around the makeshift stage. "Another Quidditch match is here and I hope you're all wearing your badges, now that we've got Potter and the Weasley twins kicked off the team our next job is to make the other Weasle-bee fail—" a set of cheers surrounded the room at the mention of Ron Weasley, many of the Slytherins starting to sing verses of the song Draco created 'Weasley is Our King'.

"Shut it everyone — Listen to Draco!" Cullen yelled but no one heard him making Ember laugh at him.

"Oi, you lot!" said Ember as loud as she possibly could. "Shut your mouths and let Draco finish,"

To Cullen's dismay, everyone listened to the girl and the sound in the common room died down slightly as Draco smirked around at everyone — with his famously annoying smirk.

"It's Gryffindor's against Hufflepuff and unless you'd like to skip out — I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to — then put you badges on and make sure you know the words to 'Weasley is our King', Pansy Parkinson has volunteered to hand out the parchment with the lyrics if you don't know them... That's all for now!"

Draco stepped down from the 'stage' and Montague hopped up along with Pucey, Warrington and Urquart.

"One of our Beaters has decided to step down from their position as Beater as they recently got a very bad concussion — Thanks for being an asset to the team, Lucian," announced Montague. "Unfortunately this means that we'll be needing another Beater so those of you who know how to fly a broom please come and speak to any of the boys standing up here and we'll decide if you're on the team,"

Ember heard a loud squeal over the immediate conversation that struck up through the area as many of the younger years stepped forward to go and put their names forward. That squeal had been emitted from the mouth of Billie Barker, of course, she was jumping up and down excitedly grabbing onto Crabbe's shoulder. Crabbe looked very disgruntled and her grumbled and groaned at Billie, trying to shove her off.

"I think that's the most physical affection the poor bloke's ever got," muttered Blaise to Georgia and Ember who burst into a fit of snickers at this comment. "What, am I wrong?"

"Not at all," Cullen said, his grin turning into a frown as he watched the older Quidditch boys smirking around at all the young girls fangirling over them. "Daphne's really rubbing in the relationship with Urquhart, isn't she?"

"Don't remind me," Ember spat gazing at the couple who had broke out into a heated snogging session.

"That could be me and you one day, Rowle," said the snarky voice of Theodore Nott as he snaked his arms around her shoulders.

Ember let out a harsh laugh, "In your dreams, Nott, what happened to that Ravenclaw I saw you snogging in the middle of the corridor the other day? Ditched her?"

"Nah, she's got a boyfriend —"

"She what?" shrieked Georgia outraged. "And you let her snog you!?"

"Hey! It was fully consensual —" Theo protested.

"You're disgusting, Theo," said Draco, though he was chuckling under his breath.

"You can't say anything, mate. I'm almost certain I saw you with Parkinson —" Theodore stopped speaking when he realised the dirty glare that Draco was giving him.

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