Step 11: Have a Valentine's Disaster

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"He still hasn't asked you?" exclaimed Billie in rage. "It's been two weeks since the date was announced and it's tomorrow!"

"It's fine," Ember said, though she was starting to get slightly nervous. "Maybe he just forgot,"

"Forgot?" scoffed Georgia. "How can you forget? Maybe he just wants to ask you in the morning,"

"Er— maybe?" said Ember.

It was after dinner on a Friday night and the three girls were in their dormitory speaking quietly while Pansy was already sleeping. They were talking about how Hamish Urqhart, Ember's boyfriend still hadn't asked her to the Valentine's Day Hogsmeade trip!

It had been a rough week since her father had been released from Azkaban. Many people liked to tease her about it or call her names and claim she was going to go and join Lord Voldemort. It didn't help that Professor Snape was keeping a watchful eye on her. And all the owls from Lucius Malfoy weren't helping Ember either.

"It'll be alright, he'll just ask you in the morning. I'm sure!" exclaimed Billie, almost waking Pansy up.

But Billie was wrong. The next morning, Ember couldn't even find Hamish! She'd searched the whole Slytherin common room, the Great Hall, the dungeons and she even went into the dormitory that he shared with Pucey, Montague and Warrington.

"I'm going to kill him!" Draco said angrily when Ember finally joined them at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall.

"No you won't," Ember commanded. "He might just be in the Hospital Wing or something," even though she said it confidently, she started to doubt herself.

"You know what, fuck him!" said Cullen, a little too loudly, several Slytherin heads turning and snickering. "Let's go to Hogsmeade, you, me and Draco."

"Yeah, alright," agreed Ember with a shrug. "We can go on a date to Madam Puddifoot's," she joked.

"Oh hell no," Draco muttered. "Father said I can't let you outside of Hogwarts grounds —"

"Well tell Lucius to get stuffed," said Ember. "I want to have a day with my friends, outside of the castle!"

Draco rolled his eyes but he grinned, "Fine, but if he asks you threatened me!"

Cullen laughed, "Yeah, alright, mate. Come on, you up for a run? Let's run there!"

"Let's go!" exclaimed Ember, getting out of her seat and extending her arms so she could help Draco and Cullen out of their own seats.

Draco was not the best runner ever, perhaps that's why he played Quidditch because you didn't actually have to run anywhere. Ember and Cullen sprinted ahead of him at full speed, all the way to Hogsmeade.

"Where do you want to go?" asked Cullen, panting heavily.

"Usually I would never ever say this, but I'd quite like to see all the couple drama that happens so let's go to Madam Puddifoot's!" Ember said.

Draco, Cullen and Ember all headed to the pink tea shop. It reminded her of Professor Umbridge's office at school. Many couples were already in there, laughing and talking.

"I'm surprised you didn't get a Valentine," said Ember to Draco.

"Oh, I got plenty," he shrugged. "I didn't fancy coming here though and that's what most suggested, but I guess here I am anyway,"

Cullen scoffed, "'Oh, I got plenty!'" he mimicked. "I got zero! Not even from Daphne, I thought for sure she'd ask me today!"

"'She'd ask you?'" Ember asked, raising her eyebrow at her clueless friend. "You're supposed to ask her, you dimwit! Merlin, you are stupid!"

"Hey!" said Cullen. "I'm not stupid! I'm actually very smart—"

"Oh, sure," teased Ember.

"Hello dears, table for how many?" asked Madam Puddifoot when the four of them entered the tea shop.

"Er — three, please," Ember told the woman who nodded, though she didn't look too pleased that three people were coming instead of only two.

Once they sat down Draco ordered for each of them. An espresso for Draco and a green tea for both Ember and Cullen.

"Holy shit," said Cullen, gazing at a table in the middle of the room where two people were snogging right in front of everyone. Hamish Urqhart and Daphne Greengrass.

Ember choked on the drink that she had just sipped, "He's joking, right?"

"I'm going to kill him. I'm going to kill him." chanted Draco under his breath, gripping the edge table as hard as he could

Ember didn't think before she acted. She stood up abruptly and grabbed the coffee that Draco hadn't touched. She walked over to the couple and cleared her throat.

"Hey, Urqhart," she said, putting on a fake grin.

"Oh, shit," he muttered, but then he smirked. "Hello, Ember,"

"It's Rowle to you, asshole," and then she poured Draco's drink on his head, thankfully it was no longer hot otherwise it would've burned him... not that Ember would've cared. Cheating scum.

With that she left the coffee shop. Madam Puddifoot was flustered as she apologised to Hamish, though Ember was sure that it wasn't very sincere.

"Em, wait up!" exclaimed Cullen running after her.

"It's okay, Cullen, I just want to be alone right now," Ember said, not looking at her friend.

"Are you sure? I want to help you —"

"Please," Ember begged.

Cullen hesitated but then he nodded respectfully and pulled Draco to follow him to the Three Broomsticks.

Ember wandered around Hogsmeade sadly and angrily. Hamish really was a dickhead. Why had she ever wanted to go out with him? Draco was right all along!

She slumped down on a bench away from the crowds of couples and students, she put her head in her hands and began rethinking every decision she'd ever made.

"Hey," a voice said. "Bad date?"

"You have no idea," she mumbled, though she didn't look up to see who the mysterious figure who was talking to her was.

"Me too! What the bloody hell do you do when your date starts crying about her ex-boyfriend right in front of you?"

"Well, my boyfriend —  now ex-boyfriend — was snogging one of my friends in the middle of Madam Puddifoot's! Ugh, some boys!" she took her head out of her hands exasperated and looked to her left to see Harry Potter sitting there, his matted black hair was messier than ever and his green eyes widened as he realised who the sad girl he was talking to was.

"Potter," Ember said slowly. "Come to tell me how scum I am?"

"Er — No, not at all," he said awkwardly. "I didn't know it was you, I just wanted to see if you were  — Erm — alright? Anyway, I've got to go, then."

He dashed away leaving Ember in shock. Her enemy had just ranted to her about his date... What the bloody hell was that?

Even if Harry had no idea it was Ember's face that was buried in between those hands he was glad that he went to ask if she was okay. He didn't know why, but he felt compelled to talk to her. It was weird.

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