Step 5: Be a Nosy Prat

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Ember waltzed into the Great Hall as if she owned the place. She strutted to the Slytherin table with poise and purpose. Today was a Hogsmeade weekend and she was going to make sure that she had a good time.

"Girls," Ember greeted plopping down next to Billie Barker. "And boys," she added looking at Draco, Cullen and Blaise.

"What's got you all peppy?" asked Georgia wearing a smirk across her face.

Ember shrugged, "Hogsmeade, I've been dying to get some Butterbeer from The Three Broomsticks,"

"You're not the only one," Cullen said with a goofy grin across his face. "I think I'm going to die if I don't get some Butterbeer..."

"Always the drama queen, Cullen," Blaise said.

Cullen winked, "You know it, mate,"

Ember looked around her, she was trying to find Draco, "Where's Draco?" she asked her other friends.

"I think he wanted to get an early start to Hogsmeade," Billie piped up. "Crabbe and Goyle are with him I assume,"

Ember rolled her eyes, "He was going on and on about how 'Potter's up to something with Granger and Wease;-bee'"

Georgia laughed, "That's our Draco with his stupid nicknames... 'Saint Pottah', 'Weasel-bee', 'Weaslette',"

The other five laughed with Georgia.

"Oh it's fine," Ember added grinning widely. "Don't forget that trio calls him ferret,"

"I don't think I could ever forget that," Cullen said chuckling.

Blaise sighed, "I wish I was there to see it,"

"It was the funniest thing I'd seen all year," Ember said. "Professor Moody... well not Professor Moody... but anyway he cast a spell on Draco that transfigured him into a ferret. McGonagall was furious, Cullen and I got front row seats of the whole thing,"

Each of the Slytherins laughed as they reminisced the good parts of last year.

"Merlin! Do you six ever shut up?" a voice said from down the table.

"Got a problem with us, Nott? You're probably just reckless," Billie said back.

"Bee, it's jealous, not reckless," sighed Ember to the girl sitting next to her, she just shrugged in response.

Theodore Nott looked at Billie as if she was crazy, which to be fair she pretty much was, "Alright there, Barker?"

Billie huffed in response, not wanting to give him the time of day.

"You going to Hogsmeade, Rowle?" Theodore continued.

Ember glanced at the boy with brown curly hair and a boyish face, "Yeah, you?"

"Of course, I need to stock up from Honeydukes," replied Theo. "I'm thinking of buying off of those Weasley twins... you think it'll be okay to eat?"

Ember raised her eyebrows, "What're they selling?"

"I dunno, but I heard a Hufflepuff talking about it earlier," Theodore answered.

"What were you doing with a Hufflepuff?" Georgia asked, scrunching her nose up. Theodore winked at her and left without saying another word. "I don't like that boy," Georgia added unhappily.

"Rowle!" yelled the high-pitch voice of the bitch, Pansy Parkinson. "Where's Drakey?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," deadpanned Ember.

"Just tell me, Rowle," growled Pansy jealously.

"He's sick," Ember lied. "He's in his dorm, perhaps you'd like to look after him for the day, Parkinson?"

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