Step 45: Fall For Them

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"They tried to steal the sword of Gryffindor from Snape's office?" Ember exclaimed, gaping at Draco incredulously.

The five, plus Vaisey, were sitting around the fireplace. They had originally been waiting for Draco to return from a Head Boy duty that he had (Ember had decided that she couldn't be bothered doing Head Girl duties anymore) but once he arrived back he informed them all that Lovegood, Weasley and Longbottom had snuck up to Snape's office and smashed open the glass case that protects the sword. Luckily, Snape caught them before they could reach the bottom of the stairs.

"I just said that didn't I?" snapped Draco, running his fingers through his hair and plopping himself down on an armchair to Ember's right.

Blaise scoffed, "How could they get any more stupid? It's like they have no regard for the rules."

"They don't," Vaisey said, shaking his head. "What was their punishment, Malfoy?"

"Detention with the Carrows," said Draco, though he bit his lip and Ember could tell there was more that he had to say, "in the Forbidden Forest."

"It's not Forbidden any more," realised Cullen, staring at Draco with wide-eyes.

Billie laughed, "You're funny, Cullen. I don't care whether they've actually said it's not forbidden, that place is Hell."

"Draco's the only one of us who's actually been in the Forbidden Forest and we all remember how that went. Imagine having to go in with the Carrows of all people, thank Merlin we're in Slytherin." Ember said, shuddering slightly.

When Draco had got back from his detention with Potter, Granger and Longbottom he was shaking so much and whispering about a figure that he had seen among the trees. It took almost a week to calm him down properly as he spoke about how Potter stayed there, unmoving as the hidden figure in the trees walked to him. Ember guessed that if Draco saw that now, he would no longer be scared... He had seen so many horrible things that she doubted he would even flinch.

No one spoke about the detention for weeks, not even the three who went. They all looked pretty shaken up after it though. Not even Gryffindors could brave that kind of punishment. The entire school year was going by so quickly that it scared Ember. The Christmas holidays were advancing so soon already and she was not ready to face the horrors of the Rowle Manor once again.

"You're selling you 'Harry Potter Hating Fan-Club' badges?" questioned Blaise, walking past Cullen holding a pouch of sickles and a box of red badges. "Merlin, where'd you get that ugly thing?" he added, scowling at the pouch Cullen was carrying everything in.

Blaise was right, it was the ugliest thing Ember had ever seen in her entire life. Yes, even uglier than Umbridge's face. It was a kind of bright green leather, that had to be fake, with bright, big silver words embroidered on it that said 'O'Connell Ornaments'.

Cullen grinned at Blaise and Ember, "Of course I am! Even the Carrows bought some from me, though they did give me a little shock when they walked by... But as long as they're getting bought then my business has officially started. Do you like the name? 'O'Connell Ornaments', very classy, don't you think?"

"Not at all," Ember said, shaking her head in disbelief. "Are people really buying those things?"

Cullen nodded and gestured further down the Slytherin table where many people were pinning the badges to their chest and then laughing and beaming about it to their friends. It seemed that he was actually gaining off these badges, no matter how silly it may seem. Snape didn't look too happy though, he glared down at the group of Slytherins but he didn't say anything. Many of the other houses had realised what was happening and they looked way angrier than Snape.

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