Step 34: Read the Letters

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"Rowle!" called Potter, sprinting up to the Slytherin as quick as he could. "Can we talk?"

Ember huffed. It had now been a week since the Christmas holidays and saw her father. She was spending most of her time with Draco in the Room of Requirement, fixing that stupid cabinet. The two of them were hardly eating anymore, just making sure that the task was done. They couldn't fail.

"Sure, what's up?" she said, trying to act as nice as possible. It was all part of her plan.

Potter sighed, "Before the Christmas break I heard you and Malfoy speaking to Snape —"

Ember's expression turned cold as she stared at Potter in disbelief, "You were eavesdropping?"

"Well — Er — Yes, but —"

Ember smirked, "Didn't your parents tell you it was rude to eavesdrop... Oh wait, you haven't got any —" Almost immediately Potter pulled out his wand and held it to Ember's neck, causing her to scoff at him. "If you wanted to hurt me you would've done it when I first spoke to you, Potter."

"You insulted my parents," Potter said gruffly, scowling at Ember as he stepped away.

Ember raised an eyebrow, "And you used to do it every day to me — Welcome to the club. So, what did you want anyway?"

"What were you talking about with Snape?" Potter asked again, a scowl still evident on his face as Ember just watched him in amusement.

"Oh come on, it's my birthday tomorrow. I can explain later," replied Ember breezily. "I have to go and find Draco —"

Potter grabbed Ember's left arm and Ember quickly jumped out of his grip, "Tell me, Rowle. What have you and Malfoy been up to?"

"If you think we gave that necklace to Katie Bell then you're wrong," growled Ember. "I suggest you mind your own business, Potter... It's nothing you have to worry about anyway,"

"That just makes it sound worse — What have you been doing?" Harry questioned aggressively.

Ember rolled her eyes, "If you must know, Snape and Draco have been planning a bloody surprised party for me, though Draco told me which doesn't make it much of a surprise and they're just trying to go over the details with one another but Draco doesn't want any help with it because he says he 'knows me' and what I like... Can you believe him? It's my party!" she lied smoothly.

Ember could tell that Potter was still suspicious about Ember's explanation but his face softened, "Your birthday's tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I said that already," Ember answered. "January thirteenth, the best day to have a birthday, am I right?"

Harry shrugged, "Not when it's a Friday,"

"Don't go all Divination on me, Potter, I heard it from Trelawney last year... 'You!! You're a demon born on the day of the unlucky... You will die on your birthday!' Blah, blah, blah..." Ember said in a surprisingly accurate impression of their old Divination teacher, Professor Trelawney. "That lady is batshit crazy."

Potter laughed and Ember soon joined in until Blaise Zabini showed up and both of them stopped to look at him curiously.

"As much as I hate to break up your little love session, Draco wants to talk to you and he's freaking out." Blaise said, shooting Potter a nasty look. "Now, Ember. I think it's something to do with the Scavenger hunt —"

"Love session?" questioned Potter dumbfounded, staring at Blaise in shock. "What—"

"He's freaking out about the Scavenger hunt?" Ember repeated incredulously, cutting Potter off. "Merlin, has he gone crazy?"

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