Step 14: Help the Headmistress

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Harry's face instantly contorted into one of horror when he realised what he had said.

"Erm — That's not what I meant... I don't know why I said that —"

Ember laughed mockingly, "Yeah, I get it, shut up before you embarrass yourself even more."

Er, bye, then," said Harry, his cheeks flushed and looking down at his toes in embarrassment.

"Alright then, Potter," Ember said, raising her eyebrow at him.

He turned away, scolding himself mentally. That just had to be the first thing he said, didn't it? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! He almost sprinted to the Gryffindor common room, wanting to get as far away as possible from the girl.

Ember stood there staring at Harry's retreating body as she blinked herself back to reality. What the fuck was that? Had Harry Potter just used a pickup line... on her? It felt like forever until she was able to move again, he initial state of shock rubbing off into anger. How dare he make a fool out of her. He had a bloody... girlfriend? Whatever Cho Chang was, they had each other.

As Ember walked into the dungeons which were particularly warm today she couldn't help but realise the different feeling in her chest. Holy shit. Were those butterflies? No way.

"Em?" Draco said as soon as she entered the common room. He stood up and began to fluster over her. "Are you alright? Your hair looks fine, he hasn't cursed your clothes at all, nor your teeth—"

"Draco, shut up, she's clearly alright," Georgia said, walking over to the pair and raising her eyebrows at Ember.

Ember exhaled a shaky laugh, "You will never believe what just happened,"

She told the group all about what Harry had said — they weren't too happy about it — and then told them how mortified he looked with himself as if he'd just shot someone straight in the head.

The next few days were awful for Ember. Her friends were convinced that Harry was trying to steal her away from them, which would be very hard to do since she was a stubborn person. Draco was like a bodyguard to her, always by her side and 'protecting her from the germs' as he liked to put it.

At the moment everyone was sitting in the common room, Ember was lying on the floor on her stomach as she bit the end of her quill trying to remember what event followed the Soap Blizzard of 1378.

"You're actually doing History of Magic?" Blaise asked. "No one ever studies for that, it's a waste of time, we're all going to drop it anyway,"

"I don't care, I want to get a good OWL on everything," replied Ember, not looking up from her parchment.

"The answer's Economic Crash," Draco said dully.

"Are you sure, I'm pretty sure the answer's Regulation of Weather Spells," said Cullen raising his eyebrow. "Just joking, listen to Draco, he's the smartest here,"

Suddenly the common room door burst open and there stood Umbridge, her face purple and angry.

"Uh oh," muttered Georgia.

"It wasn't me!" Billie yelled quickly.

"Thank you for that assessment, Miss Barker. Now I'll need some of you to help me with something, you see I've just been informed that there's a little Defence Against the Dark Arts organisation happening. You will all come with me to capture the students involved and take them to Dumbledore's office,"

Ember looked at Umbridge as if she were mad, "What's in it for us?"

"Miss Rowle you have no authority to say that to me —" Umbridge said.

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