Step 41: Figure it Out

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Ember Rowle sat at a desk in the Rowle library, abusing a piece of parchment as she scribbled furiously on it. Many theories filled her head about her life and the suspicious behaviour of her father. Reading the books in the library helped to understand what was going on, but it was also making her crazy.

She needed to know what was hidden behind that door in the East Wing. She needed to know why Austin was speaking to Lucretia. It made no sense, nothing ever did in the Rowle family. Especially why the hell Austin still hadn't returned home from his night's adventure — not that Ember was complaining.

"Let's try this again," she said to herself, holding her wand up. "Expulso."

The door only rattled slightly and Ember groaned, stepping back. Even an explosion wouldn't move the door and that meant that Ember was going to have to try every single spell that she knew.


The noise had come from somewhere above and it startled Ember so much that her wand got thrown up in the air and she fumbled to catch it. Ember looked up, cracking her neck as she did so.


It came again and Ember closed her eyes to listen to the sound one more time. Maybe it could give her a clue as to what was in the room.


Ember scanned the area and her eyes landed on the source of the noise. A big, red, drop of blood fell to the carpet, no doubt leaving a stain. It was so surprising to see the blood that Ember took a step back and examined from afar as the blood dripped down one more.

Staring wide-eyed at the red liquid trickling down, Ember finally got the courage to step forward. She rose a shaking hand as another drop fell down. The contact between the blood and her skin made her flinch as a burning sensation occurred. It had to be some kind of poison. Then she realised that she recognised this burning from Myrtle's bathroom all the way back in second-years. It was Basilisk blood. More specifically, Basilisk venom.

She ran to the bathroom, desperately wanting to get rid of the pain that was searing in her palm. As Ember washed the venom off of her hand she thought about why it was even there. Near the door of the East Win. It just added to the mystery of it all.

Hogwarts was starting again and Ember did not want to go. She wanted to stay home and continue to uncover the secrets that were hidden in the walls of the Rowle Manor. It was covered with mysteries, lies and questions that Ember still had yet to crack as September first came quickly.

After leaving Ember alone for two weeks, Austin had finally returned and was there to see her off to the Platform where the Malfoy's were waiting. It was a dreary day for everyone. Ember watched as parents choked out a very sad goodbye to their children for what could very well be the last time, especially with everything that was going on in the Wizarding World.

"Draco, let's go," Ember said quietly to the boy who stood in a black suit next to her.

His grey eyes were blank as he surveyed the area and his face was as pale as ever. He didn't say anything as he stormed off into the thinning crowd and towards the Hogwarts Express. Many students stumbled out of his way as he cut through them and stomped to the train, looking as if he couldn't care less that people were staring.

Narcissa Malfoy sighed as he watched her son, "I suppose you know what you're going to do now?"

Ember raised her eyebrow at the woman, "No, I wasn't aware I had a job to do... Or is this a request of the Dark Lord's?"

"You're to look on the train to see if Harry Potter is there. I told Draco to tell you earlier but he's been very out of it recently so I'm not sure if he heard me," explained Narcissa.

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