Step 8: Have a Date

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Ember hadn't really thought about getting a boyfriend. Ever. She, Draco and Cullen had always been a trio of best friends and every date she'd ever been on turned into nothing more since most of the boys got jealous of her friendship with the two boys. So, she hadn't thought about it... not until she developed a massive crush on the Slytherin Quidditch star Hamish Urquhart. He has just missed out on being the Captain this year because Montague had scored an excellent goal last year and no doubt Snape had wanted Montague over Hamish since they had more in common...

"What's got you so deep in thought?" asked Georgia as she came and sat next to Ember on her bed.

"Oh, it's nothing," replied Ember offering her a reassuring smile. "Are you and Blaise going to Hogsmeade together?"

"Yeah, he asked me last night. You can tag along if you'd like, though," Georgia said returning Ember's smile.

"No, it's alright. I'll have to make sure Draco doesn't cause any trouble."

"Are you sure you're alright?" questioned Georgia getting up and standing in front of Ember.

"Of course she's alright! She has a date to Hogsmeade!" exclaimed Billie bounding happily into the room with her high levels of energetics she usually had.

"She what?" said Georgia her eyes widening. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I- I what? I didn't even know I had a date to Hogsmeade! What are you talking about?" Ember asked angrily to Billie.

"Well, Montague told Pucey who told Warrington who told Draco who told Crabbe and Goyle—"

"Get to the point!" interrupted Ember.

"Hamish Urquhart wants to ask you to go with him!" yelled Billie excitedly. "Oh, he's so handsome! And he's a Quidditch player! How dreamy!"

"H-Hamish Urquhart?" Ember asked her breathing quickening. "I hope you aren't playing some sick joke on me, Bee!"

"You've liked him forever!" said Georgia joining in with Billie's victory dance.

"She so has!" agreed Billie. "We need to make you look irresistible when he asks you! Ahhh, I'm so excited for you!"

"So, this isn't a joke?" said Ember cautiously. "Why would he want to ask me? That's ridiculous!"

Georgia laughed, "Does it matter why? He did it that's all that matters! You're going on a date with a hot sixth-year!"

"Holy Hufflepuff! What're you gonna wear! C'mon we have to help you get ready!" Billie exclaimed hurrying over to Ember's wardrobe and pulling out a whole bunch of clothes until she decided she didn't like anything Ember owned and she retreated to Georgia's trunk of clothes.

"Chill out, Bee! I don't want to have to clean this all up when we get back," Georgia grumbled.

Billie waved her had dismissively, "It's fine, I'll clean it up later, for now, we have to get Ember looking like a sexy Slytherin!"

Ember groaned, "Never, ever, say that again."

When Billie had finally decided on something suitable for Ember to wear she shoved it in her arms and told her to have a shower using Pansy's fancy hair products that she never let any of the girls touch. Ember did as she was told, she liked to be pampered by her friends sometimes.

"Damn, you look hot!" exclaimed Georgia when Ember stepped out of the bathroom wearing the clothes Billie had picked out and she had put on only mascara with no other makeup.

The clothes that Billie had picked out were casual and something that Ember would actually wear which was a good thing because most of Georgia's clothes were not Ember's particular style. She was wearing a pair of light wash jeans and a green long-sleeved top.

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